Old School Week Not A Match

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Ivelisse Burleigh

inadequate ▪️ accidental magic reversal squad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 14 Inch Flexible Laurel Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2042 (19)
Ivelisse had started to care less and less for the school's dances. She liked dressing up for them but continuing to attend them alone was startig to get a little boring. Without thinking, she had put on one of her more summery dresses, something she regretted a little when she noticed the hall decorated in a winter theme. She still liked it though. At least it made her stand out a little. Not sure of what to do just yet Ive carefully made her way through the snow and over the dancefloor to one of the tables scattered around the edge of it and sat down.
Louis had had a busy yule ball so far. He'd flirted and danced with Valeria, then also flirted with a new girl he hadn't known yet. He definitely needed a drink now before he went to find Caleb. He grabbed himself a drink and a snack, then spotted Ivelisse sitting at one of the tables. He sat down next to her. "You look like a summer rose in the snow, very pretty." He told her with a smile. Then he offered her his snack quietly.
Ivelisse had been debating whether she should just carelessly head onto the dancefloor and dance by herself when someone sat next to her. "So, what am I, like, the fifth girl you've gone and talked to tonight?" She replied with a small grin, confident she had seen Louis dance with Valeria when she had walked across the dancefloor yet unsurprised that he would take the occassion to get his flirt on. "Thanks though." Ive smiled lightly before shaking her head when he offered her his snack.
Louis laughed self-consciously. "Third." He admitted. "But I've been looking for a boy, if that makes it better." He wasn't going to pretend he was someone he wasn't. "I do mean it, you look beautiful." He said, eating the snack himself after he said no.
Ivelisse chuckled when Louis admitted what he had been up to. Again, no surprise. "Which one?" She questioned curiously. "Thank you." Ive smiled genuinely when he complimented her again. If she was coming to these parties alone then running into someone who told her she looked pretty wasn't the worst way the night could go. "I'd return the compliment but I don't think your ego boosting." She joked.
Louis hesitated. "Caleb, I have some things to make up for to him." He said honestly. He wasn't sure how meeting up with him at the dance would do that, but he was willing to give it a go. Louis sighed dramatically. "I promise my head won't explode if I get a compliment." He said, but he smiled to show he didn't mind her comment.
Ive nodded when Louis told her who he was looking for, instinctively glancing around the room. "At a ball?" She questioned before shrugging her shoulders almost as if in response to her own question. "I'll tell you if I happen to spot him." She said before scrunching her nose at his next comment. "Hmm, I'll reconsider then. Let you know if I've changed my mind." Ive grinned.
Louis shrugged with a smile. "What better occasion? There's a romantic atmosphere and stuff." He asked her, though truthfully he hadn't thought it out very well. He really just wanted things to magically go back to normal, and he was a little hopeful about it. Louis snorted at Ivelisse's next words, as she refused to give him a compliment. "Fine." he said, rolling his eyes a bit. "I guess you're right, I don't really need more compliments."
Ive thought about Louis response for a second before deciding it made sense. "So did you plan what you want to say? Or are you just winging it?" She asked, not wanting to presume anything about Louis' plan. "Well since you're self-aware enough to admit that: you do look sharp." Ive smiled.
Louis shrugged. "Winging it, I'm not great at planning." He admitted. He laughed softly at her compliment. "Thanks, I try." He said lightly.
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