Nighttime melodies

Sebastian Rossi

Well-Known Member
Straight 14" Rigid Aspen Wand with Essence of Belladonna Core
The past few months had flown by quickly for Sebastian and he found himself beginning to think of Beauxbatons as home. He still didn't get along with everyone, especially the students who made fun of Trilby and stared at him as if he were some sort of alien, but for the most part the students were pretty ok. He found himself studying more than ever, not only his French so that he could communicate with the students who were natives of France, but also in the rest of his classes as well. His grandmother would be pleased when she saw his grades for the term.

Even though it was nearing curfew, Sebastian felt the need to go for a stroll around the school. Stepping into an empty classroom with his guitar case, Sebastian set it down on a desk and opened it. This was the first time he had taken it out in months and as soon as he placed it around his neck, Sebastian really felt as if he were at home. Beginning to strum the strings, he closed his eyes and just let the music take over.
((I do so hope you don't object to me joining?))

It was late, nearly curfew, and yet Antoinette Greenwood - if that was really who she was, clearly it wasn't - was not in her room, but was instead wandering around the school, her mind racing at a million miles a minute. Ever since her grandfather had made that astonishing revelation, Antoinette's mind had been a complete mess, a confused jumble of thoughts. She hadn't been paying as much attention as she should have in class - which was bad, the first big exams at Beauxbatons were in sixth year, after all. But when being told something so shattering, how else was she expected to behave?

As she stumbled past a supposedly deserted classroom, Antoinette paused. Someone was playing guitar. And wasn't bad. But, as one of the older students, and as her penance for misbehaving throughout fourth and fifth year (and her misbehaviour now), she felt it her duty to inform the student that it was almost curfew, and they really ought to go to their room.

Opening the door, Antoinette - quite indiscreetly - cleared her throat. "Ahem," she began, a rather bored look on her pretty features (she was a part-Veela, after all). "While I'm sure the walls appreciate the music, surely you should be in your room? It is almost curfew," she explained. It was hypocritical of Antoinette to say such a thing - she was known in her closer circles for being one to often escape the confines of the palace and go wandering outside - but what were powers in charge if not hypocritical?
((not at all))

At the sound of a female voice, Sebastian stopped playing and turned around. His face turned red as he realized that she had been listening to him play. The girl, who he didn't recognize from any of his classes was reminding him of the curfew. He stared at her for a long second , his eyebrow rising as he wondered why she was even bothering to remind him.

With a shrug, Sebastian lowered the guitar to the ground and placed it so that it was leaning against the desk. "I didn't want to bother my roommate. He doesn't seem the type to appreciate music" Sebastian said with a frown. In fact, Sebastian didn't know what type of person his roommate was since he barely saw the guy. Sebastian was reluctant to return to his room because it was rather boring there. "I could remind you of the same thing" he pointed out, realizing that she also was out right near curfew.
Antoinette merely rolled her eyes, bored. Younger kids, she thought, almost wanting to laugh. At seventeen, Antoinette had made the decision to only pursue adults. It seemed to be working well, as the rumours and talk had died down a little. Almost unbelievably, she had chosen to focus more on study and less on romantic pursuits. Although the fact that she kept thinking of James may have had something to do with that.

Tossing her hair back, Antoinette fixed her cold gaze on the boy. Today hadn't been a good day, and she needed to take her anger out on somebody. This boy just happened to be the best target. "As a matter of fact, I was heading back to my dorm. I'm a responsible adult, and sixth year. And you...why, you couldn't be any older than fifth year, could you?" she stated, coldly. "I don't need reminding of the rules."
(( Same, hope you don't mind me joining you :) ))

Taylor wandered pointlessly down the corridor, when she heard somebody raising their voice. She peered into the classroom. They were both older than Taylor, but it didn't stop her from poking her nose in.
She opened the door silently, hoping they wouldn't notice so when she spoke she would make them both jump.

'Excuse me.' She said loudly, her eyes scanning the girl and boy. 'But I thought this classroom was deserted.'
She frowned a little, noticing exactly how much older they were. She lowered her haid miserably.
'Sorry, I didn't mean to say that.' She blurted out stupidly. She felt left out, being the youngest.

She hoped they didn't mind her, and would just greet her, but she had a cold feeling that they would be cross. She turned to the door, ready to make a run for it if they shouted.
Sebastian rolled his eyes as the girl told him that she was headed back to her room and didn’t need reminding of the rules. As if I care, he thought rather annoyed at having been interrupted now. It would have been one thing if Trilby would have interrupted him to remind him of curfew, but this girl was clearly not her. In fact, she reminded him more of the girls in his year he didn’t like, which increased his annoyance.

“Don’t let me stop you then” he replied rudely and picked up his guitar again, ready to go back to playing. Her telling him to head back to his room was making him want to stay out even longer even though he knew that was just him being stubborn.

When another girl entered the room, Sebastian sighed loudly. “Really?” he questioned sarcastically, wondering why two people would enter the room and tell him the same thing. The second girl looked younger than he did and wasn’t being as bossy as the first girl, but he wasn’t in the mood any longer. “Didn’t realize you Beauxbaton students were such sticklers for the rules…” he muttered crossly as he stood up and went over to his guitar case.
On duty as always Trilby passed the now open door of a classroom that should be empty but voices from inside and one being familiar made her retreat her steps. Smiling at the young girl as she entered, Trilby could only smile at Sebastian as well.

"Us Beauxbatons" she said in her beautiful lyrical French accent "are always sticklers for the rules".
Her smile was teasing and gentle as she surveyed the three students, then glanced at her watch. They had enough time before curfew to be milling about but there were rooms set aside for it.
"Empty classrooms may be used during the day, I am afraid that it is not allowed in the evening time".

Sometimes being a prefect did her no favors, any friendships that may have been made had been stalled because of her penchant for obeying the rules.

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