🌹 Rose Giving No Bee's Involved This Time

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
The blonde was onto her next rose delivery and the next name was another Gryffindor. June sighted and made her way to the Gryffindor table once more. This person June happend to run into not so long ago. And she only remembered his name because he had been another person with no brains to her. Doing actions but not with an plan or goal in her eyes. Enlarging an bee in front of her and than letting her do the smarter work afterwards. June saw Teddy and figured not to make it a long talk since she had more important things to do. '' It seems someone has an thing for you. '' June than stated directly and hold the red rose in front him as she approached him. '' Perhaps it's from your friend the bee.'' She said dry.
Teddy glanced up as June approached with a red rose for him, a smile spreading across his face in response to her sass. "Funny, I seem to remember you were the one the bee wanted to befriend," he teased, eyeing the rose and extending his hand to accept the delivery, "Thanks!"
When June handed over the red rose with an note attached to it she watched Teddy with an straight face. '' I can't blame him.'' She replied back with an smirk. Although she still hated bee's. And than waited for his reaction.

[no note]
Teddy ignored June, his attention now fixed on the rose and its blank note. Confused, he turned the note over, finding nothing written on the other side, then he held it up to the light but still no trace of words. "Hold up, I think there's been a mistake. This note is blank," he said to June. "Wait, let me check something." He took out his wand and cast, "Aparecium" He watched, hoping the spell would reveal a hidden message. Please let there be a hidden message!

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