News About Your Son

Taneaka Kalforovich

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka stood outside the Green residence. This was not the house of their newest recruit, instead she was visiting his mother. She didn't know how this would turn out, after all she had slept with the womans' husband and mothered one of his children before he had died.

Taneaka knocked on the door aprehensively. She wasn't worried about many things outside of her family but she wasn't sure about the Greens. A lot of them were Death eaters after all and she wan't in their good books. The woman stood tall and had a neutral look on her face though. She wouldn't let anyone know she was anything but sure of herself.

When the door opened Taneaka looked at the person who had opened it. It was the woman herself, Samire Green. "Samaire." She nodded curtly and waited for the woman's reaction to her arriving unnanounced on her doorstep.
Sam walked out of the kitchen and into the living room carrying three cups of juice. Apparently she was now a babysitter. She was looking after her own babies and Rio. Then again, she always seemed to be looking after Rio. Dervish had gotten into the habit of dumping the poor boy then going to the pub and getting smashed. "All of you sit down or you're not getting juice." All three of the four year olds sat down and looked up to Sam with an innocent face. She handed a mug to each of them then she heard someone knock on the door. "If I walk back in here and see any of you have moved from where you're sat there's going to be trouble." She didn't want to have juice spilt all over her carpet and making them sit down was an easy way to avoid it.

Sam kept her eye on the as she was walking out the room then she went to the front door and opened it. Her kind, motherly face changed to a face of regret. She didn't like Taneaka and didn't really want to see her so seeing her on her doorstep wasn't her happiest of moments. "Taneaka?? What are you doing here??" Then again, Sam wasn't rude. "Come in." She stood aside so the woman could walk into the house.
Taneaka stepped into the house and sighed. There wasn't a fight in ther air, hopefully it would stay that way. "I'm just here to tell you that your son, Woody, will not be in town for the next three days. He said you might worry." She had to specify the son because, well, Samaire had around, Taneaka guessed, nine children of her own, not to mention the children she looked after that weren't hers. She had to admire the womans' will power and ability to keep her calm.

Taneaka couldn't deal with that many children. She was happy with her current home life. Markov and Ivana in school and Andromeda was often looked after by the elf when Taneaka needed a break. This woman looked after the children almost single handedly. That earned respect, even if she didn't like the woman.
Sam frowned as she closed the door and led the way to the living room where the children were still sat drinking. "Why would he go out of town??" Sam knew Woody. He was lazy. He filled in if help was needed at the library where Dervish worked and other than that his time was spent at the pub, at other girls' houses or at his own house. The rest of the time he didn't go anywhere. Why would he suddenly go out of town?? And why would Taneaka know about it?? None of it made any sense to her.
Taneaka smiled politely. "He has decided to work for my husband and needs to go on a trip." She didn't exactly need to explain the whole thing to Samaire and this trip was on the way to pick up Andromeda from the girl's house. Ivana's friend wasn't used much any more but when Benson had the boys round Taneaka was busy and so was Nibbles so she took her to the girl for about an hour at the most.
Sam found it weird that Woody would suddenly work for a man he didn't know. "How does he know your husband?? And what work would he be doing??" She hoped it wasn't cleaning or anything stupid like that. Woody was a smart, strong boy who deserved much more credit than that. He should be doing a job where his muscles and brains needed to be used.
Taneaka didn't want to be rude but she really needed to get Andromeda. She sighed before turning back to the woman. "Is there any way you can come to mine for all of the information or I can come back later?" She tried asking as nicely as possible. It had been over an hour and Taneaka hated the thought of leaving Andy there too long. The small girl hated being away from her. "I really need to pick up my daughter." Hopefully Samaire would soften as it was to do with a child, there was of course the isk she would harden as it was her husbands child after all.
Sam shrugged slightly. "I can't leave the kids but if you come here you can bring your daughter. I'm sure she'd love to have someone else to play with." Sam guessed that this daughter was the one that was Dervish's. She was kind of curious as to what the toddler looked like. She would be the same age as Rosie and Bella and have the same father. The only difference would be the mother of them. She wanted to see how much she looked like Sam's daughters.
Taneaka nodded and apparated away, not bothering with the door. It took a few minuted to pick her up and pay the girl before she apparated back out side and knocked again. This time she was smiling though and holding a wriggling toddler. "Andy, I'll let you down in a second." She said just as the door opened and she found herself looking back up at Samiare.

Andromeda immdiately fell still and stared up at the woman. The small girl loved peoples faces and poking people. Taneaka stopped her from leaning forward as she reached out a hand. "Andromeda." Her tone was stern and the small girl leant back and glanced at the other woman wearily. Who's that mummy? Taneaka listened as the small girl shispered in her ear, suddenly going shy. "This is Samaire Green. She's the mummy of the man who came to the door earlier." Adnromeda liked to watch the people who came throught the door. Taneaka guessed it was because they didn't seem to leave again.
Sam looked down at the kids when Taneaka left. They'd all finished drinking and had started playing again, leaving their cups on the table. She picked the three cups up and took them back to the kitchen where she washed them and put them in the cupboard. She walked back into the living room and almost tripped over Bella as she ran in front of the door and hid behind the sofa.

Then Sam heard a knock on the door and guessed who it was before she answered it. She opened the door and smiled slightly when she saw the wriggly toddler. She stood aside again "Come in and take a seat. Watch your feet though. Kids don't watch where they run." Sam walked into the living room and gestured towards the sofa. "Drink??"
Taneaka walked in and placed Andromeda down who immediately made her way over to the other girls and smiled a toothy grin at them. "No thank you." She politely declined, she wasn't sure about the place yet so she refused to make herself comfortable. She watched her daughter with the other two for a second before turning back to Samaire. "What would you like to know?"
Sam sat down on the sofa and thought about what she was going to ask. "What's he going to be doing?? You said he's working for your husband but what does that mean??" Sam had no idea what Bensen did. She guessed Taneaka was unemployed but other than that she didn't have a clue. She'd only met them once or twice before today.
Taneaka shrugged, she honestly didn't know. "It depends on what he chooses after his training. Judging on his behaviour, however, I would take a guess and say he will be helping out the death eaters." She looked over at her little girl, still sat on the floor watching the other two. she didn't like discussing work in fromt of her but it was better than leaving her with the girl for longer.

"This usually means that they help out in risky situations or fact finding missions. If the Aurors have been alerted that a death eater might attack then one of the boys will do it instead. There will be no proof and no connections to the death eaters so they will be released. My husband takes good care of the boys." Taneaka waited for the next question. She was used to doing this with the wives or families that needed taking care of. Not the perfectly capable mothers that didn't need an help at all.
Sam was glad that Woody was going to be working with death eaters. She'd always had hopes that he'd become one but he seemed to refuse completely. She didn't understand why and she never would. "What does the training consist of??" She hoped it wasn't anything too horrible but then again if it was horrible then he'd find everything else easy in comparison. "What makes you think he would chose that root?? What are the other ones??" Sam wanted to know as much as she could about what Woody was doing. He'd be reluctant to tell her if she questioned him about it.
Taneaka sat forward. "Unfortunately I am incapable of telling you that. My husband is high on security and secrecy. All I can say is that it tests his emotional and physical strengths to their very limit. He does have a guide though." Taneaka remembered when Benson had told her he was going to allow someone along with them. He had said he wanted to be mean but he couldn't be cruel. It was a brother hood after all.

Taneaka smiled. "He was very proud when talking about his Death Eater relations when he spoke to Benson. He said he supported the work that the death eaters did he just didn't like the risk of being branded. Which is the exact reason Benson created the brotherhood." She wondered if that would be enough for the woman. "The other choices are doing work that isn't to do with the death eaters. Just paperwork or finding out about people or you could recruit more people." Taneaka took a breath and looked down to see her daughter pulling on her dress, her other arm indicating the need for a cuddle. She picked up the small girl and looked over to the other girls. They looked quite a bit a like, Andy did look a lot like her father after all.
Sam felt her stomach tighten when Taneaka said Woody's physical and emotional strengths would be put to their limits. Woody was strong on both but she still didn't want him put through that sort of pain. She didn't say anything though. It was his choice what he was going to with his life and she wasn't going to interfere with it.

Sam nodded in agreement. "Woody has always been pleased to have death eater ancestors and he looks up to his older brother." In a way, Sam found that frightening. She'd taken a few bumps and bruises when Junior had gotten into a state and found he couldn't control his anger. She didn't want Woody to do the same. She guessed they got it off their father. Derv had always been like that. "I could never see Woody doing any sort of paperwork. He prefers to be in the front line than behind a desk."
Taneaka smiled despite herself. "Yes, I could see that just by talking to him. He's not really a pencil pusher kind of boy is he?" She bounced Andromeda for a bit before the small girl wanted to get down. She watched as the young girl made her way over to Samaire and sat behind her chair. It looked like she was hiding behind her.

Andromeda had somehow managed to pick up on Markov's enthusiasticness and his bounciness as well as Ivana's oddness. She often chose the most awkward place to sit in a room and today appeared to be no exception. "Sorry, she njoys being in awkward places."
Sam smiled. "Strange thing is, the same can't be said for David. For twins, they are completely different people." Sam had always found it odd how different they were. David had settled down with a good job and a wife and child while Woody had a small part time job and lived on his own.

Sam laughed slightly at the girl. "I know what you mean. Bella doesn't sleep properly in her bed. She sleeps with her feet up the wall and her head hanging off the end." Sam found it odd how Bella could be comfy in such a weird position. Rosie was the normal one except she didn't like having a duvet...ever.
Taneaka smiled and laughed when she saw her daughter peeking out from behind the cair at her. "Andy doesn't sleep in her bed. She has a nice room all to herself but she likes to go and sleep in her brothers bed. It gets interesting when he comes home from school." She smiled. When she was told she had to go and see the widow of her daughters father she didn't think it would be a pleasant trip but here she was smiling and comparing odd children.
Sam smiled as she looked down at the girl. "She definitely looks like her dad." Then she looked over to Bella and Rosie who were playing with the cats. "And those two. If I walked around with the three of them, I wouldn't be surprised if someone asked me whether they were triplets." Sam was surprised at how gently she was taking this. Usually, she would have been upset by the fact that Taneaka happily walked around with a baby that wasn't her husband's but she wasn't the only one that made a mistake and Sam had forgiven Dervish for it so she had to forgive Taneaka.

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