Closed not my choice

Elijah Edogawa

definitely not an expert
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 12 Inch Rigid Mahogany Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
Eli really couldn’t believe how neither of them could see it. Playing on his weakness? No hard feelings? He didn’t get to decide that. Playing it off like he didn’t care that Eli liked Lili? Well he couldn’t read his mind, for all he knew Eoghan was seething the whole time. That cobversation in the dorm had been okay, but then this? Maybe he’d been hiding it the whole time. Maybe the reason Eoghan didn’t trust people was that he had that part of him hidden inside. Made sense why he was friends with Tori then, since she was also a nutcase. Still, he somehow had friends, and Eli wasn’t sure how that happened either. He’d sort of considered Eoghan a friend before, and Lili was a friend, well, he wasn’t sure he coudl trust her judgment anymore if he was honest. And she was friends with Tori too. How? That was one of the things he didn’t understand. Tori had punched Demi, and he might not have liked Demi all that much, well he didn’t know her, but he was in the habit of backing his house like Professor Josephs said. And he liked Professor Josephs.

He was surpised when he came upon Jonah, who seemed to be standing a little off to the side right where Eli was to come out from the duel. He sighed when he approached him and shrugged, the questions on Jonah’s face currently going unanswered. “I don’t even know, to be honest,” he said, leaning against the wall beside Jonah. “Eoghan thinks he’s not a bully, but you saw him, right? That’s bully behaviour.”
As soon as Jonah saw Eli turn his back, Jonah knew the duel was done and he'd left his post quickly so he could get to the path his brother was likely to take going out of the Dungeons. Despite having ran there, he was perhaps a little confused that he'd gotten there before the Ravenclaw. "O-otsukaresama," he said, just a little hesitantly. After having stuck to English for... he didn't want to think about it... speaking Nihongo was just a little... he didn't know. But that wasn't important for now. "Sports and tournaments... they're about respect. I... It didn't... I don't think he respected you at all," he said. He didn't have many interactions with Eoghan. He was friends with Tori who Jonah had no fondness for and was together with Lilith who wasn't on Jonah's extensive list of friends either. In fact he and Lilith had two interactions between just the two of them, neither of which helped in painting a good image of the girl either. And Eoghan's article... he wasn't sure if the rose was meant to be an apology or if it was meant to be as condescending as it felt when he'd read it. He had hesitations about agreeing that Eoghan was a bully because it meant agreeing that Jonah was perhaps being bullied. But the lack of respect for conduct in a duel... "He's a bully."
Eli let out a slow breath, nodding as Jonah spoke. At least he wasn’t the only one who saw it, it was obvious, right? “Yeah,” he muttered, running his hand through his hair. “That’s what I’m saying, he acts likes he’s above it all, like he’s got this whole code, but then he pulls that and says it’s just an act? What was it for? He didn’t have to do that, did he think I was better than him so he felt like he had to lower himself to beat me? How does that work?” Honestly what did Lilith see in him? He supposed he should have assumed he was a manipulative ******* because he had all these friends somehow and yet that was his personality? Red flag alert.

He shook his head. “It’s not about losing - I don’t care about that, but it’s supposed to be fair, you know? Not whatever the f*ck that was” he glanced at Jonah, taking in the hesitation in his voice. “This is about respect and if he doesn’t even have that, what’s the point honestly?” His jaw clenched. “I thought we were past all of this, but maybe I was wrong.” He pushed off the wall, “guess that’s on me for thinking I could trust any of them.”

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