No ordinary life

Liberty Kaelen

history tutor; grandmother; class of 2028
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
8/2010 (52)
Libby stood at the top of the North Tower, looking out of the window. It was growing late, and the moon shone brightly against the dark blue sky. Things had happened over the holidays. Things that even she knew shouldn't have happened for at least a couple more years. Her 6th year would be another of excitement, and sad times. She had an idea of what she was going to come face to face with in the next few months, years, and hoped she would find a way through.

She turned, slowly taking her wand out of her pocket, examining it closely. It intrigued her as how it had survived six years, and how it was still the same thing she held when she was just eleven years old, small, young, and with such ignorance with magic.

Turning her wand in her hand, she remembered how long it had been since she'd practised. She threw her arm forward, muttering something she'd heard a student from her say earlier in the day, and watched as the rugs turned blue.
Lovisa decided early on today that she would explore the Castle a bit. With the moon behind her, and mind you, she held serious doubts on whether this was good or not, remaining out in the corridors after curfew that is. But she had to get away for a moment, have a moment for herself so to speak, and the bristling common room wasn't exactly helping with that.

Climbing up the North Tower by its ever turning stairs, she pushed the entrance open and to her surprise it was already occupied. Shying away at that moment, she was just about to close the door and leave when she saw what the girl was doing.
By all accounts, Lovisa felt like an intruder, but she was fixed, mesmerised by the simple action the older girl did. Then she took another few steps and walked up into the room.
Giving a tiny cough, she said tentatively: "Sorry, I hope I'm not disturbing you."
Libby concentrated as she spoke only in her mind, watching the colours of the rug change. She had never used non-verbal spells before, and was finding it challenging. Suddenly, her eyes snapped up, looking straight at the girl who was standing before her. Her attention came away from her magic, and she swiftly changed the colour back to it's original before smiling. "I know you" she said matter-of-factly. "You're the girl who needed help with her trunk". She remembered how she had used magic then to help her out. "No, i don't suppose you're disturbing me. Not yet" it would have been hard for someone to tell if she was being serious or not. She felt like she had alot of power, being very near the highest end of the school, plus the fact she was now married. "Liberty...Corvus" she introduced herself. "I don't think we learnt each other's name's last time we met" she encouraged. It had also been the first time she'd said her full new name. She liked it. "What are you going here so late?" she asked sternly. It was in her nature to ask, she was an ex-prefect and children were the only thing on her mind right now.
Lovisa smiled back reflexively before she said: "I think I know you too, thanks for helping me out that day." If it wasn't for Liberty, she would've died from sheer exhaustion hauling up all that stuff up four stairs and upto the dorm.
"Oh ok, well then." Conceding gratefully that she wasn't disturbing, she asked somewhat stupidily: "When can I do that? It looked beautiful."
Lovisa subsequently looked down on her shoes when she realised what stupid question she had asked.
"Oh hello Ms Corvus..." She couldn't help but say shyly, still not moving her gaze away from her shoes. "And I think we did actually." She added, finallylooking up before her mouth formed a little 'o' in response to Liberty's questiin and blushed.
"Ermm, ok. I just wanted some fresh air and a change of scenery, never minded what time it was. I'm sorry, would you turn me in?" Lovisa was a bit scared now, she could not afford a detention so early on.
Libby smiled slightly, "yes. Lovisa. Julia Lovisa isn't it?" she recalled from the day in the hufflepuff common room. She looked down at her wand, and then at the rug as she asked when she would be able to do that. "I belive you learn the charm in your fifth or sixth year" she said, knowing this may well disappoint the girl as it would be quite a way in her future. "Also, the non-verbal spells, you begin in your sixth year" she added. She had not practised non-verbal before, and was proud she'd managed it on her first attempt."I could show you a few spells you would be able to do?" Libby offered. She still liked children, even if they were sometimes pests. She looked down the corridor. "No. I would not turn you in. Had however you joined a year earlier, and i was still a prefect, then yes i would. But times have changed, and i would like to be caught out here just as much as you would" Libby said, knowing the faces of the prefects helped. You could run when you saw them approaching.
"That's my name." Lovisa smiled, however that smile faltered slightly in disappointment when she learned that she had five left before she could change her mother's rugs, not that she wanted to at all, but she was sure that the habitual prankster Lena wouldn't hesitate to lose such a golden charm. "Oh well. As my mum at home says often enough, 'time flees'. And in that perspective five-six years is nothing."
She sighed in relief when she wasn't going to be reported, but still she felt uneasy, somehow guilty for being out after hours. "Agreed, Ms Corvus. I'd hate getting a detention, my sister would gloat so much." Scowling, her lips twitched at the thought of not the detention, but the prospective gloating she would receive from Lena.
Then her smile turned again into an hopeful one as she heard the offer and replied thusly: "You could? Okay... I'm in. Thanks." Chuckling, she silently thanked fate for letting her gain an head-start over her sister and twin.
Libby smiled as she looked at Lovisa. She saw alot of her eleven year old self in her. "You have a sister don't you" Libby said, not really knowing how she knew. Prehaps she'd caught a glimps of her in the sorting ceremony, she wasn't sure. "I take it you have a wand?" she asked her, taking out her own again. "Mine is Holly, with a touch of Phoenix" she smiled, and watched as she noticed Lovisa had the same. The similarities in the two girls was starting to get a little creepy.
"Have you attended any classes yet?" she asked, walking back over to the window sill, gesturing for her to join her. If they were to be caught, she would talk to the prefect or staff member. She took it on herself that Lovisa would not be in trouble for her late curfew.
Lovisa would never even believe it but here she was getting a friend five years above her. It was like getting a new big sister. Shaking her head off the ridiculous thought, she looked up at Libby and said: "Actually, she's my identical twin. Her name's Lena and she got sorted to Slytherin right before I was sorted to the 'puffs. I don't even know why but she seems to hate me for some reason. It's like I'm hindering her from being great or something."
"Wand?" She asked as the subject of conversation was changed, "Holly, 280 milimetres and with a Phoenix Feather as core." Stunned by the reply, she raised her eyebrows to the roof in a ridiculous looking frown. So they had the same wand, almost...
"Not really that many yet." She answered honestly, after all the term had barely started.
Libby nodded. Yes, a Slytherin. She knew about them. "You know. When i was sorted, or at least, right before, i had a friend. Larissa Sedgwick. We were both going to aim for Slytherin. My mother was in Slytherin too" she hoped the girl wouldn't mind hearing about her family. "Larissa made it. Although she attends Durmstrang now. And i, well, you can see" she smiled. "I know how it feels to be parted through a house that's all. I know that her being Slytherin will probably make her change slightly, prehaps see that she has more power than you." she looked straight into her eyes. "I also happen to know a third year Slytherin. Who looks down on everyone else. You'll learn that no matter what house someone is in, they are always as important or powerful as another" she said quietly, wondering if the girl even cared. "Of course, Hufflepuff fitted me well, until i was a fifth year. Then i was made a prefect, and ironically, so was Larissa. Half way through i left for Durmstrang. I returned to Hogwarts at the end of last year. My prefect-status left me. I can't say i'm the perfect role model though" she added, glancing down to her stomach.
Holding out her wand she began to explain the charm she'd used to help Lovisa in the common room. "Wingardium Leviosa" is the first spell i ever learnt. She did a swish-and-flick motion with her wand, and digging in her pocket, found a couple of coins, chucking them on the floor to aim at. As she spoke, a galleon raised a few inches up, before flying higher and resting on the window sill. "You try. And remember, you may need to pratice before you find anything will work" she smiled.
Lovisa frowned when Libby told her her family history and the minor fact that she wanted to be in Slytherin. But anyway... "You were going for Slytherin? Oh... well." She didn't expect that but alas...
"Who's that?" Lovisa couldn't help but blurt out, "I hate those kind of people."
Frowning again, she remarked: "Then why are we having Houses, isn't it... a bit unfair? A bit group selection?"
Unconciously following Libby's gaze, she took notice of her belly, and gasped. She had never seen anyone really pregnant before, not even her mom. That just wasn't the correct conversation at dinners in her neighbourhood.
"Erm," she started off very hesitantly, "oh my gosh, you're... having a baby..." Completely confused plus embarrassed by her lack of grace, Lovisa blushed fiercily as she removed her wand from her pocket and pointed it at the coins.
"Like this right?" She said hesitantly, still embarrassed by the fact that she had said something wrong... "Wing... Wingardium Leviosa." She said and waved her wand, not like her mother's swish and flick but more like a circle in the air. Of course, nothing of interest happened.

OOCOut of Character:
Bear in mind that in the modern Sweden (2010) at least, we don't have school houses. Instead there's a great deal of classes... I've seen class nr A to F. :r xD

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