New To The Whole "Wizard" Thing

Chrysanthemum Xanthe Tollin

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Xanthe was ecstatic to be going into Obsidian Harbor for the first time. She still couldn't believe that she was a wizard! Her mouth dropped the second she saw the first store and her eyes widened tremendously. Xanthe was slightly afraid of the large shopping district, but held her breath and kept a steady pace. Her eyes flickered from what looked like an ice cream shop to a pet store then to a book store and so on and so forth. Xanthe lost control of her balance and tripped over her own two feet and knocked herself and someone else down. She quickly sat up and brushed herself off. That's so unlike me! I'm always so graceful! What bad luck. Xanthe shook her head as she stood up. She then realized she wasn't the only one who had fallen over and rushed to help her up. Xanthe apoligized for her temporary clumsiness and helped the girl up. "Sorry for that small incident... My name's Chrysanthemum Xanthe, but you can call me Xanthe."

For Charlotte Edwina Williams visiting the harbour was something that back in England she would have never done herself. One of the workers, her nanny would've come, but in New Zealand things were different. For one thing Charlotte was allowed out herself, and two she was not near any of her family members. She had been told about the habour by her mother who had insisted over the phone that Charlotte go see it. Charlotte had used the school phones, she hadn't quite figured out how to use the mobile her dad had sent. Charlotte Edwina Williams was walking herself, she had a free day and trying to gain some confidence she decided to go out herself. The school inNew Zealand were a lot more relaxed about the rules than her real school back in England. It was a little frustrating to Edwina that they were less strict, surely the same principals were taught to New Zealand Girls as were to British girls. The elder girls wore the most indecent of clothes and claimed it to be uniform. When Edwina had complained to the head mastered he had merely called her old fashioned and said it was creativity. Charlotte believed creativity was to be kept to acting drama's like Shakespeare. Or putting pen to paper and story writing. Or painting. Creativity did not give a right to any young lady to be dressed indecently.

On Charlotte's adventure out, her first ever, she had chosen something very respectable. A knee length black skirt, with knee high white socks, a White shirt and the school blazer. Itwas black with a crest on the breast pocket. She had also put on a pair of fwhite ballet flats that had a little bow on the end. She didn't exactly look stylish, but she looked smart and respectable. Charlotte's shoulder length golden blonde hair sat straight, her neat fringe framing her face and bringing out the green of her eyes. Edwina did not often not pay attention to where she was walking but since she was in a brand new place, her eyes could not help but dart from one place to another. One thing to another. Charlotte wasn't sure if she was quite ready to leave finishing school and attend a regular school. A magical school, but Edwina knew that it would be completely different. Magic was not normal. She would have to learn how to be as polite and well mannered with a wand as well as normal. Charlotte knew she would enjoy it, but still she had her fears. They probably wouldn't accept her. She was sure there would be no one else like her. She was one of a kind, her father always said so. It took Charlotte by surprise therefore when someone walked right into her.

On the ground, Charlotte Edwina Williams took a few minutes to compose herself, before allowing the person who had caused her to fall to let her up. Charlotte bowed her head in thanks, while letting the girl pronounce her name. Charlotte liked the name Xanthe. It was different. And while quite odd, from the brief moments of the meetng something in Charlotte told her that the name suited the girl. "Please, the fault is all mine. I was not focused on walking, the sights of the streets distracted me. I would grately appriecate it if you could forgive my indecent action of not focusing. My Name Charlitte Edwina Williams" Edwina curtised to Xanthe while bowing her head at the same time. Charlotte had a very strong English accent. It made her sound very old English, Victorian. Her tone was also as ever formal. Charlotte held her hand out to Xanthe " It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Xanthe."
Xanthe stood stunned as Charlotte curtised, I thought you only did that when you were about to dance! She stumbled upon her words as she thought of what to say to such a formal greeting. "Oh! Well... Uh... It's um a pleasure to uh meet you too?" Xanthe wasn't sure if that was quite her intended reply but she smiled as if she knew exactly what she was doing and shook Charlotte's hand firmly. She sighed deeply and thought of something to keep the conversation going. "Well um... What are you here for?" Xanthe examined Charlotte and her clothes as she spoke. At first, Charlotte seemed a little too proper and polite, but Xanthe soon saw that maybe that's how she had grown up, and she instantly accepted her. A thought arose in her mind and Xanthe quickly brought her camera to her face and snapped a quick picture of Charlotte. Oh boy, I hope that wasn't too rude of me!

It did not take Charlotte Edwina Williams by surprise that Xanthe seemed surprised about her formal greeting. Charlotte was used to that sort of thing. It was a given, when any person was as formal and polite as Charlotte actually was, it wasn't exactly every day talking. People in New Zealand she gathered were a little less formal than what she was used to. Adapting was proving harder than it first seemed. But Edwina was always told that she should never give up because something proved different. Her father had always said this. It wasn't until she had left for the exchange trip that Edwina had actually had to put into practice half of the things that her father always said. Charlotte wondered if this girl had always known about the magic, like Charlotte or if she was new to it. Charlotte knew she was half blood. Her father wasn't a wizard, he was however a Lord, in the house of Lord back in the UK, when he would pass, one of Charlotte's older brothers would take his place. Even though in this modern age, most would find that a little sexiest, Edwina had no intentions to follow her brothers or her father. Politics meant boring to her. But Boring, was never allowed to be shown. It was deeply impolite and frowned upon in her family. Charlotte would never show boredom if she could help it. She didn't want to bring shame upon her family.

A snap, brought it to Charlotte's attention that the girl had a camera. Charlotte, didn't really know how to use one, so she was impressed that a girl around the same age as her could. Of course, not many lived like Charlotte. In fact, Charlotte was pretty sure she could go out on a lim and say no one lived like her. In the way that she did. It did not bother the young girl that she was very different from everyone else, in fact prided herself that she was so different from the rest. Charlotte knew that not always different was a good thing, but it didn't change who she really was. Just a normal everyday girl, who wanted to be accepted. Charlotte smiled at the girl politely. "I am honored that you would want to take a picture of me, but I must inquire into why? If you would not mind telling me why" Edwina asked, thinking carefully over her words and trying to not sound like she was demanding anything as that would be terribly impolite. Charlotte then remembered that the girl had asked a previous question. Charlotte blushed lightly and glanced down at the ground before looking back up at Xanthe. Feeling stupid for not having answered the question. She didn't whether or not to answer the question, or leave that part of the conversation. It might just come up again. Feeling she should say something, Edwina made a quick decision.

"I did not have any classes today, so I decided I would come see the harbour, since my mother back in England spoke non stop about it. And indeed she was correct. The harbour is simply delightful. Do you not agree?" Charlotte Edwina Williams said with a polite smile and tone of voice, her British accent pushing through.
"I write the names of the people below their picture so I can remember who they are, assuming I will see them again sometime soon. Some people think it's rude but it would be rude if I didn't remember their name next time I saw them, you know?" Xanthe asked, remembering a few times like that. Once she had gotten in trouble for taking a picture of someone's mother. The woman had slapped Xanthe's hand, making Xanthe drop her camera, which had shattered the glass lens. It took 4 months before Xanthe had gotten a new camera! It was her least favorite memory but she knew she couldn't simply delete it.

Xanthe shook herself back to reality, realizing she had yet to answer another question. "Indeed. It's more than what I thought it would be! It's very different. I think I'll paint it!" Xanthe lifted her camera and snapped a photo of the street and stores on the sides. She smiled and turned back to Charlotte.

For Charlotte Edwina Williams, it seemed obvious that some people wouldn't like it. Finding it rude and impolite. But for once Charlotte was not aware of the social code when it came to photographer. Charlotte Edwina had a camera, but she used it very little. She did not see the importance of taking picture when a mental picture could create a painting. Charlotte did however realise that times had moved on from true art, and photography was the new art. Charlotte had planned in younger years, when she reach the point where she could pick her classes that Modern art and photographer would be her top choice. But since she was a witch, she would never get to that point. At least not in her current school. Charlotte knew, sort of what subject were taught at Hogwarts and none of them included photography, but then again, she knew that camera's did not work at school. Muggle ones at least.

A nod showed to Xanthe that Charlotte Edwina had heard and taken in what she had said. Charlotte was impressed when the girl said she would paint it. Edwina nodded as if in a sign of approval. Charlotte wondered about Xanthe, she wondered if the girl was as well diverse as she was saying. From what Charlotte could tell it was quite impressed that the girl was wanting to paint the street. In her experience of New Zealand not many were into that kind of art. It was alway the modern computer stuff. Which Edwina was not very good at. She had never used one. Charlotte Edwina was more a book person. It was fustrating that computers were in the library in New Zealand. Back in England something like that would've never been allowed. "You are an artist?" Charlotte asked. She wondered if now, was the time to invite the girl to lunch or something for causing her to fall. In England, if that happened generally walking away was the protocal, but here things were different. "Can I interest you in Lunching with me Today? I am myself, and new to this country, it would be nice to have a friend."
Xanthe was happy to receive a nod of approval from Charlotte. She knew her parents would be proud of her for painting a portrait of some sort. Xanthe had never been much of a portrait painter like her parents. It was one of their many skills that they prided over and Xanthe always wanted to make herself noticed in that household. Her parents loved her dearly, now, but they just never paid enough attention to their little Chrysanthemum Xanthe, so Xanthe was always looking for friends to keep her company.

"I am indeed," Xanthe answered, "So are my mother, father, and my father's parents. I try hard to be as good as them." Xanthe knew it would never happen but she always did try her best to please them. Ever since she was a small child, when her parents didn't actually want her, she would paint the day away and show it to them, which eventually gained her mom's love when she saw it truely was her daughter. Her dad, on the other hand, was a little harder to win over but when she painted one of his own paintings perfectly he saw the same thing his wife did. "Oh, sure. That sounds fun," Xanthe didn't normally eat lunch with friends, it was always the "You have to be home by dinner!" stuff, but today her mother didn't actually say what time she needed to be home by. Xanthe figured she would just tell her mother she had made a new friend and she would be satisfied. "Where would we eat at? Do you know any good restraunts? Or did you plan onfast food?" Xanthe would settle for either so she left that up to Charlotte.

It pleased Charlotte Edwina Williams that Xanthe's whole family was made up of artists. Edwina had no real experiences in real painting but she knew a lot about the. Charlotte wondered if perhaps her parents had bought any work that her parents had done. It would be quite funny and yet awkward Charlotte presumed. Charlotte thought that it would be awkward as It would then be known that Charlotte was the daughter of a Lord. Not just another posh, well off rich girl. Charlotte hated that titled but she hardly lived it down. Her accent was different, she acted differently, it just all made Edwina be shown as what she hated. For the same fact Charlotte thought it would be pretty interesting had there parents already meet. It would mean that they sort of had already distantly met. Charlotte could not think of any names of artists from her house that were the same as Xanthe, but the artist did not always put there real names of paintings. Maybe it was that. Charlotte was unsure, and unsure as to if she should ask. It would maybe not be polite. But if her family had not, then Charlotte could ask for one. And if the family did not sell there art, then there would be no real problem.

"Does your family sell their paintings, my father is a very keen art buyer. Perhaps my father may have bought a painting of your family." Charlotte Said in her strong British accent, a smile upon her face.

It then came to the matter of lunch of course it would be hard to decide where to eat, Charlotte had no idea what kind of food this girl liked to eat or what kind of budget she had. Where Charlotte's was close to endless, and she was generally not picky about food there would be no problem, but she did not really know much about Xanthe. "I do not mind where we eat. I am not fussy, but I did see this adorable little cafe, called The Leaky Cauldron. It sounds quite the place. Shall we go there? Or do you have another place you think might be better?" Charlotte Edwina Williams asked looking back the street she had walked.
"Oh yes, quite a few actually. My parent's name's are Tiffany and Robert Tollin. Ever heard of them?" Xanthe didn't know many names to the paintings of her parents so she came to the decision of not even mentioning names other than her parents'. More than half of them didn't have people in them, though that was all she really knew about them. She didn't like to question her parents, so she would simply leave it be.

"The Leaky Cauldron," Xanthe had to say it in her mind a few times to see if she could remember what it looked like, since she had heard the name she assumed she had seen it before. I guess I'll have to take a picture of it, if I haven't already that is. Xanthe realized she hadn't actually answered Charlotte, "Yes, it sounds pretty nifty! Do you have any idea what type food they have there?" Xanthe was ecstatic to be eating somewhere in Obsidian Harbour.

If Charlotte Edwina Williams was completely honest she had never heard of
Xanthe's parents, and so in her mind assumed that her parents had never
bought anything from them. It seemed a little bit of a pity, but Charlotte
could not claim to know whether or not Xanthe's parents were actually any
good at painting. Either way Charlotte Edwina made a mental note to talk
to her parents about looking into buying one of the paintings. It would only
seem right, and they would pay good money for art, which would make both
parties happy. Charlotte shook her head to show that she had not, before
shrugging. She wasn't exactly sure. She could have seen one and not known.
There were a lot of paintings in her house. And that was just in the house of
the outskirts of Oxford. In London, there could very well be. Charlotte thought
it was silly to be pondering the matter. If they had, they had, if they had not,
they would. Charlotte smiled at the thought of her father smiling when she
spoke of art. Charlotte did not crave attention from her father. She had a nanny,
and her mum for that. She just wanted him to see that she was just as good as
the boys. Which could be taken to mean that she wanted his attention, but she
just wanted to remind him, that though she is a girl, she knew a lot about everything

When it came to the matter of The Leaky Cauldron Charlotte Edwina Williams had no
clue what it sold. This was her very first time to anything really magical in a literal sense.
She shook her head once more and took a step in the direction that she was sure the
place was. Charlotte sighed to herself slightly. She had not clue where it was and was
cursing that fact she did not look into the matter before suggesting it. But Charlotte
had not seen anywhere else. If they did not like the food Charlotte knew she would feel
bad about it. Having not looked into it. Or known. The only other place which Charlotte
could think about taking Xanthe to lunch was the school. They were allowed guests, but
Charlotte did not want to have to take Xanthe to her school. It would be most odd of her.
Charlotte had to just guess that what they would eat would be something different and
all new. Charlotte Edwina was all for trying new things. It was why she had agreed to
come to New Zealand in the first place.

"I am afraid, I do not know what it sells. I must confess to have never been. I
assume that it sells wizard food, what ever that might mean. We could always go
somewhere else, if you would rather."
Edwina suggested. "The Leaky Cauldron
is a lot closer though, Miss Xanthe, we will lunch sooner, if we go there"

Xanthe giggled at the thought of what food wizards ate. They must have strange names and ingredients! Xanthe nodded her head in agreement to eating at the Leaky Cauldron. "I believe the Leaky Cauldron would be the best of all choices," Xanthe smiled then continued, "Well I suppose we should head over there soon, yes?"

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