Closed Not Mine But Mine

Aubrie Dragonova

dressy • trying new things • protector
Relationship Status
Knotted 16 1/2 Inch Swishy Cypress Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
Aubrie wasn’t really one to mind accompanying her mother out for errands. She did wonder though if perhaps she should have just stayed home. Being out and about with young ones was certainly very different from just going around with her mother and doing some holiday shopping. The twins could be very loud if they wanted to and though Aubrie didn’t usually mind comforting them as they cry their little hearts out, it was infinitely harder to do so when they weren’t home. As it was little Kalif didn’t seem to want to be in the shop and has fussed entirely too much. Aubrie certainly didn’t know what it was that Mum planned to buy so she’d instead volunteer to take Kalif outside to hopefully calm him down. Which worked quite well since he stopped crying pretty soon when she’d taken him out. Maybe the fresh air helped? The view? It wasn’t really all that important. “There you go Kalif. That’s much better isn’t it?” she cooed because he was too cute when he wasn’t crying. And if standing outside the shop in the middle of New Zealand summer made him happy, Aubrie would be fine with that.
Cassius Styx was absolutely crushed. He could not believe what he had seen. He set a date with his then-girlfriend but he arrived a little sooner than anticipated, and saw her kissing another boy. Never had he felt so betrayed by anyone in his life. It hurt a lot because he really liked her. No wonder the whole avoiding thing was going on. He could not imagine anyone doing such a thing to him. A bloody Styx! It had been a couple of weeks now, and he was working on rebounding pretty well. He wondered if he should try to meet up with one of his other friends down the road. Maybe. Or maybe he should have listened to Terror all along. Terror told him that some people were not trustworthy. Maybe she was one of them. Even her name left a sour taste in his mouth - but at least she was not returning to school either. Good riddance. As he was walking in Brightstone, drinking a magical soda, he heard someone say a familiar name. Kalif? That stopped him in his tracks. He stared in the direction of the brunette, and counted on his fingers on whether or not Kalif the second had his kid yet. No, and his wife was a redhead, not a brunette. But he knew that name. "Hey, can you say that name again? Kalif?" Cass asked, as he approached the other girl.
Aubrie was swaying and bouncing Kalif slightly in her arms getting baby giggles out of him as she moved. With him being a lot less grouchy now that they were out of the shop, he was being a lot more smiley which was just adorable. “You’re such a cute boy aren’t you Kalif? Aren’t you?” she coos at the baby. She’d been entirely focused on her brother to notice a random boy approach and ask about her brother’s name. As if that wasn’t suspicious, so she angles her body to have the baby away from the boy’s view as she looks at him warily. “What’s it to you?” she says. She didn’t know who this boy thought he was to just approach a random person with a baby but she was certainly not having it.
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Cass wondered if this girl thought that he would be some sort of baby-napper with how she seemed like she was guarding the infant from him. He knew that was not a relative, but that name was not exactly common either. He did not know who this girl was, and it felt like she was stealing a family name! "That is the name of my grandfather, that's why. And pretty sure that it is unique to my family. That's what it is to me," Cass pointed out, knowing that his tone might have been a little bit meaner than he intended. He folded his arms across his chest. "Was he named after a professor in the school or something?" Cass had no idea that this was Misha's kid, and well, Misha and Kalif sort of had a complicated history of how they felt about each other. One wanted to be besties, and the other wanted him to take a long walk off a short cliff.
“Excuse you, your family does not have a monopoly on my brother’s name,” Aubrie says hotly as she glares at the random boy in front of her. She certainly had no clue who he was or who his grandfather was and that was not important. What’s more pressing is that he was being entirely rude just because of similar names! A lot of people had similar names all the time what was his problem?! And how was she supposed to know? It’s not like she ever asks her parents why they name kids their names. It’s not like she asked why she was named Aubrie so why would she ask about the babies’. What a weirdo. “Why would I know? I don’t even go to school in this continent,” she says as if he had grown two heads. “@ss,” she mutters under her breath before going back to ignoring his existence. She had a baby in her arm who was much more pleasant anyways.
It was like arguing with a brick wall to get any sort of answer out of this girl. Cass wondered if she just did not know why her parents named the kid that. He shrugged his shoulders over the whole monopoly of the name thing. And then she mentioned how she did not go to school on this continent. And then said something under her breath. He put one of his hands on his hip, and then sighed, "Look, I don't mean to have such an attitude. Some s**t went down and this took me by surprise. I'm Cassius Styx." Cass wondered what school she went to. He likely had some family members that went to her school. They were quite spread out after all. "If you don't go to school on this continent, where do you go to school at?"
Aubrie turned her attention back to the boy - Cassius - when he sort of apologized and she rolled her eyes. Boys. None of them ever knew how to apologize that she had started to question if it really was somehow lost in the evolution of mankind. “Aubrie,” she said as she looked at him warily as if he would spew more nonsense. When he didn’t after a moment, she said, “Aubrie Dragonova.” Hopefully he doesn’t get on her case about her own name, she didn’t want to get agitated any further with Kalif in her arms. “And I go to Beauxbatons.” She figures there was no harm in telling him since he probably went to Hogwarts New Zealand. Different continents.
Aubrie Dragonova. Wait, he knew that he heard of that last name before. That was a Russian pureblood family. Some of his family members married into that family, but he knew that Aubrie was not blood related. He would have known her, and she would have known him. Cass could relax a bit knowing that the girl before him was a pureblood like him. He hoped anyway. "Aubrie, that is a pretty name. At least yours isn't the name of some mythological demon. My dad has a sick sense of humor." Cass shrugged his shoulders. So, she went to Beauxbatons. He definitely had a cousin that went there. "My cousin goes there. He is one of the captains of the Quidditch team. Light."
As Aubrie checked on her brother, she noticed that he was getting tired so she started to sway a little where she stood, rocking the baby to sleep. Hopefully their mother would come out of the shop soon. She turned her attention back to the boy only to look at him amused. “You really like to put your foot in your mouth don’t you,” she says shaking her head. While she didn’t know why she was named Aubrie, she certainly knew what her name meant. “Did you know Aubrie means elf ruler so you’re not the only one stuck with a weird name,” she says entirely amused. And then she nods at the mention of the cousin. She didn’t know Light but she knew of him at least. “I know of him,” only by reputation really.
Cass raised an eyebrow when she said that he had a way of putting his foot in his mouth. That was one way to describe him that he didn't even think about. Whoever this girl was, he already liked her because she had some fire to her that he did not see from afar. And she was good with children. Cass shook his head on why he was even thinking those thoughts at all. "So you rule elves. I can see that little bit of a leadership quality. Not that it takes much when it is elves." Cass and his family had a few of them, so it was not exactly uncommon for families like his. "He's not exactly a good guy so, don't get too friendly with him." Cass was just saying that for her own safety. There was definitely no hidden motive behind it at all.

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