non-HNZ Students & Other Characters!

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Amber Chou Wilson

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Hi guys! I have a few characters that need some love. A few students at other schools and adults that I haven't used much yet. So if anyone has ideas for plots, please hit me up! ^_^
Grace · Holland · 17
Grace is the captain of the Beauxbatons quidditch team and in her final year at the school. She has a boyfriend and some friendships from the team, but if anyone else wants to meet her and RP with her at Beauxbatons in her last semester there, let me know! Grace is serious about school and quidditch, and she's very busy and slightly stressed out because of her upcoming NEWTs.
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Elvira · Rojas · 15
Elvira is my current fourth year Beauxbatons student, and she's also on the quidditch team as an alternate. Elvira is very energetic, loud, and fun. She considers others friends easily and has almost no filter. For Elvira I'm looking for both friends and potential romance. She's gay, so girls only please :D Bio link
Ella· Arora · 13
Ella is my only Durmstrang student. Her backstory was one I thought of ages ago, but I never really knew how to put it into words. That's part of the reason why I put her into Durmstrang instead of HNZ. But I feel like I've figured it out enough now to RP her at least a bit. Her bio has more details if you want to read it. For Ella I'm basically looking for any kind of interaction, as she isn't easy to befriend. I do have an open topic for her right now, but if you're interested and would rather make something new that's fine too.
Bio link
Jeong· Mun · 15
Jeong is a Korean boy attending Ilvermorny. I haven't thought him out too much yet, but I know the basics of his personality. He's a fun, sweet guy and tends to be sort of a loner by choice. I see him as the kind of person that could sort of fit in any group, and befriends everyone on a superficial level. For him I'm basically looking for any interactions, as I'm eager to develop him more. Though I already have a romance for him.
Amy · Ward · 20
Amy is Matt Ward's little sister and April's aunt. She's a lot like her niece, though somewhat more mature. She's friendly, daring, fun to be around, and loves to party. She can be a bit reckless, which gets her into trouble occasionally. After traveling through America after attending Ilvermorny, she's returned to New Zealand. I'm happy with anything for her, though I'd like to leave romance open for now because of the speed-dating I signed her up for.
Josephine · Arora · 25
Josphine is Ella's older sister, and she has distanced herself from her family quite a bit. She's a friendly, chatty woman who likes nice things.
She's fashionable and enjoys socializing with people, making her job as a personal stylist perfect for her. She can be a tad snobbish, but that's part of her mask to hide her inner feelings. She has little contact with her only remaining family, which are her little sister and her grandfather, and is very independent mostly out of necessity. I'm also still figuring her out a bit, so anything is welcome. She lives in the UK, but I think she travels back and forth between different countries quite often so she can pretty much pop up anywhere.
Of course, if you have ideas for plots with any of my other characters, please feel free to let me know too! I'm always open for RP, I just figured these characters needed some plots. ^_^
Elvira & Cassi: We already had the thread going, I just need to reply to that. :r :D

For Amy and Josephine, I can offer Dominic King Corelli. He is 29 and a Ministry employee. I still don't have him established yet. However, I'll edit this with more information on him. Basically, he is open for any plots.
DAPHNE! :hug:

I have a few options

Jeong Mun&&Phoebe Callwell - Phoebe if you remember if my blind Gryffindor, well she used to be. When her best friend left the school she stuck out a semester then transferred too. she's new to the school adn could use tons of friends!!! I'd love to see if they'd make good friends.

Elvira&&Meloetta - Mel could be an enemy or a friend. She's a bit high and mighty, just part of her view on the world. She's distant often and struggles to relate to many people, but i love roleplaying her! So I'd love to try them!

I'll be honest I now we talked about more but these two I'd not even thought of until now and I'd love to try them!!!
Arle: I'm interested in seeing what we can do with Dominic, maybe with Josephine as I have yet to use her? What sort of plot did you have in mind? ^_^ I'm also keen to go on with Elvira and Cassi.

Cole: Both those ideas sound good :D Jeong would definitely approach Phoebe and talk to her, he would find her very interesting. And I have a feeling Elvira might annoy Meloetta a lot xD but that could be fun to RP! Maybe we can start one each?
Dominic & Josephine: Dominic is already 29 and somehow he is hoping to find someone to date and eventually marry. He is one of Danielle's brothers, the third one. His personality is more of an organized person and independent yet deep down inside he is looking form someone he could depend on. Everyone in his family looks at him as someone perfect and like he could do anything and doesn't need anyone. Since Josephine is a stylist which makes it a perfect setup since Dom is always into fashionable clothes especially now that he is working.
Arle, we can see how they get along? I was going to suggest waiting for speed dating for them to meet, but it seems like they're both on the sitting people list, so that's not going to be possible. Maybe once all the rose topics and speed dating slow down we can start something for them?
That would be a great idea since we are swamped with threads from the roses and the speed dating. :D
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