Closed Next Adventures

Jerara Tapsell

alchemist | curious | necromancy
OOC First Name
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Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 13" Sturdy Yew Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
11/2030 (31)
After getting the okay from his work to take a year out, he had owled the man he was heading to and made more arrangements. The man had a workshop in one of the magical areas of Florence, and area that he had read had been filled once with those seeking alchemy. He would be making potions and selling other objects and generally being an apprentice. He’d made living arrangements there and now he just had to tell tristan. He was sure that the other boy had been able to tell that something had been going on. More so than normal. Jerara kept odd hours, but in working towards this goal, he’d taken up slightly more normal hours and a lot of the books he’d been reading recently were on alchemy, there was a fervour to which he was reading those books. But he’d have to tell him at some point. His evenings were spent focusing on that than the other activities that they usually were. It was one of the evenings when he’d heard Tristan come in from work, that he knew he should talk to him. He headed out of his room and stood where Tristan was settling back in after his day, ”Tristan, I need to speak to you, do you have a moment?”
Tristan had had a rather busy and annoying day at work, and was glad to be home. Some paperwork he'd done had gone missing, and he had to do the work all over again. Only to find it the moment he was done with it the second time. Tristan would suspect sabotage, if any of his coworkers had the brains to do it, but he didn't think any of them were that sneaky. Still, it was something to keep in mind. Tristan was making himself a cup of coffee once he was home, mentally going over everything he would need to get done at work tomorrow. Jerara headed in, and he nodded at his roommate. "Sure, what's up?" He asked as Jerara asked to speak to him. It was fairly rare, as they lived their own separate lives. Usually they didn't talk much, as Jerara lived mostly at night. Though Tristan had noticed he had been awake more and more at normal day hours, which he had guessed was a good sign.
Jerara gave a little smile to his roommate, he suddenly felt a little nervous about telling him. They had a steady and good friendship, he had worked on it, and after their brief fight in seventh year. He knew that this wouldn’t be a bad thing. ”So, I applied to work under a alchemist, and I’ve been accepted,” he started, he didn’t want to give too much information to him. Jerara knew that Tristan wouldn’t say anything about it to much others, but the less he knew the better. ”But it’s in italy,” he told him ”I’ll need to move, I’ll continue to pay rent, but I’ll be gone for like a year.” Jerara added as if to help him be okay with it. Jerara didn’t say anything more just wanting to spot his reaction to that news. He was sure that Tristan would support it.
Tristan frowned as Jerara told him he had applied to work under an alchemist and had been accepted, wondering why he told him this. Jerara hadn't told him much of anything about what he was up to lately, and Tristan had learned to accept it. But then Jerara kept going, and his reason became clear. "You're going to Italy?" He asked, which was a dumb question, Jerara had just said as much. "For a year." That wasn't a question. He frowned a little. "How do you have enough money to live there and pay here?" He asked him, breaching their unspoken agreement not to talk about what Jerara did with his time. "Can't you learn from someone who lives closer?" He asked, then winced at his own tone. He sounded needy. Why would he care if Jerara left? Why did he care?
Jerara wasn’t sure what reaction he thought Tristan would give, he knew the other boy had questions about what he did in his time, but Jerara never gave much away. He’d always continued to function in the same way they had at school. They just did what they wanted without telling each other. ”Yeah.” he said, nodding as it seemed that Tristan was verbally processing what he’d just told him. At the question of money, he gave a little shrug, ”I have money saved,” he replied pausing for a moment before continuing, ”I’ll be working in the alchemist’s store while I learn, so, it balances,” he thought a little explanation would help make sure that no more questions would be asked. He was a little surprised at Tristan’s tone. He knew that he was leaving him behind for a year, but it was just a year. ”He’s the best, has the widest knowledge,” he replied with a shrug. ”I’ll miss you too though. Just come visit, you know, take some holidays and come see me in Italy. I’m sure there are beautiful Italian’s you can woo,”
Tristan decided not to question Jerara about his savings, though he wondered just how well his work in a shop was paying him. He frowned a little, trying to take it all in. "So... it's a year." He told him, again repeating what Jerara had already said. It was of no surprise to Tristan that Jerara would want to learn from the best. He'd always been someone who hunted knowledge at any cost. Trisatn smiled a bit. "I never said I'd miss you." He pointed out. "But that does sound tempting. I might do that." He was still unhappy about it, but knew the feeling was childish. Jerara was a grown adult, and if he wanted to travel to Italy for a year, then that was his choice.
Jerara gave a nod, as Tristan seemed to repeat the length of time that Jerara would be away. He laughed lightly at his point that technically Tristan hadn’t said he would miss him, but Jerara got the feeling it was in the undertone of what he was saying. He nodded again, ”Exactly, see, I knew you’d get on board,” He’d have gone regardless but at least now he’d have a friend and a place to come back to. ”We could even visit a couple of places, I heard the magic quarter of Rome is stunning, lots of old pagan magic influence,” he told him, he was a little joking, he’d explore the country and the continent with or without his friend, but it would be something interesting for them to do. ”How good is your Italian?” he joked, he had to assume that much like Jerara’s it wasn’t good.
Tristan was slowly getting used to the idea, though it was still strange. He decided it was best to just act like it didn't bother him, though it did a little. He suddenly felt boring, stuck in one place. He would never have the guts to move halfway across the world just to learn something like Jerara did. He was too busy trying to get ahead at the Ministry. "I would like that." He said as Jerara mentioned places they could visit. He laughed at his question. "Non existent, but I can get by with my charm, I'm sure." He said with a confident smile.
Jerara gave a little smile, which grew as he seemed to really get on board with coming to Italy. Jerara knew it would be fun, that he wouldn’t need to know the language to enjoy it. To enjoy what the place had to off. ”I’m sure you will,” he said with a little smile. He fully expected to watch Tristan flirt with the locals and other foreigners alike in their time Italy, he wouldn’t himself but that was mostly because what he wanted to do was study and learn and not flirt. ”Glad you’ve gotten on board,” he told him. He would definitely miss the other man’s company, he’d really grown used to them living together and spending the time together. ”I should go back up my stuff, I’ve got to go out later….so I won’t be about for dinner,” he gave a little smile. He didn’t have work but he also didn’t have something that he could really tell Tristan about. He knew Tristan would’t mind, surely he was at this point used to Jerara doing that.

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