Closed Not as Difficult

Ivy Ashworth

📕Uni Student | Headstrong | Unsure | 1/4 Veela💅
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Bi (Flynn)
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Cypress Wand with Veela Hair Core
12/2039 (21)
Ivy had been pondering what to do after she had received Flynn's rose and after they had gone to the valentine's dance. Flynn had made his feelings abundantly clear, even after Ivy told him he couldn't actually like her. He had even said he was in love with her, which Ivy thought about a lot. She was very aware that she was the sole reason they weren't together, her hesitancy and uncertainty. She knew she had to take the next step, but it was absolutely terrifying.

The Gryffindor had very little experience with romance, and her parents weren't exactly a good example. It wasn't until Flynn that Ivy realized how messed up it was that her father treated her mother like she tricked him, like she trapped him in a marriage. The fact that he was too prideful to end the relationship, that he was staying just to keep up appearances, was something he didn't even seem consciously aware of. Ivy was glad to be at Hogwarts, she didn't know if she could talk to her father right now without it turning into a huge fight. Not... that her father was speaking to her much lately.

Ivy pushed those thoughts away, trying to enjoy the view of the lake. In her mind, she had already rehearsed what to say to Flynn a thousand times. She just hoped he would see the note in his bag soon and join her here. It was time for her to be open, the way he had been.
Surprisingly, things with Ivy were going... he wanted to say well. She had finally stopped telling him how he should feel around her and he wanted to even say that their date at the Valentine's Ball had even been a success. But that was still as far as anything had gone. Despite everything, Ivy still appeared to have some walls up. But Flynn was still pretty determined to try and break them down. Maybe he just had to prove himself to get her to open up to him eventually.

He had noticed the note in his bag at first, it was only when he was pulling everything out did he finally spot it. Ivy wanted to meet him by the lake. Flynn had wasted no time, dropping what he was doing and rushing as fast as he could from the common room. He didn't know how long she had been waiting for him, maybe she thought he wasn't coming and had given up. By the time he reached the lake, his leg was starting to hurt and he was a little out o breath, but infinitely grateful that Ivy was still there and hadn't left yet.

"Sorry," he apologized quickly, huffing to try and get more oxygen into his lungs, "I didn't see your note until now. I hope you weren't waiting too long."
Apologies for taking a while!

Ivy was pacing back and forth as she waited for Flynn to join her, not caring that her shoes were getting muddier and muddier. Even though she had literally invited him, she still jumped a bit when he arrived. She gave him an awkward wave, wincing as she saw how much he had rushed. Maybe the note in the bag idea hadn't been the best approach. "Sorry, no it's fine. I needed time to think anyway." She said, gesturing vaguely to her own head. "I hope you didn't rush too much." She added, glancing at his leg for a second before looking at his face. "I now realize this was maybe not the smartest way to communicate." She added a little sheepishly, one hand moving up to play with her hair a little as she tried to get her thoughts in order. "Look uh, I don't know how to do this. I'm not good at this, not like you." She said hesitantly. "But I know it's me who should take the next step, I mean if you want." She paused to take a breath. "Sorry. What I mean to say is... Flynn, I like you a lot. I want to, uh, date you. If you also want that." She said, blurting it out. Then she groaned and put her hand over face. "Merlin, how did you do this back in the Trophy room?"
Despite the fact he was clearly favoring not putting any weight on his prosthetic leg and was red in the face from running as fast as he could over here, Flynn still tried to straighten up. "Rush? No, not too much." It was a silly lie, really, but he didn't really want to admit how anxious he had been to get there. And even as Ivy started to speak he was nervous, but the more she said the more Flynn brightened up. Was she really saying what he had been hoping she was going to say for over a year now? His heart started thumping a little harder in his chest, heat rising uncomfortably under the collar. Date. She wanted to date. He completely ignored the fact she wasn't as smooth with her words. He didn't care. "You mean it?" He almost thought it was a joke. He never actually thought she would finally admit she liked him, let alone want to date. "I mean. Yes. Yes of course I want to date!" He didn't want to sound too excited, it was almost pathetic, but he really couldn't help it. But then, his gaze lowered from her face, lingering for a moment on his lips. Then, he hesitated. "I... um... I'm going to kiss you now. If that's alright."
When Ivy was done speaking, she stared at Flynn for a moment, mentally going over everything she said to see if she had made any sense. She guessed her point had been made, but probably in the most inelegant way possible. If Flynn was still interested in her, she might just have killed it. But then he asked her if she meant it and she realized he hadn't minded her clumsy words. She couldn't help the grin that spread over her face as she nodded. "I don't say things I don't mean." She said, moving a little closer and reaching for his arm. She laughed at his excited response and then felt her face heat up as she noticed Flynn looking at her lips. She nodded at his question, closing her eyes and leaning in slightly.

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