No Sunlight

Justin Valentine

Active Member
OOC First Name
As Justin walked down a corridor of the Durmstrang Institute, he noticed that he was bored. He actually wished he was a muggle, seeing that all it was in this crazy institute was boringness. Either that or Hogwarts would be better than this. He had heard that Hogwarts New Zealand had houses that you could be sorted in, depending on your attitude and all that. It actually sounded interesting, but his choice was Durmstrang, because the invatation came right in the mail. He would be attending Durmstrang. It had sounded "cool" when he was about 11 years old, but that was almost 6 years ago.
He walked around until he settled in a room with a few couches and chairs, the common room. He sat down in one of the chairs, waiting until the time when his classes began, maybe someone else would enter the room.

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