- Messages
- 135
- OOC First Name
- Tenile
- Blood Status
- Pure Blood
- Relationship Status
- Too Young to Care
- Wand
- Curly 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Elm Wand with Thestral Tail Hair
- Age
- 10/2039

Nikola's full name:
Nikola Emiliano Raven
Nikola's full name at birth:
Nikola Emiliano Raven
Nikola's name history:
Nikola Emiliano Raven
Reason or meaning of name:
Nikola's name came about after many months of debate. His father had wanted to call him Massimiliano, whilst his mother wanted something more unique. She had preferred a more American name, but his father vetoed the majority, as he wanted a name that had family origins. No one is quite sure how the pair settled on Nikola, but his mother liked how it sounded and his father accepted the fact that it was related to Niccolo, a recurring name in the Raven family. Nikola means Victory of the people. Nikola's middle name comes from the name of his grandmother, Emiliana. Emiliano has various translations, though usual ones are To Rival, To Excel or To Emulate. Raven comes from his English ancestry, and means Black or Dark Haired.
Opinion Of Name:
Nikola has yet to come to love or hate his name. He doesn't quite understand why his parents found naming him such an ordeal, though his father has certainly tried to explain to him the importance of a name. Beyond his arithmancy results, Nikola won't waste his time concerning himself with something he cannot change.
Nikola's nickname/s:
Reason for nickname:
When at home with his family, Nikola is often called Gattino. His father was the first to call him Gattino because, according to him, Nikola can be impish, much like a kitten. The name has stuck, and since Nikola is indifferent to the term so far, no one seems inclined to stop using it.
Physical Characteristics
Lucas Jade Zumann
Sex and Gender:
Nikola was born male, and identifies as male.
Birth date:
The seventeenth of October two thousand and thirty-nine.
Nikola has a ectomorphic-mesomorphic body type, meaning that his physique is lean, but blunt. Ectomorphs are typically characterised by their light bones, small joints and long limbs in comparison to the breadth of their trunks. These types tend to have issues with gaining muscle mass, and tend to look tall or described as 'lanky' because of their limb-to-trunk ratio. Nikola being prepubescent, does not present the full-extent of ectomorphic traits; however, his body underdeveloped body retains the common lean, long shape. Whilst not excessively tall for his height, Nikola will often appear taller simply because his limbs look like they belong to someone else, which will only get worse the taller he grows. Nikola's head appears large when compared to his shoulders, as his shoulder joints are small and underdeveloped at this age, which serves to make him appear small and top-heavy, despite also being thin. As Nikola ages, unless he pursues regular exercise, he will likely find himself feeling doll-like and soft.
Shape of face:
Nikola has a short face, with a pointed chin, soft cheeks and straight eyebrows. His facial features are proportionate to his face in all ways, and this makes it so that none of his features stands out immediately. Different lighting can cause one to focus on a specific feature of his face, which can then make it seem like his nose is too large, or his eyes are too small. His cheekbones are high-set, but a layer of face takes the edge off of them, making them rounded and soft. His lips are thin, with one arch less defined than the other.
Eye colour:
Nikola has hazel eyes.
Since Nikola has hazel eyes, his eye colour can appear quite deceptive depending on the lighting. Harsh or dark lighting can make his eyes appear brown, whilst pale lighting emphasizes the grey tones in his eyes. Neither of his parents have hazel eyes, however his maternal grandfather and his paternal grandmother did. He likes to think he inherited them from them, rather than just a random genetic lottery.
Nikola has light toned skin that darkens, and then eventually beings to burn when exposed to too much sunlight. He lacks freckles, despite seeing a fair amount of sunlight, and his age and worry-free lifestyle means he has yet to develop age or stress-related lines.
Nikola has slender fingers that match his body type. His palms are of an average size, but his long fingers can make them appear small in comparison. The tips of his fingers are blunt, rather than pointed, but otherwise lack callouses and rough patches because the only work he does is gardening on occasion. His left pointer and middle finger are slightly rougher than any others due to playing the violin, as the instruments strings are beginning to wear on his flesh. His hands are well-kept, with his nails healthy and filed, though he can often be found with dirt under his nails from neglecting to wear gloves.
Other features:
Nikola's body has yet to endure a hardship that has resulted in permanent scarring. His body is free of piercings and tattoos.
Nikola is not ticklish.
Nikola's hair is dark, thick and curly. As curls require a lot of care, Nikola is slightly vain about his hair simply because it requires a lot of effort to maintain, so in the end, he prefers a short hairstyle. His hair is short at the sides and back, with the top curling forward to form a fringe. Being a child, Nikola has no facial hair.
Nikola has a soft, slightly nasal voice and tends to speak quietly. He is unaccustomed to his opinion actually mattering, so he has a tendency to speak as if no one is going to listen to him anyway, which makes his speech pattern unintentionally dismissive. His accent is (Tuscan) Italian, as his family lives closest to the Livorno area, which means that he tends to under-emphasis the letters C and G. When speaking English, he emphasises his Rs, a relic of his mother's Californian accent. Nikola speaks Tuscan and Roman dialects of Italian, English and conversational Russian and Spanish from interacting with his half sisters and cousins.
Nikola holds good posture most of the time when he is knowingly being observed. His natural posture, however, is to have dropped shoulders and his legs folded in some way, attempting to be smaller.
Nikola's stride is slightly stiff, with his shoulders and hips often maintaining alignment. It's a closed-off walk, though not a shy one, with his shoulder's remaining pulled back and his neck exposed. He looks forward as he walks, rather than looks downward, and his gait is slightly irregular because he steps toe-heel, rather than heel-toe. This light footedness means that he is often accused of sneaking around, or mysteriously popping up where he wasn't expected to be as his steps, even on tiles, are naturally muffled more than a heel-toe stepper. Nikola is light on his feet, but slower when needing to go backwards as his pace becomes unbalanced.Mannerisms:
Nikola talks with his hands almost as much as with his mouth.Dominant Hand:
Nikola is right handed.
Usual fashion of dress:
Summer Nikola will wear a variation of his uniform where he will forgo the darker, outer robes and sweater, and will wear just his shirt and tie, though the tie will be loose and the top button undone. The shirt will be untucked, and he will be wearing shorts. | Autumn Much like his summer wardrobe, Nikola's autumn wardrobe will also be without his outer robes, though he may wear the sweater and long trousers in cooler weather. As the days tend to be rainier, his coats, sweaters and jackets at this time will often be charmed to repel rain. |
Winter In winter, Nikola will wear his entire uniform, complete with his tie done up properly, his sweater on and his outer robes, as well as long trousers. He may accessorise with a Ravenclaw scarf and hat if it is particularly chilly. In snow, he will wear boots. | Spring Nikola will switch between wearing shorts and long trousers in Spring, but will likely be without a sweater and certainly without the outer robes and scarf. Spring tends to have more wind, and so his clothes will be slightly heavier than in summer so that he is not too cold. |
Overall, Nikola tends to accessorise with shoes, rather than anything else. He appreciates bursts of colour, and has a fondness of eclectic, bright and electric colours that rarely suit more traditional styles of dress. Despite coming from a conservative Wizarding family who often prefer wearing robes during formal occasions, Nikola finds that he prefers suits, as they are more flexible than the stuffy attire his family usually wears. Since he is eleven and has few choices in life, he is often seen wearing slightly formal attire, regardless of the situation. When he is relaxing on his own, however, he will likely be wearing slacks and a sweater, or a t-shirt.
Jewellery or accessories:
On formal occasions where he is wearing a suit, Nikola will wear a tie pin and cufflinks. Otherwise, his only main accessories are belts, shoes and watches.
Spending Habits:
Nikola will develop conservative spending habits and generally preferring to invest in something intangible, than buy something physical.
Nikola follows the traditions of his family, though he personally holds no convictions for them.
Nikola has no superstitions currently, though he is cautious of the superstitions within his family. He believes in the power of Arithmancy, Divination and Ancient Runes, for example.
Nervous ticks:
When nervous, Nikola fidgets with his sleeves and starts avoiding eye contact.
Nikola tries to keep a clean and neat appearance, and is mostly successful. Shirts are tucked, ties tied and buttons buttoned as they should be.
Nikola has sound mental and reflex memory.
Preferred Sense:
Nikola's preferred sense is touch. When examining something, he will consider how it feels before considering anything else, and tends to remember how something felt, rather than what it looked like first and foremost. A close second would be his sense of smell. This also means that, when interacting with a new thing, he is often compelled to touch, first, leading his father to repeatedly instruct him to look with his eyes, rather than his hands.
Nikola has no allergens.
Nikola has no ailments.
Nikola has no disabilities.
Nikola's staples are rice, pasta, carrots, tomatoes, fish and chicken. One or more of these ingredients will be in almost everything he eats. He prefers meat in the form of mince, does not like interacting with bones or gristle, and often avoids the skin of anything as he doesn't like the texture. Otherwise, snacks include raw fruit and vegetables. Nikola prefers to eat one large meal, with smaller meals throughout the day, rather than snacking.
Health Status:
Nikola is healthy
Good personality traits: Nikola has a strong sense of family and duty that primarily motivates him. He wants to provide and protect, and feels most comfortable doing this by being respectful, seeking alliances and being honest. He has a deep love of his hobbies and family that he doesn't quite appreciate, at eleven years old. He's a confident leader, humble follower and tolerant teammate. He tries to either shy away from or disarm conflict, and is not a malicious young man. He's happy to take on someone else's advice if he needs it. | Bad personality traits: Nikola has a temper, though it is not expressed destructively. Rather than getting angry (though that is by no means impossible) he becomes reckless, as his anger is primarily motivated by jealousy or sensing unfairness. He will ignore obvious signs that something is a terrible idea if he feels wronged, even if he knew that the chances of failure were high to begin with. He is stubborn, and will argue his point until he has grown a beard, had seven children and died. | Priorities: Right now, Nikola's priorities are primarily short term, except for one. His father has arranged a marriage between him and an old family friend's daughter, so the pair have grown up together. They face many barriers, primarily language-based, but the pair are close regardless. Nikola considers Eretria his responsibility, and prioritises plans and tasks that benefit the both of them. Otherwise, his priorities pertain to doing well in his classes and fitting in. |
Most common mood: Nikola is most often unsure. | Patience level: Nikola is quite patient. | General sociability: He is social when he needs to be. |
Nikola's greatest joy in life: Thus far, Nikola's greatest joy in life is stargazing. | Nikola's little joys: Nikola likes to bake, garden and look at the stars. | Most ill at ease when: Nikola is ill at ease when alone in unfamiliar environments. |
Nikola's soft spot: Nikola's soft spot is currently his betrothed, Eretria Shannara. He feels that she is his responsibility, as he knows that she is only attending an English speaking school because he is being sent there. He tries to think of her at all times so that things are as easy for her as possible. This can cause him to become distracted from other tasks. | Enraged when: Nikola's trigger-point is when someone is being patronising. He doesn't appreciate being spoken down to, as he believes himself to be a reasonable and conscientious person. His pride makes it so that he doesn't like being treated as if he doesn't understand, even if it's right to do so. | Sense of humour: Nikola has a witty, sarcastic sense of humour that he tries very hard to curb, as it is considered unbecoming by his father. He will very rarely tell jokes or speak his mind even if the comment would be funny. He also enjoys harmless mischief, as long as he can get away with it without being caught. |
Love Language: Words of Affirmation, followed by Quality Time. Compliments mean the world to Nikola, and if a compliment is unable to be given, then spending time with him is the next best way to communicate affection, which causes conflict between him and his father, as their love languages clash. Nikola tends to clash with his younger brother, Loras, as well, due to differences in Love Language, as the least effective way to appease Nikola is by giving him a gift. He considers gift giving to be shallow if done too often and will rarely give gifts, himself, unless they are of a practical nature. | If granted one wish, it would be: To wish that his mother and brother were still alive. Why? Nikola lost his mother and brother before his fifth birthday and, despite the best efforts of his father, has few memories of either. He still bears a sense of melancholy knowing that all he knows of his mother is through interacting with her portrait at home. He has complicated emotions over seeing his father remarry, as he is perceptive enough to suspect that his father has merely settled and is not marrying for love. He doesn't view himself as much of a romantic, but it worries him. | Nikola's greatest fear/s: Being a disappointment. Why? Nikola has been raised in an environment where the needs of the one are second to the needs of the many, which places his own desires secondary to that of his wider family by default. Failing to live up to his father's standards and expectations is a great fear of his, as he wants to make his father happy. He does not see failure as an option, and he wrongly believes that doing what he wants to do, rather than what his father has told him to do, will cause his father to love him less. |
Biggest regret: Nikola has been fortunate enough to not have any true regrets at his young age, as he does not often blame himself for things that are outside of his control. At the moment, Nikola's biggest regret is not knowing enough about occlumency, nor being powerful enough, to fool the New Zealand Hogwarts Sorting Hat to put him in Hufflepuff. He had a lot of doubts that he will be able to get his way by asking, and was concerned that he is going to end up separated from Eretria, which is exactly what ended up happening. | Boggart: Nikola is quite sure that his boggart would have something to do with his father and younger brothers dying, though after spending some time with his uncle, he is wondering whether it has now changed to being a dementor and/or lethifold, after listening to a particularly horrifying story about the creatures. He is undecided as to whether he finds further loss of family more scary than either of those two creatures, as whilst he would be devastated at the loss of his family, meeting a dementor or lethifold would be terrifying. | Apology Language: Accepting Responsibility When apologising, Nikola will accept responsibility for his role in the problem, as this is how he thinks one should apologise. Requesting Forgiveness is the least effective way to apologise to him, as he feels that the one apologising should have absolutely no right to request anything of the hurt party, and so, will rarely, if ever actually ask for forgiveness. Apologies work best when admitting your failures and reiterating how important someone is, to Nikola. |
Biggest accomplishment: - | Greatest strength: - | Greatest weakness: - |
How Nikola feels about himself:
Nikola isn't sure what to think of himself. There are many things he wants to do, and even more things he does simply out of obligation, but at the end of the day, he isn't sure how to behave. He is always being told that actions speak louder than words, and that he should be deciding now how he wants to be perceived, but he feels that he doesn't have the life experience to do anything. At the end of the day, he finds it impractical to be acting as if he has any choice in the matter of anything, at this age.
One word Nikola would use to describe himself:
Nikola does not feel as if his actions or desires are of any importance in the grander scheme of things.
What does Nikola consider his best personality trait?
Nikola considers his practicality and tolerance as his best traits, though he is mistaking his obedience as tolerance.
What does Nikola consider his worst personality trait?
Nikola considers his indecisiveness as his worst personality trait, though he is mistaking his questioning nature as indecision.
What does Nikola consider his best physical characteristic?
Nikola thinks his eyes look kind, and he likes that.What does Nikola consider his worst physical characteristic?
Nikola thinks his hip to shoulder ratio is awkward at this age, and he hates it.How does Nikola think others perceive him?:
Quiet, obedient and voiceless.
What would Nikola most like to change about himself?:
Nikola would change his curls to be straight, as whilst he does like his curls, they are a lot of work to maintain and he would rather the ease of straight hair.
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