Open Not Much Of A Dancer

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Amory Raven

Work smart not hard 🦕 Bold 🐍 Confident
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curved 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Pine Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
OOCOut of Character:
Open after @Rose Edogawa

Amory felt a strange feeling of what could only be described as nerves perhaps as he walked towards the Gryffindor common room. He was on his merry way to pick up Rose so they could go to the Yule Ball together, he had a small stemless flower with him that Rose could put where ever she desired. If you asked the boy what flower it was he couldn't tell you, it was a flower without a stem and that was all that matter, after all those were supposed to be of her preference. Amory was suited up and because he felt it to be funny he even wore a pair of sunglasses. Inside. At least nobody could see the fear in his eyes if worst came to worst and he was made to dance, surely that wouldn't happen though.
Rose had asked Esme to help her curl her hair. It was naturally fairly straight though she did get her colouring from her mother. She would have suggested that Amory meet her down in the Great Hall, but he’d offered to come and get her from the Common room before she’d had a chance and honestly she wasn’t about to turn something like that down. She liked Amory and she also liked being treated like a Princess and this felt a lot like princess behaviour. As she stepped out of the common room, she gave a very unladylike snort when she saw what he was wearing. She almost reached out to touch his hair to see if it felt like how it looked but decided that was weird and so deftly kept her hands to herself. “Do you like making me laugh at you?”
Amory was leaning against a wall when Rose emerged with a cute snort, he took his time to take in her outfit and would be lying if he said she wasn't very pretty. "Yes, if it means hearing you laugh I'll gladly dress up as a clown even." He said half joking. The Slytherin offered the flower he had picked from the gardens tilting his head a little. "This is for you, don't ask what flower it is because I don't know but I removed the stem completely, so should be fine I think?" He said awkwardly, he was not a florist nor would he ever become one, but a flower was a flower. "You look very beautiful, shall we go?" Amory made sure to acknowledge her appearance before offering his arm for her to grab so they could make their way to the great hall.
Rose wasn’t sure she wanted Amory to dress up like a clown, but if he wanted to dress up for her, she wasn’t going to tell him that he wasn’t allowed to. She liked spending time with Amory and outside of Esme, was the only person in the school (not related to her) that had attempted to spend any time with her. She was grateful that he was being nice to her and if he wanted to spend more time with her that felt like it was the least she could have done. “Well, I don’t know if I want you to dress up as a clown, because I’m not personally a big fan of those,” they had always creeped her out, maybe for no reason, but they had definitely freaked her out. She took the flower from him when he held it out to her and immediately stuck it to her hair. “Well thank you either way, I like it,” she appreciated what he had been sending her honestly. She blushed a little as he complimented her and her dress “thank you, I wanted to match my sister, so we’re both wearing white. Also I think my cousin is happy about it because he likes keeping eyes on all of us for some reason.” she told him, before taking his arm and let him lead them to the Great hall. When they got there she looked around, smiling at the decor. “This looks really good, the Professors and Houseelves did a really good job.”
Amory made a mental note not to dress up as a clown since they freaked Rose out, not that he would mind. He was not one for colours nor to care for clowns himself. While he wasn't scared of them they weren't his favourites either and he would avoid them if possible. "No clowns then," he said with a lazy smile. "You mean the Slytherin-prefect-grumpy cousin?" Amory asked, half grimacing at the thought of the guy keeping an eye out on Rose and therefore waiting to pounce at any mistake Amory made no doubt. This would be a delightful ball he decided as they walked towards the hall.

The Slytherin had half a mind to just stare at Rose but out of respect to her he checked the venue out so he wasn't seeming like ignoring her and nodded. "It does look pretty nice, surely a change from the usual." He agreed looking at the huge tree and all the decorations, not to mention the roped off part with people ice-skating on it? "Do you want to dance?" Amory surprised himself by asking, he had danced like twice in his life at best but looking at the others around the hall it didn't look too difficult, surely it wouldn't be that hard.
It was habit by now to pick @Elio Boneheart up from the Gryffindor Common Room. He was pretty sure that at this point, he was considered a fixture near the entrance to said room. He was still quite out of the way, but Elio knew by now where to look once he'd come out and so it was no surprise to him that his cousin and her... classmate... did not take notice of him. He was not pleased that the boy had taken to associating with Rose but considering his cousin came across... acquaintances... rarer than even Eurydice did, he was loath to actually attempt to drive the younger Slytherin away. It did not mean he had to like Raven - the family name doesn't even help. Especially when the boy was calling Mikael the way he was. "I would suggest refraining from addressing me as such," he said as he walked up to the pair, hands in pockets and glaring at the boy momentarily before turning to Rose. "I heard Uncle will be playing chaperone tonight. Try to have fun," he said before nodding and walking towards his boyfriend.
Rose snorted slightly when Amory referred to Mikael as Slytherin-prefect-grumpy cousin, which she had a funny feeling he wouldn’t appreciate and it was confirmed when Mikael suddenly appeared out of no where in that strange way he tended to do and confirmed it, that he wouldn’t have suggested using such a nickname. She covered her mouth with her hand so that she wouldn’t laugh out loud too much and nodded to him when he sort of addressed her. “Don’t worry Niichan, we will!” She said, her face breaking into a grin because she knew he was not a fan of the way she named him. She patted herself on the head then, mostly because that was usually what he always did when he saw her and she was a little put out he hadn’t done it this time. Well, who needs an niichan anyway. She looked back at Amory, “I think we can manage to dance!” Was she a little put out that Kael hadn’t offered her a treat? Yes, yes she was.​
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