No, this cant be happening...

Sapphira Blacklord

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OOC First Name
Willow Wand 14 Unicorn Tail Hair
The sun was hidden from view again today, as it normally was, and as the thick grey clouds tumbled across the sky, thunder rang from above. The Durmstrang grounds were quiet and empty, no one wanting to be outside when the rain finally hit and pelted from the sky, but the young Durmstrang girl sat in the cold wind without complaint. Sapphira honestly didn't care whether it rained or haled, she thought that she might have needed that. It was days like this that she felt like she belonged at Durmstrang, which was known for being a school of the Dark Arts, but nobody dared called it that. though today Sapphira truly felt something welling inside of her, ready to break out and snap, she felt about ready to hex anyone who dared to even talk to her. The Durmstrang girl somehow felt cheated by life, the poor girl had lost so much, her family, her best friend, and nearly everything else she could think of, and she was starting to feel as if she were losing her morals too. She was greatly surprised when she wished that the boy she had yelled at in the hall a few weeks back, would somehow find her so she could take her anger out on him, instead of feeling as if she could cursed the whole world. But she doubted it strongly, in a school as big as Durmstrang it was quite easy to be forgotten.

The girl was sitting on a large rock, her cold hands stuffed deep in the pockets of her black hoodie, and she stared at nothing in particular, but she was looking so filled with anger, disgust and absolute hatred that even if the sun came out and the professors all shouted that the students were free to play Quidditch, they wouldn't step a foot in her direction. Sapphira had already snapped at one of her friends today, about something stupid, and even her parents voices in her head couldn't stop her anger. They are dead, she thought, so why the hell should I listen to people who aren't even here? There was no point, she decided, tossing her hair away from her face impatiently. The girl truly felt something wrong with her, but she wasn't about to stop it and go back to her good-girl posture. Stuff it.
Alissa loved it when the weather was cold and miserable. She found it much more comforting being cold and snuggling up by a fire than sweating and having it be disgustingly hot. It was part of the reason that she loved being at Durmstrang so much, as it was nearly always cold and raining, and usually, snowing alot. Today was one of those days, and as she walked the grounds, returning from her day out in the local village, she was more than happy. Adorning her favourite leather jacket, and a nice pair of tight fitting jeans, she couldn't help but grin to herself as she recalled the way some of the men had looked at her. She was attractive, and it was a trait of hers that she flaunted alot. Her brother Alexei was always so torn by the way that she dressed, as he constantly ranted on about upholding the family's image, but hated the fact that she dressed in a way that made men stare at her. He was always such a protective person. She didn't care all that much though, as she did what she wanted. She cared little for how Alexei saw her these days, and it had started becoming a hot topic around the school that they hadn't been seen together as often as they used to anymore. Alissa's priorities had changed dramatically over the last few weeks, and she was glad for it. It felt good breaking out and doing her own thing, and she was beginning to enjoy the added attention and reputation that she had gained. And all these dramatic changes had been caused by just one person.

Sighing to herself as her mind once again wondered to Yevheniy, not for the first time today either, she smiled lightly. She was finally happy, and not just the empty smiles that she used to smile, but genuinely happy. She still wondered to herself in amazement that one person could change so much in her, and yet, here she stood. He was a royal pain, but one that she was falling for more and more each day. It was that point that Alissa finally noticed a girl sitting on a large rock just ahead of her. Liss frowned to herself as she studied the girl. The weather was miserable, and it was clearly about to pour down rain. Almost all of the students body would be inside preparing for dinner. Why was this girl just sitting there by herself? As Liss got closer, she noted the sour look on the girls face, and grinned to herself. The girl looked like she was having an inner struggle. "You know, sitting there looking angry doesn't fix anything." she called to the girl as she was just metres away.
The girl's mind was thrown all over the place; at one moment she was absolutely pissed at everything, and the next she felt ashamed for even thinking of hurting anyone, but only very little. Most of Sapphira Blacklord's mind was circling around her pain and anger. Today was definitely a bad day for her. It was getting to the time where most people would be getting ready for dinner, but the Durmstrang girl wasn't hunger at all. As she sat there, staring at nothing, images and words ran through her head. A little brat of a boy screaming at her that her parents were dead. Standing by as whispers were spread about her through the halls. Pity in people's eyes when they looked at her. Nah, Nah you're parents are dead... Did they scream?... The dead don't feel, nor do they come back, ever! People had said all the same things to her about her parents, and even more about the rest of her family, who were either imprisoned or dead. Sapphira hated everything about it, but especially the pity, the pity that always seemed to swirl in people's eyes, even though they didn't care.

The Durmstrang teen pulled her warm hoodie tighter around her, and kept her hands stuffed well in her pockets. Today had been the sort of day in which Sapphira would normally have kept inside, studied by the fire, maybe read a book, but she had just needed to get out so much it had overwhelmed her. So she'd put on some skinny jeans which made her legs look quite long, a band tee, All Time Low or something like one of the old bands which she liked, and of course her black and white converses with a black hoodie thrown over her shoulders. Now she snuggled closer into the soft, warm jacket, refusing to let herself take comfort inside by the fire where she was likely to snap at someone again. Sapphira jumped at the sound of someone's voice a few metres away, and looking she saw an older girl standing a fair way off, looking right at her. The girl's hair was golden, and curled to perfection, and had her hands stuffed deep into the pockets of her jacket, a look on her face that said she ruled. No discussion. Sapphira looked away as her annoyance grew, she had hoped to be left alone out here in the cold. "Yes, well as I've been told countless times, there's not much a 13-year-old can do except sit here and try to let people know that I'm not really in the mood to talk at the moment. So really me sitting here looking pissed is helping something, my problem of wanting to be alone." Sapphira smiled briefly at the girl, a quick unemotional twitch of the lips, and continued to stare straight forward, hoping that this girl would take the hint and leave her before Sapphira's anger sparked and she dug herself into a hole that she could guarantee would be a struggle to get out of, If not a death sentence.

By the look of the girl, from the brief profile that Sapphira had gotten, she was a fifth year or maybe sixth, and looked like she came from one of the higher up families of Durmstrang, probably a Pure-blood. And most Pure-bloods were so stuffed with pride and malice it was practically shooting from their finger tips, and the 13-year-old honestly didn't think that she could stand all that at the moment, or she might very well lose it. Deep breathes, Sapphira, deep breathes.

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