Newbie spotted

Luna Black

OOC First Name
12 1/2 inches, slightly springy, rowan wood with a core of dragon heartstring
Hello, I arrived at HNZ a couple of days ago and I just discovered this place to introduce myself ooc. My real name is Sarah and I'm a 22-year-old student from Belgium. I'm oviously in love with the Harry Potter universe, but I'm fairly new to RP'ing. I'm a proud Puff and I based my first character's personality on my 11-year-old self.

I'm kind of a geek, being very much into fantasy series like Game of Thrones/ASoIaF, LotR and the rest of the Tolkien universe, The Hunger Games, etc. I was a bookworm as a child, reading my favourite books over and over, but it kind of ended when I was forced to read boring, dramatic, realistic books for school, until that ended about a year ago when I was finally allowed to read what I wanted to read: the Hunger Games, Silmarillion and ASoIaF series. I also enjoy playing board games and online strategy games.

I have one important outdoor hobby, horsebackriding, which I love and which I spend a lot of time on. From time to time I go skiing in Austria or Switzerland, and I like adventurous holidays, hiking and camping. I'm not much into city trips and cultural holidays or beach holidays in hot tourist countries.

Anything else? I like food and cooking, though I hardly find time for that, I'm new to RolePlaying but I seem to like it much better than I expected, I'm a happy single, and my favourite band is Flogging Molly.
Hi,Sarah!!Welcome to HNZ!!You are going to love it here,I promise!!

I'm Arle,25 from the Philippines..I have come across this site when I was in college,that would be like eight years ago..This site has helped me improve my English skills and typing speed..This really helped me now since I am an English teacher for non-English speakers..This also becomes my outlet for writing though I don't really write..Like you,I love books,except LOTR and Game of Thrones..I have read HP series,Twilight and Hunger Games series more than ten times already..I left HNZ when I became busy with motherhood,came back,disappeared again..But recently,I just returned and trying my best to stay longer..

I have Danielle Corelli,my Puff firstie..So you can also RP with her if you want to..

I am not an expert in RP but feel free to ask questions..I'll try my best to help you out..​
Hey Sarah!

I'm Marga and I'm from the Philippines! Well, I'm currently in high school.. And I do love to read like a lot! HNZ has been part of the better (how long have I been here? xD ) three years of my life (or four?) .. xD i barely had any idea anout rpleplaying when I first encountered the site, but now I'm having fun with it so much just as any other in here.. I've improved my English a lot thanks to the site and well, you're simply gonna love it here!

Well, if you have any questions and whatnots, feel free to PM me, the rest of the site staff, and just about anybody here (most probably).. I'd be happy to get a PM on my inbox on just about anything! So, hope to plot with you soon!

-Marga :marga:
Welcome Sarah! Puffs unite! ;) :party:

I'm Claire, from the UK. I am also a Hunger Games fan! (though I don't like the films as much as the books, which I've read too many times to count xD )

Hope to see you around some more! If you ever want to RP, feel free to hit me up ^_^
I'm Micah, 20 from New Zealand. I've been here (and gone :r) since 2009ish when I was a tiny high school student. Hope you like all that HNZ has to offer cause I can't seem to leave xD (forever anyway)
Welcome to HNZ, Sarah!

You're from Belgium? How cool!
I hope that you enjoy your time on the site. Feel free to send me a PM if I can help you in any way. I'll see you around. :)
Hello Sarah! Welcome to HNZ!

I'm Emzies and I'm from Scotland, it is really neat that you are from Belgium.

I hope you have an amazing time with us, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to shoot them my way!
Again, Welcome!
Hallo Sarah,
Ik spreek geen Vlaams en mijn Frans is dermate slecht dat zelfs jij dat niet lezen kunt maar met Nederlands kan ik overweg. Ik ben Tamara en ben een 20 jaar oude knotsgekke Brabander wel de Nederlandse Brabant. Ik zit nu al sinds 2013 hier en iedereen is super lief zelfs al typ je geen perfecte Engelse hoogstandjes. Welkom ik wil je best wat leren maar alles komt van zelf als je wilt pm me kunnen we gezellig kletsen. Hopelijk spreek je ook VlVlaam/nl want sommige Walloniërs kunnen geen Nederlands. Dan sta ik voor schut anyhow welkom!

Good luck, Tamara
Btw I wrote it on my phone, which is pretty hard.
Hello, thank you all for the warm welcome!
I have to say, I just realised how much I still have to work on my thesis in the coming weeks, so I might be a little less active for a while, but it doesn't mean I'm disappearing already :p it's good stress relief.

@Tamara: Ik woon in Vlaanderen dus ik spreek inderdaad Nederlands ;) mijn Frans is niet zo goed.
I'm studying for my master's in translation, English/Spanish to Dutch :)
Bit late, but I'm James from England. I totally dig you with those book series: they have to be some of my favourite ever books. And school is a pain with stuff like To Kill a Mockingbird. I just don't understand why we have to read books which are ok, but nothing special - I can't wait until I can drop English as a subject so I can continue to love reading and writing as a hobby xD

I much prefer the outdoors too! (Although I'm more climbing/walking orientated than horse riding - you don't want to hear what happened the first time I got on a horse :p )

I hope you have a wonderful time around HNZ, it certainly is a great place to learn to RP (as I did).

Thanks James :D
Hey Sarah Neighbor! I am Jamie from the Netherlands and i really like the same series as you do. Game of thrones awesomee. I have made my return to hogwarts new zealand recently after a busy period. In which part of Belgium do you live? I have a first year puff called Emily Richardson maybe an rp could be fun?

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