Open Not a New Costume

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Louis Alcott

⚽ QQS assistant | Confident | Funny | French😎
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curved 16 1/2 Inch Unyielding Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
8/2042 (20)
Louis could admit it. He was lazy and had settled on the same costume he had worn last Halloween. He wasn't looking to win any prizes, but he did think it was a pretty cool costume. He was a prince, it felt like it suited him. The boy adjusted his crown, looking around urgently for someone to hang out with. Caleb was complicated and René was a no-go right now. But Louis was popular, right? He'd find someone. He drifted over to the snack table, picking up a cupcake as he continued to scan the room, feigning nonchalance. He hoped he could find someone soon, he didn't want to be that loser that spent his final Halloween Feast standing by himself at the snack table all evening.
Teddy exuded a coolness that checked all the boxes, only his age raised an eyebrow. With a grin, he complimented the prefect standing beside him at the snack table. "Nice sword!" he remarked. "I actually have the same one in the dress up box at home."
Louis looked up from his cupcake when he heard a voice. He glanced down at the first year talking to him, giving the younger boy a smile. "Thanks." He said. "It's pretty cool." He agreed.

ooc: Is Teddy wearing a costume?
Soren was bored and had decided to head down to the feast, having put together a half costume with some cool makeup and a fun crown. He looked around for Aurora when he got here, but he spotted her with another student and decided to not intervene. He looked around again, and spotted one of his teammates talking to a new first year. He smiled and wandered over. He just caught the conversation, and chuckled, hands in his pockets. "I dunno, I like my crown better," He teased, smiling at the boys. "Hey your majesty, royal as ever?"
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