Closed No winter lasts forever

Erik Drage

Potioneer | Healing | Unprepared
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew 12'' Core of Jackalope Antler
April 27, 2018 (37)
One day, Erik had decided he needed to buy a picnic basket. He'd never used it- the thing had sat in storage for years. When he was doing some long-overdue organizing, he was tempted to throw it away, but instead dusted it off and spiffed it up. He stashed a bottle of wine, some nice cheeses, meat, crackers, and fruit inside and Apparated off to the Prindeou's farm. Since Lou had one of his own, he figured the other wizard wouldn't mind.

After their conversation the other day, instead of dropping in unexpectedly, Erik had sent an owl, but not with much advance notice. Erik wore a thick gray wool coat and purple leather gloves. He hoped Lou was around. Erik had gotten pretty good at avoiding Bettie. He didn't get the impression she cared for him all that much. He found Lou leaning against a pigeonwood tree.

"Hey, stranger," he called out, lifting up the basket and grinning.

@Lou Prindeou
Lou was not going to admit how much he missed Erik, or how much the other man was on his mind. He sighed softly, and work done for the day, he started back for the house. He quickly grew sidetracked, however, and stopped. He looked up to the sky. It looked like it might start storming soon. He leaned against a tree, watching the clouds on the horizon, completely unaware of the note that was on his kitchen table. He nearly jumped when he heard a familiar voice, looking over. “Erik?” He couldn’t help but brush his hair back, smiling shyly. “You’re back,” He stated, pushing off the tree and walking over a little.
Smiling, Erik stepped closer to Lou. "Like the pox." He had a hard time explaining it, but there was a glow the man had after he'd been working in the fields. Erik would very much like to run his hands over the other wizard, but held himself back.

"Fancy another picnic?" he asked, hoping that Lou did not have other plans (and counting on it.)
Lou chuckled, walking over and smiling softly. "A picnic sounds nice," he agreed softly. "I know a place… I… haven't taken anyone there before…" He rubbed the back of his neck. "Do… You wanna go?" He asked.
"Sounds ominous," Erik joked. In one hand, he held the basket- he briefly touched Lou's arm with the other. As always, the other wizard seemed half shy. "Lead the way."
Lou smiled softly. "Come on," he took hold of Erik, smiling. He took Eriks hand gently, pulling him along deeper into the farmland. Eventually they reached a large outcropping of rock, with a seemingly solid face. Lou let go of Erik, walking over. "Come on," he smiled brightly at the other man, beckoning him along. Lou went up to a spot a few feet away and slid into a hidden entrance.
Erik wasn't sure what to think about the rock face. Hiking was not really his idea of a good time (apparently, he'd moved to the wrong country.) However, he was pleasantly surprised as he followed Lou around the corner.

"Wow, this is impressive!" he blurted out loud. The cave was cozy, set up with cushions and seating. He craned his neck, admiring the trees climbing up towards the ceiling. He grabbed a blanket from one of the boxes and wrapped it around his shoulders.

"How did you find this?" Erik asked, setting his picnic basket down.
Lou chuckled, settling into his cushions. He looked up to the hole in the roof. "Believe it or not I followed a cat," he laughed. He stretched, looking towards Erik. "Whats in the basket?" He asked.
Erik grinned at the thought of Lou following a cat. Felines were something else. "Always a good idea," he said. He breathed in deep and closed his eyes. The cool air in here was refreshing, even if it chilled him to the bone.

Erik could almost have dozed off when Lou asked him a question. Opening his eyes again, he said, "Basket? Oh yes." He leaned forward and popped open the top. Spreading a cloth he'd stuffed into the basket over the floor, he pulled out the contents. The sliced meats, cheeses, and crackers he had circled on a plate. He then set the bottle of moscato upright. But sh!t- he'd forgotten the glasses.
Lou could see the way Erik seemed to be cold. He bit his lip a moment, debating, before opening up Eriks blanket and slipping in next to the other wizard. Pressed against Erik’s side, Lou couldn’t deny the little tingle that shot up his spine. He did, however, still try to ignore it. “That looks good. Are we drinking from the bottle?” He teased Erik lightly.
Erik grinned when Lou joined him under the blanket. He shifted closer to the other wizard. It was always difficult for Erik to gauge how far he could go with Lou. "Didn't know this blanket came with a space heater," he joked. Laughing, he reached for the bottle of wine. Luckily, it came with a screw top (he hated corks.) He cracked open the top and handed the bottle over to Lou.
Lou chuckled, pausing a moment before draping an arm over Erik. "I could leave," he offered, half teasing the other man. Lou took the bottle and sipped at the drink. It wasnt often he had wine, and after checking the label for the alcohol content he was sure he would be okay for a few sips. He offered it back to Erik.
Pressing himself more into Lou, Erik made a show of dropping his jaw. "Don't you dare." He took the bottle back from Lou and tipped it back, the amount he drank probably tripling Lou's, although he wasn't counting. The St Mungo's healers would probably be shocked at the state of his liver.
Lou chuckled, taking the wine and taking a bigger sip himself. He rubbed his thumb over Eriks shoulder, settling down next to him. "I suppose if you really want I can stay." Lou winced a little. "I just got off the fields though, I should probably jump in the creek." He moved his arm off from around Erik and shifted to stand up.
Erik reached over to touch Lou on the arm. "Stay," he insisted, "a little dirt and sweat never hurt anyone." He cradled the bottle of wine, sipping at it and hoping Lou wouldn't take off.
Lou hesitated before settling back against Erik, smiling softly. "If you're sure you're okay with it. I've been practicing that drying spell, I can jump into the creek with no problems." He tried again, taking the bottle and sipping it.
"Hmm, that is a useful spell." Erik reached for a cracker, slapping some cheese and meat on top of it and handing it over to Lou. "But seriously, it’s freezing out there. You should stay.” He put one of his hands on Lou’s knee.
Lou chuckled, taking the cracker and eating it. He smiled shyly and took the wine, sipping some more, feeling his head start to spin a little. He shook his head. "Alright, alright, if you insist.” He smiled warmly at the other man, bringing a hand up to brush his thumb over Erik’s jawline.
Erik grinned back at Lou as he relaxed. He reached for the wine bottle by the neck and set it down on the ground. Instead of replying, he leaned in, kissing Lou full on the lips.
Lou chuckled, kissing Erik back eagerly. He could feel the wine in his head. It made him bolder. He pushed Erik back, shifting to cover them better with the blanket. After several long minutes, Lou spoke again. Lou bit his lip, thinking. “Stay with me,” He murmured, running his hands up Erik’s arms. “Tonight. We can stay here. I can take tomorrow off.” He offered, his heart fluttering a bit. He looked up to Erik with dewey brown eyes, brushing the mans hair back.
Erik grinned, mischief in his eyes. "How can I say no?” he replied, kissing Lou on the mouth. Erik didn't have any major plans for the coming days. "Hope you have somewhere warm to sleep.”

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