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Izzy Shale

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Izzy was sat peacefully near the lakefront minding her own business as usual.she had her i pod in her hand and was oblivious to the world going on around her. Later on she would be needing to owl Alexis or someone just to update them on what had been happening this week. She just wanted to relax and concentrate on choreograghing to her favourite tracks. But that wasnt going to happen.
Jerrod walked along to the lake and kicked a stick into the water. The feud between the two families was putting him in a bad mood and he couldn't talk with Lily about it because she was too busy with her boyfriend. Jerrod though Logan was ok but he didn't think so much of him that he would want Lily dating him.
Jerrod turned and kicked another stick. It landed next to a girl. He recognised the girl from around school but he didn't know her. Jerrod put his hands in his pockets and looked across the lake, not caring that he had almost hit a girl with a stick.
`Um excuse m.. do you really have to throw this`she said indicating the stick.`anyway whats your name,cos i swear we have met before.`although it may have just been seeing each other around corridors.Izzy stood up turning her ipod volume down and putting it in her pocket so as not to loose it.She walked towards the boy.
Jerrod tured back to the girl when he heard her speaking. "1) I didn't chuck it at you, I kicked it. 2) I wasn't aiming for you as I didn't even see you there. I was just kicking aimlessly." He rolled his eyes at this pathetic girl. "I'm Darren Green." Jerrod always went by his middle name when he was talking to people he didn't trust. Once they earnt his trust then he would say his real name but until then they would have his middle name.
`well it still came towards me.`she said stubornly.then listened for his name.when she heard the Green she imeadiatly related it to her sisters boyfriend,Steve.`Are you related to Steve Green?` she asked shyly.Then awaited an answer.If he was then she would be able to go and see caley and talkto her about it.
Jerrod grinned, cheekily. Except his cheeky grin was more of an evil grin. "Do you feel like becoming my slave??" He shrugged. "Because, you know, I'm pretty sure you want your sister to be happy and I could always let slip a little lie which could force Steve to split up with her and then you'll be to blame."
`you what...`she was stunned backed away quickly and quietly.she listened to him`you wouldnt dare blackmail me`she shouted.`you wouldnt want your brother to be endlessly upset that she isnt there by his side.`she shouted increasingly louder.she hated the grin he gave her and started to crouch smaller and smaller into a ball
Jerrod shrugged. "Steve's a Green. Once he realises that Caley is just another girl, he'll realise that he should just move on and by the next week he'll have a different girlfriend." He loved playing with people's minds like this. It made it so that they had to do what he wanted if they wanted to keep their family happy.
`urhhh`she yelled `If thats the onlyy thing that will make you leave my family alone then...f...fine`she said slightly scared of what he would make her do.`what do you want with me then...get it over with.`she said stuttering.
Jerrod laughed. He had gotten his way-like he knew he would-but this girl seemed to be under the impression that it was a one time thing. "Believe me, I'm not getting it over with. You're going to carry on doing this until I get bored of it. Don't rely on that being any time soon either." He grinned 'cheekily' again.
She shrunk when he said that she would have to be his slave untill he got bored. he was so annoying.she felt like screaming but decided against it as he was now *in control* of her,so could do anything. `well then ill be going if you dont hurry.`she said and sat down
Jerrod shook his head. "For starters, you haven't told me your name or what house you're in." He shrugged. He had already noticed how he had revealed information about himself and all she had revealed was that her surname was Shale. She hadn't even said that though. She had said that her sister was Caley Shale.
`OH MY GOD`she said loudly`do you ever give names izabelle and im in hufflepuff...anything good..`she said in one breath,And she wasnt exactly about to give her shortened name to him, although he would probably work it out.she turned and tokk one step before stoping and looking back.
Jerrod smiled. "How would you like to be called Dizzy then??" He wasn't about to wait for an answer. He was going to call her that no matter what she said. "You got any brains?? Doing good in your classes??" He wanted to make sure of this before he chucked her in the deep end. She looked older than him so likelyhood was that she knew everything that he was doing.
`well lets just say im better than you at everything.`she said `some classes are bad but over all im better than the average second year.`she giglled before walking back towards the boy.went very close and looked at him.
Jerrod smiled. "Good. That means you can do my homework for me." He grinned smuggly. "I can't be bothered to do it but I want good grades. I don't know whether you know about the sh!t that my family's been through but I don't care. I don't want to put more sh!t ontop by getting in arguments with my mum about failing grades because I can't be bothered. So you're doing it. And I'll be checking it." He smiled and took his rucksack off his back. "Here's your first one." Jerrod ecplained his History of magic homework to Dizzy as he handed her the parchment, ink and quill.
`no im not doing this,... you huge wierdo .why should i...unless you want to fail i guess you willl have to do it...`she said turning to walk away but remebering her sister. but continued she knew that he wouldnt let her leave just like that.`Anything but your work that just cheating and will not be accepteed.
"Hi, Steve. I hate to be the one to tell you this, I saw your girlfriend snogging a sixth year gryffindor. I know how much you hate gryffindors so you will probably be very angry with her. I'm not going to tell you how to run your life though. Just thought I'd give you a heads up on what she does behind your back. That's what brothers are for. Darren." Jerrod grinned as he thought aloud about what he was going to write to his brother. He was making Dizzy stop walking and do what he told her to.
`oh my god`she said falling to the ground perposly and picking up the paper not even remembering what she was meant to be doing so she just rambled on about nnothing. `if you even dare to do than you wont know what has hit you. ok`she said loudly she was going to stand up for herself as much as she could.
Jerrod laughed. "Bearing in mind I have five older brothers who love to use me as their target, somehow I don't think you'll be able to beat me up." He grinned at her. "Would you like me to leave you so you can concentrate?? I want that above average. Do that and I'm happy, get below average and Steve's going to be getting an owl."
`Arghh some people never give up do they!!`she exclaimed to herself.`yeh go and never come back!`she said slightly loader.`Steve will beleive caley if he loves her and anyway if she doesnt i can do this.`she said breaking down into tears and the lifting her head smiling.
Jerrod laughed. "You obviously don't know my brother." He stopped laughing and smirked at her. "In his opinion, if a memeber of the family tells him something, he believes it above everything else. Plus, a girl crying does nothing to him. In his school, he beat up a girl who hurt Nick. The girl ended up in St. Mungo's coughing up blood and having stitches across her face and chest." He grinned knowing that Dizzy wouldn't be able to refuse now.
`Fine i know ill lose anyway just leave me please`she said to him.laying down.`please leave and ill have this done as soon as i can think.`she said hopping he would leave so she could escape.`Now go!!`SHE shouted
Jerrod laughed again. "Do you really think I'm about to leave if you're going to order me around like that. I do believe it is you who is my slave. Not the other way around." He kept the smirk on his face the whole time. This girl was surprisingly enjoyable to annoy.
`So you want the work done?`she said gathering herself together.She wanted to be free of him as soon as possible,so had too get to work. She hated being under someones power and if she could help it she wouldnt be.`i will be back in 10 mins.`she said and turned

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