Night of the living Dead

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Lexi Rodriguez

Well-Known Member
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking) (Heterosexual)
Sexual Orientation
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Lexi was already in her costume with her own wand as a props. She went out of the common room and up at the entrance hall, Esme had beg for her to come because it will be boring without her. Like she really paid for it, no one likes her in this school except a few first years and some older one's, once she got at the entrance hall, she waited for her friend to come and they can enter the great hall. Lexi doesn't like the idea coming here, she's not that a party girl and she hated every party in this school. When she started to get irritated on her fluffy black dress that her mom had bought for her when she found out that she's going to this freaking boring feast. "I hate fluffy stuffs." Lexi told to herself and continued scratching her leg.
Emse was so pumped for the Halloween feast, that she had two weeks to perfect the best inferi or in her case zombie like costume, that she had time to actually recruit quite a few first years to join her in some play. However they didn't take like in her idea, so with some last minute preparation she was capable of doing something very extraordinary. She whip her wand out and dressed in her best zombie attire and what she had up her sleeves, she walked towards the great hall with a few 'friends' of her along the way.

When she saw Lexi, she creep up behind her best friend, tapping her shoulder while she held a bucket of animated blinking eyes ball. "Its a night to drink poppet!" Esme chuckle with a wicked smirk, as her other hand held a old goblet of apple cider turn into a liquid form of blood. "How are you Lexi?" Emse snicker some more, as her 'friends' join them, animated skeletons made their way into the great hall. It took a lot of magic and a bit of meat like product from the great hall, she was able to dress the skeletons up like zombie herself. Some began to dance, while a few moan like Esme had animated them to do. "Isn't Transfiguration fun?" she clasped her rigid hand over her mouth, as it broke off from her shoulders, another trick she was able to do with just a old dress up doll. "Oops forgot that will happen," a blood spewed from were the arms have been. "Merlin, I'm making such a mess" she hissed and order one of the animated zombie to clean up her mess. "Thank you loads, so what's the plan for today Lexi?" she turn around to ask her best friend.
"Stupid dress, I shall burn you after the feast." She talked to herself. When someone tapped her shoulder, Lexi gave her warm smile and turned around to see who it was. She screamed at the top of her lungs when she saw a zombie who looks like Esme, when Lexi calmed down she cleared her throat and straighten up her posture. "What are you wearing? You said to me your going as a zombie but why using magic?" She barked at her best friend, is this would get any worst than ever? Lexi asked herself and rolled her eyes. Its creepy enough that her friend is a zombie but using magic at Halloween is very enough for her and she's irritated that she screamed that very loud. "I don't pay attention at Transfiguration but now I will because of you doing it now." Lexi step back a few meters from Esme as blood was soaking the floor, Lexi has phobia on blood and she doesn't want to see it, so, she closed her eyes shut. "Okay, I can smell that. First, our plan is that thing cleaned and go inside and wait until this feast is done, so, I can go back to the common room." She told her still not opening her eyes, how did she have a friend like this, first they were enemies but the last thing you knew they are best friends. What a great world god made for us.
Esme chuckle at her friend Lexi. "Well don't be frighten your majesty" Esme bowed her head, were a line of blood spread across the back of her neck. "Tee hee, now for the fun part" she stood up again, her real arm came out of her torn shirt. "I still have the eggs" she pointed to the fake blinking eyes. "They smell soo rotten" Esme sniffed them, letting out a high, girly shrill. "Can we find a few victims? Its no fun throwing them at the animated zombies" Esme pouted. "I don't like spoiling my eggs by wasting them on animated zombie" again Esme shrill with enjoyment. "Off we go, dark princess of mines? I am your inferi to service you tonight but I do want to have fun" she called out, her fingers curled around an eye ball. Esme began to chuck them towards a few first years and of course the staff table. "Oh delight!"

Once the blood on the floor was cleaned, she opened her eyes and sigh. "Not frighten nor scared, you just made me jump because of your costume." Lexi lied, she was always afraid of ghost and ghouls that's why she just stayed at the common room till the Halloween feast is over. So gross and disgusting Lexi thought as another spray of blood rush out of Esme's neck, "I think let's get on inside and throw that to the innocent people around the great hall." Lexi smirked once her annoyance toward Esme ran out. She laughed as her best friend called her dark princess, well, she can't choose an outfit so her mother took a black gown and called herself dark princess but still pretty though. Lexi took two eggs at the bucket, "Let's go then." Lexi told Esme and walked toward the great old oak door that was opened wide.
Esme adventure father away from Lexi. She crawled behind two couples and before they say down she place two rotten eggs on their seats. She passed by them without being noticed, she heard the cracking off eggs and a few french words. "Oh my virgin ears" Esme giggled and continued her task, she would place a few eggs in people foods and when they weren't looking she started to throw eggs along the walls, were a few students got targeted. She did most of her trick with her wand, flick and moving her wand unnoticed. A few eggs landed on a few faces, some on their mid section. "Lexi?" Esme turn to see if her friend was nearby. She covered her twisted mouth with a giggle spilling from her lips. "Lexi come look, looks like some of the professor got hit!"

Lexi tossed the egg she was holding toward the glam squad or whatever squad they are now, Lexi still hates them. She then sneaked at the table where the foods are and cracked it at the punch when no one is looking. "Oh god, I will not get a drink in here." She told to herself and after doing it, Lexi went toward Esme who told her that a Professor was hit. She sigh when it was not her mom, if it was her, they are in big trouble. "Nice shot you got. Lucky, its not Styx." Lexi laughed and rolled her eyes.
Esme giggled hysterically. "That would've been fun if that were to happen" the animated blinking eyes were decreasing down. Esme thought of something even more worth a few laughs. She put the animated blinking eyes next to a few treats. Esme took out a pen and paper from her messenger bag. With that she clearly decorated up a sign and put "All is Welcome to a few Chocolate eyes" it read in glitter pens. Esme giggle again and turn to Lexi. "Well I think that's enough for the eggs, do you want to dance now?" she said to Lexi, her mind now settle after a few eggings here and there. "I feel like dancing..." she scrunch her nose, but to what?

She giggled along her best friend and stopped, "Anyways, you should be here with Mark not me." Lexi said turning around to get a butter beer at the food table, she wouldn't dare to take a sip on the punch because she just thrown an egg in there. Lexi hand't seen Mark anywhere this pass few weeks and she doesn't know what happened at the two love birds. Once she got a butter beer and opened it, she took a sip, when Esme asked her to dance and almost spit the drink out of her mouth. "I don't like to dance, Esme." She told her lazily, but for everybodies information Lexi can dance but none of the people here knows she dance. "I won't, I just went here to seat and not dance." Lexi said boring her eyes towards a bunch of people.
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