No Matter What

Jeremy Thorne

Emergency Dept Healer | Hattie's Dad
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Even though Jeremy had never felt so sure of anything in his life, he was still more nervous than he'd ever been. Even more nervous than he'd been when he'd had to complete his exams to finish off his training. Jeremy felt both hot and cold, and he kept billowing the collar of his shirt, trying to get more air as he paced the steps of the small house. Inside, there was a witch, the director, waiting to help get started with the paperwork so he could begin the process of adopting. But even before that, Jeremy had insisted to the woman that he speak to the young girl and get her permission, her agreement. The woman was so sure that it wasn't necessary, and she had been right all along. She'd been right in contacting Jeremy and telling him that she had a little girl who would make a perfect addition to his family. She'd been right in warning him that the girl would win his heart and that taking her out for ice cream was just the right way for them to spend the first of several visits together. He'd been back and forth to England for the past several months, first meeting her in passing and then enough that they were allowed a day pass to enjoy the day. But this was another matter entirely. This wouldn't be quite permanent, not yet, but as close to that as was possible at the moment.

Jeremy's entire family was aware of this trip, and his mother had even, surprisingly, offered to come with him, but the man knew this was something he had to do on his own. He also didn't want to overwhelm the girl. Taking a look at his watch, Jeremy knew he must get inside before the director began to wonder if he'd gotten cold feet. He hadn't. Jeremy knew that, and it was with a deep breath that he made his way up the steps and into the building. Before long, he was seated in a tiny office the size of a closet in a chair that was clearly meant for someone younger than he. His knees rose nearly to his chest as he sat, staring at a small plush dragon was thrown on the floor, one wing hanging from a seam. It was such a sad sight that the man couldn't help but reach for his wand to fix it right up. It was such an easy fix and such a shame that no one had thought to do this themselves.
As Hattie sat on her bed in the bedroom alone, she played with her two soft toys, Mr Donkey and Mrs Donkey. Today they were going on a date to the movies and Hattie was going with them. She had never been to the movies before but had read about it in one of the muggle picture books from the bookshelf. It was a place where you were able to watch pictures move on screen and it made a story, kind of like a book. But instead of reading it, you watched it. Mr and Mrs Donkey had just finished collecting the food they were going to eat as they watch the pretend movie when the director had walked in, calling for Hattie. Jeremy was waiting for her and so that meant they were going to hang out again which she had been waiting for for a long time. Dropping her old soft toys on the bed, she stood up and jumped off it with a loud thud. Mr and Mrs Donkey would have to wait and go to the movies tomorrow now as Hattie had far more important things to do.

The director took Hattie's hand as the pair of them made their way over to her office. Hattie didn't question why he was in there and was simply just happy to have the chance to see him again. Maybe he had some more ice cream trips planned? As the door opened and Jeremy's face came into view, Hattie let go of the director's hand and ran straight over to him, jumping up onto his lap. "We going to get ice cream?" she asked, using her right hand to demonstrate holding one. She didn't understand why the director was closing the door again and looked up at Jeremy, hoping he had an answer. She didn't want to think anything was wrong and kept her mouth shut, not really knowing what to say.
Jeremy had just finished fixing the dragon up, pleased at another successful surgery, one of the easiest ones he'd done in a while. As the door opened, the man's heart set to racing again and he took a deep breath, a smile on his face as Hattie bounded in. "Whoa" he exclaimed, the smile remaining on his face as she asked if they were going out for ice cream again. The man was ready to nod his head yes, but knew that he'd have to begin setting limits. Hattie couldn't expect ice cream every day. She'd rot her teeth. It would be hard since Jeremy had quite the sweet tooth, but he knew he'd have to start thinking like a parent if this was going to work and he desperately wanted it to. As the door shut with a small click, Jeremy knew that it was time. This was the reason he was here. So he put down the stuffed dragon that was still in his hand and looked at the little girl.

"Maybe another time, Hattie" he said gently. Like a good Ravenclaw, Jeremy had peppered the director with questions about the little girl, what she liked, what she didn't and she'd answered some of his questions but told him that it was best to find out things like that for himself by asking the person who would know best: Hattie. Jeremy knew she was right, and he hoped for that opportunity. " I actually have a very important question I'd like to ask you" he added seriously, his nerves growing. He was glad she was at eye level. He'd been told it was the best way to speak to a child. "Remember when I told you that I was on vacation here especially to come see you?" he explained. The man cleared his throat before continuing on. "I was wondering what you thought about coming with me when I go back?" he trailed off, hoping she'd understand what he was saying. He'd been approved for a placement, the opportunity to try his hand with caring for Hattie, though for Jeremy this was no trial. When the woman had spoken of placements that didn't work, Jeremy had been aghast at the news that sometimes people decided not to move forward. Jeremy had no idea what she knew, whether any of the other children spoke of their experiences.
It wasn't like Jeremy to say no to ice cream and it made Hattie wonder if perhaps he had something extra special planned for them. Maybe they were going to a petting zoo and she would be able to meet the bigger versions of Mr and Mrs Donkey? She had never seen a real donkey before and wondered if they were as friendly as the real Mr and Mrs Donkey. She wanted to ask him if that was what was happening but he wanted to tell her something that seemed to be very important. Hattie knew when adults wanted to say important things because they looked very serious and for a second Hattie thought she was in trouble. The girl kept her blue eyes fixated on him, wondering what it was she could have done. She nodded her head up and down when Jeremy reminded her of him staying there just so they could see each other and hoped his next words weren't bad news. Luckily, Jeremy never gave Hattie bad news and so she was positive it wasn't going to be that.

When Jeremy asked Hattie if she wanted to go back with him to where he lived, she beamed. "And then we'll come back here and I can show you my bed?" she asked him, not entirely sure what he meant. She was happy to be able to see where he lived but why was he so nervous about asking her that? "You can also meet Mr and Mrs Donkey!" she exclaimed. "But only when we come back because I get to see where you live first." The six-year-old looked up at him excitedly, bouncing around in his lap. She imagined he lived in a mansion which had a swimming pool and pretty flowers at the front and Hattie wanted to pick those flowers and put them in her hair just like some pictures she saw in a magazine. Hattie could collect flowers to put into Jeremy's hair too and they could be twins together. The thought of this made the young girl smile.
Hattie had eyes that were just as blue, though a shade different to his own. He smiled, patient as he listened to her excitement, though it was slightly misplaced. Still, there was excitement and he would run with that. Jeremy was excited about all of this too. "Maybe you can show me your bed now because I was thinking you'd come and stay with me...for good" he explained. Jeremy knew her bed was probably special to her because it was one of the few things in the home that belonged to her and her alone. Jeremy hoped she wasn't too attached, however, because even with his mother to help, he wasn't sure of his skills in bringing everyone, their stuff, and a bed back via floo. With that much stuff, something was bound to get lost or left behind. "And I live pretty far. All the way in New Zealand" he reminded the young girl.

Besides, Jeremy had already purchased a bed and a few furnishings for what would be Hattie's room in the home he'd purchased earlier in the year, though he'd left some of the stuff like painting and decorating for Hattie's input. Jeremy had worked hard over the past few months to make his new home not only safe but feel like a home for a child who'd grown up without one. It wasn't a large home by any stretch, but it had a nice sized backyard and Jeremy had visions of installing a pool and maybe a tire swing on the tree that was at the edge of his yard. "Mr. and Mrs. Donkey are invited to come as well" he added quickly, not wanting Hattie to think he expected her to leave everything behind. Jeremy knew this would be difficult enough for the six year old without asking her to leave her two friends behind. Jeremy still wasn't quite sure if the animals were imaginary friends or if she really had stuffed animals, but he had the feeling they'd be making up a big part of this new family he was hoping would come together.
Hattie had seen lots of children come and go from the orphanage for her whole life, and had even lost a friend once because of it. She knew now what Jeremy was saying when he told her that she could go and live with him for good. The young girl looked up at him, moving about excitedly in his lap but still feeling a bit hesitant, despite how eager she was to live with him. She would miss the orphanage but she trusted that Jeremy and her would have lots of fun together for the rest of her life. "What is New Zealand like?" she asked, wondering just how far away that was and how long it would take to get there. "Why can't I bring my bed with us? Is there ice-cream there?" Hattie had many more questions to ask but knew that now that they were going to live together that she had all the time to ask them.

As Jeremy also said that Mr and Mrs Donkey could come with them she beamed, excited for when she could tell them. She hoped that they wouldn't mind coming with her as she didn't want to leave them. Hattie would make sure that they knew that Jeremy was a nice man and she was sure he would look after them. "When do we leave?" Hattie asked him, wondering how long she had to tell her friends the news.
Jeremy could see the hesitation on her face, and he knew that he could only imagine what must be going through that little head of hers. The man had grown up with both of his parents in his life, had been raised in the same home until his parent’s divorce, so the idea of growing up here and what kind of life that had meant was unfathomable to the Healer. “Oh, it’s beautiful” he smiled, glad that she’d asked an easier question. “My house is near a place called Obsidian Harbour and there’s a bunch of shops and restaurants there” he continued, “and yes, one of them is an ice-cream shop. It’s one of my favorite places.” Jeremy junk food of choice was ice cream at Florean’s. Everyone had a weakness, and ice cream, he’d learned, was his.

The Healer was glad that her questions were more about moving and not about what she’d be missing when they left. He took that to mean that she was at least interested in this, and that was something he could live with. Setting her down on the ground so he could stand up, Jeremy took a deep breath, knowing this would be the most difficult part of all. Surely, there were friends for her to say goodbye to and more than the Donkeys for her to pack away. “Well, I need to get back to work soon so…tomorrow morning” he said with some hesitation. His mother had argued for him leaving the place with her, but Jeremy was reluctant to remove her so abruptly from a place she likely considered home, a place she’d lived in for far longer than she’d known him. So, even if it meant he’d be a little late for his shift, Jeremy felt that it was the right thing to do. “Do you think that’d be ok for you and Mr. and Mrs. Donkey?” he said gently.

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