Not fitting in

Amphitrite Zchechaf

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
14" Makore and Sphinx Hair
Amphitrite walked through the halls of Durmstrang, her usual smiling face was slowly becoming duller day by day. Everyday she spent in this place the less she could find to be happy about and stay positive about. She knew hate was a strong word but she really hated this place. She didn't want to be here, she wanted to be back at Hogwarts with her friends, sure she might not have had many but it was than what she had here. Amphitrite actually had enemies here, she had never had enemies before and she didn't know what to do about them. It had been a few months now since she started her fifth year in Dumstrang and she loved her daddy so she didn't question his decision all that much because she believed that he had her best intentions at heart - now on the other hand she really wanted to know why he would send her to a place like this. She was a happy, bubbly person where as everyone here was heavily in the dark arts and not all the nice people. There was a few people who weren't all that bad but Amphitrite had yet to get on friendly terms with them. Trying to stay away from the prying eyes of people walking the corridors with them she kept her head down and hoped that she would get to the library sooner rather than later.
Enzo was walking along the corridors, he was tossing his baseball up and down. "You will be mine someday" he mumbled as he was staring at his ball. He noticed some girls passing by he glanced and smiled at them. Then suddenly he tripped, it was unusual for him to do that. Enzo grabbed the ball but it went farther, he leaned himself to the wall and regained balance. As he was finding the ball, he was still feeling dizzy. "There it is!" he exclaimed as he saw the ball bear the girl shoe. He went closer to get the baseball, bent down and picked it on the floor. Enzo was still dizzy that he somehow bump the girl beside him. "Oh, Sorry!" h said to her as he glanced at the girl, all she could see was her brown hair covering her face.
Amphitrite continued to miss the glances from her fellow students, she didn’t know what their eyes said about her, hatred mostly, it was the only thing she could pick up from them. But what had they to hate about her? She was new so was it a territory thing? Was it because she was different and they didn’t like outsiders coming in and disrupting the peace? She really wished she knew what people had against her so maybe she could fix it and they could just all be friends? She stopped for a moment as she realised what she just thought, even she knew that sounded stupid, this was real life, not some made up fantasy where everything was happy and nice. Shaking her head at the silly idea she continued to walk forward but she felt something under her foot that made her loose her balance a bit but nothing serious. She started to feel her heart racing as she thought it was some bully trying to pick on her. Although when she heard them say sorry before she could she opened her closed eyes to realise it wasn’t a bully but possibly the only person she could call a friend in this place. “Oh Enzo, it’s just you. Don’t scare me like that, you know how I get walking up these corridors by myself.” she said with a sigh of relief, keeping her voice low as she didn’t want people to know just how weak she was.
"Amphitrite? Sorry I didn't recognized you" he said laughing at her, he glanced back and tried to see if everybody was staring at them. "It's been a while huh? I really need a nickname for you" he chuckled as was looking at her all shy up. Amphitrite was the kind of girl could flirt with but instead he decided to become friends with her first, but who know's. "I'm guessing The Library, right?" he exclaimed teasing her. It was indeed a boring day for him, he wondered why not have a chat with her for a while since his free the whole day. Enzo was still playing with his baseball tossing it upward even bouncing it to the floor,as he waited for Amphitrite's reply to all his questions.
She shook her head at Enzo, laughing softly, he always was chasing after one girl or another and never really seemed to pay any attention to his friends. In all honestly she didn’t mind because he was there for her when she needed him and she was grateful for what he had done for her so far this year because without him she didn’t know what she would have done, she would have had no one and would feel even more left out than she already did – even with a friend in Enzo. “It’s alright.” she said rolling her eyes softly as she fixed her bag on her shoulder and got a grip on her books again. “Yeah, getting used to the new school and everything is proofing more difficult for me than I imagined.” she said with a small frown – she just wanted to go back to Hogwarts. “You mean you haven’t come up with one yet? Now now Enzo, you’re slacking on me.” she said laughing. Her name was rather unique, she could admit that, but she liked that it was unique but it was hard for people to think of a nickname for and she could see the problem in that. “You know me so well.” she said, sticking out her tongue playfully. “Care to join me?” she asked, figuring that she would like the company.
Enzo laughed at Amphitrite, she was the same as always. The girl who makes him want to laugh all day, a bit clumsy yes but ever a great friend indeed."Now how about Cocoa, well you have a brown hair the shade is similar to chocolate and your sweet too. he said as he started to her a wide grin then a wink. Amphitrite seems to be having a bad year here in Dumstrang, Enzo wanted to give her a hand when she need him. "I'd be honored" he replied to her question sarcastically. "Here" as he grabbed Amphritite's books and held it in his right hand.
Amphitrite listened to Enzo’s suggestion of a nickname for her. Now Amphitrite had a very hard name to work with when it came to having nicknames. There was people she had known her whole life and they had tried their hardest to come up with something for her and they were still coming up blank. She didn’t mind it most of the time as it was nice to have something so unique that no-one else had – as far as she knew anyway. Now Enzo’s suggestion of a nickname was definitely something different and not one that she had heard before. Blushing slightly she rolled her eyes, “You’ve gotten far to used to complimenting girls and flirting with them.” she told him with a small laugh. “But it’s nice.” she admitted softly. “Thanks.” she said as he took her books for her, she appreciated the help. Walking in the direction of the library she said, “So what have you been up to lately? I haven’t really seen you much, apart from classes.”
"Complimenting, flirting that's the same for me" he said laughing at the idea. Enzo knew the two of them would go to the library, he didn't mind at all. The last time Enzo went to the library was like a year ago when he needed to finish his essay and stuff. Cocoa seems to be the girl who likes to study, the girl who have those high grades and the light. Well Enzo does loves reading books and mostly the thick ones too. "Me? I just actually been flirting" he said sarcastically joking Cocoa. "Apart that Ive been in Italy for a while, a short vacation. Seeing my relatives and then flirting Italian girls" he said to her still laughing at himself.
Amphitrite laughed and shook her head at Enzo’s comparison to complimenting and flirting. It was something that he would say after all and the young girl wondered how he was able to get away with flirting with so many different girls all the time. She wondered if it had even caught up on him before, maybe before she transferred here. Then again, if it hadn’t caught up on him before she wondered if it ever would – it would be an interesting sight to see that’s for sure. When Amphitrite asked of him what he had been up too, she glared at him jokingly out of the side of her eyes. Of course he was. She thought to herself, then again she couldn’t be sure if he was actually telling the truth or just joking. When he brought up Italy a small smile dawned on her lips. She had always wanted to go to Italy and was beyond jealous of Enzo. “What was Italy like?” she asked fondly.
Enzo raised his eyebrows as he stared at Cocoa, she was obviously thinking about something weird. He then laughed it off and answered her question about Italy. "Let me see Ive been there a hundred times and it's boring" he said sarcastically smiling at Cocoa trying to annoy her as the two was walking towards the Library. "Well other than that Italy seems to be vintage yet dreamy for girls like you" he said to her. Enzo stretched muscles on his left arm, followed by his right arm as he waited for Cocoa's reaction.
Amphitrite didn’t like that Enzo wasn’t as enthusiastic about Italy as he probably could be. She understood how people didn’t see the beauty in their home country or somewhere that they had been countless times. Although Italy to her was the perfect place. Granted she had never been so maybe she wouldn’t be able to live there but she would at least like to go for a holiday or something. It was full of history and romance and it was all so beautiful. Dreamy for girls like you.. she heard the words come out of Enzo’s mouth and she turned to look at him with confusion in her eyes. “What do you mean by, girls like me?” she asked, not meaning to sound rude or anything, just genuinely confused.
Enzo wasn't a fan of Italy, of course he isn't his from London. Italy was more for the girls, though it may be a city of Romance he felt bored with the place. Cocoa seems to be confuse, her face changed expression and her voice was a bit cranky. "Well, your the type of girl who seems to be fascinated with history and exploring the world" he said to smiling trying to ignore the tension about the question. Enzo sees Cocoa as a nerd but a a dazzling girl at the same time, that was the main reason why they stayed friends for so long.
OOCOut of Character:
So sorry. Uni has been so busy =(

Amphitrite didn’t mind that Enzo was labelling her as some type of girl, she had been called many things in the past but she knew Enzo well enough that anything that he would say to her or about her wouldn’t be something to take the wrong way – he just wasn’t the type of person, at least she hoped not. When he explained what he had meant by ‘girls like you’ she smiled sweetly. “You know me so well, Enzo.” she said with a small laugh. It was true, she was rather fascinated by things like history and exploring the world. Somewhere like Italy that was soaked in history and cultural would be the most perfect place for her to visit.
"You know you could sometime come with me? U think I'll spend some break of mine outside Italy, Germany perhaps?" he said to her as he whipped his hair back. Although Cocoa is Enzo's friend he couldn't help imagine if the two of them tuned out to be lovers. "Bloody Mad" he said to himself as he shakes his head left to right. It was a bit odd having a friend who's a girl and who also seems to be attractive. Still Enzo respects their friendship.
Amphitrite had gone off into her own little world for a moment as she began to think of what it would be like to go to Italy. When she learned to apparate it would definitely one of the places that she would go too – even if it was on her own, just as long as she got to see places like The Leaning Tower of Pisa, The Coliseum and so many others she would be happy. She figured it would be better to go on her own anyway, that way she didn’t have to worry about the other person getting bored with all the sightseeing when really it was all that Amphitrite wanted to do. When Enzo spoke again Amphitrite’s soft blue eyes widened, “Really?!” she asked excitedly.
"Yeah sure why not?" he said to as he played with his baseball once again. Cocoa's face was interesting to look at, as if she was daydreaming or something. Enzo couldn't help not to stare at her blue eyes, they reminded him or sapphire stone like the one on her mother's finger. He loved watching girls's all excited with random stuff, take for example places or countries around the world. One day when Enzo would find that girl of her dreams to marry, he would show her the world and travel all the unique places.
When Enzo reassured her of his offer her eyes lit up, that would be almost too perfect for her. She was lucky to have a friend like Enzo that would help her live her dreams of visiting places like that even if he didn’t like it himself. “Thank you!” she said as she wrapped her free arm around his side and squeezed tightly before letting go as she found out a busy hallway wasn’t the best place to hug a friend. As she got to the library doors she turned to talk to Enzo, “You know you don’t have to keep me company. I know you don’t like libraries as much as me.” she said with a small laugh. “We could meet up at dinner though?” she asked, although it could have been taken as a statement, whichever way Enzo read into it was fine by her.
OOCOut of Character:
Maybe we could just finish this RP now and do one later on?
It wasn't all true that Enzo wasn't fond of Libraries, he was just not into such boring and dull places, he was a born reader. He wasn't sure how to act after the squeeze, still he tried to play it cool and smiled at her."Cool, see you late Cocoa" he said to her as he waved her goodbye and turned his back leaving his friend.

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