New Stragedy, New Souls

Hades Styx

guardian ⸸ dark priest
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Cypress/Ebony 15 3/4" Core of Acromantula Web and Poisonwood 15 3/5" Essence of Vampire Blood
It was the eighth month along, and Hades knew that twins were always born early. And he had recommended Etoile to remain in the bed while she was this far along. Hades would be lying if he had said that he was not worried about her. Hades had been worried about her for the past few months, ever since his encounter and meeting with Danielle which he was not too pleased about. Hades was taking real good care of Etoile, everything she had asked for - except leaving - was given to her. Hades thought that taking potions would be too much for her, but he had brewed a variety to make pain go away, some to make someone calmer, and others to give energy. Hades figured that she would throw a fit if Hades had put some into the drinks she had been drinking so he chose not to do that. Hades was in his office right now thinking, but he needed to get back to Etoile. He was not going to leave her for too long, he had a family to look after. Hades had taken his children to the Zhefarovich Manor to be looked after by the servants, leaving him and Etoile in the house alone. He had built the remaining bit of the nursery. Hades heard nothing but silence radiating through his house, and he ended up getting up from his seat, and he went to walk around the house for a moment. It was hard for him to think this, but Etoile might not survive this. His kids, Hades and Kaia, were just starting their second year and he was amazed on how fast they were growing up. Hades had not been around them when they were born, Kaia more so because she was adopted by Hades. His firstborn son was living with his mother for the majority of his life before he begged Victoria to let him live with his father because the stories were just mesmerizing. Hades glanced down the hall where Etoile's bedroom was, and he thought that now would be the best time. Walking back toward the bedroom, Hades knocked one the doorway for a moment, alarming her that she was coming in to talk to her. Hades entered the bedroom without a word and he pulled a chair beside the bed and he murmured softly, "Etoile, I think we need to talk." His tone was nothing short of serious, but his gaze was not locking with Etoile's.

Why was he feeling so angry about what those people did to her? Even though it seemed like he had done so much worse? He had not killed anything from her family, and he would not do that unless one was going to kill him, any of his family or Etoile Lefevre. However she was not going to believe him, she was not going to bother wanting to listen to what he would have to say, but what other choice would he have? Hades folded his arms across his chest and he turned his onyx eyes to her. She would never trust him, but in order to break down those walls, he would have to act like a civil person, even though he was not. He would have to be something that the other man was not. Hades said, "I had a meeting with someone the other day, a few months back, and I was informed of some things that even I was not aware of." Hades would have to tell her how it was, and how things were but it would ultimately be her choice to believe him. He doubted that she would believe a word that he was saying, but he was going to tell her what he knew, and what he thought. Hades continued on, "I know what that man did to you. I know what Iulian had done as well, because of that. I know he killed your mother. But you have to understand something. Not everyone will want to take everything from you. If I was the type of person to do so, I would have not bothered to get that necklace, and I would not have done that Vow and limited myself in the process due to loyalty I have genetically mutated in my DNA." Hades hated that he had that, but it was a nice quality from what he understood some others say anyway. Hades thought that he would be better off without saying that he was one of the types, one of the nice guys. It was highly cliche. He did not think that she would bother to believe him. But it was worth a shot. Hades shrugged lightly, "Believe me or not, your choice. Heed my word though, not everyone is out to get you. One rotten apple does not mean the entire tree is cursed." Hades almost expected her to start asking questions, and he expected it. He was here to talk to her, and that was what he wanted. Perhaps she would actually talk to him too.
Etoile was extremely uncomfortable right now. She had been that way since last night and it had continued through all of today as well. It was a horrible cramping feeling and it made Etoile feel sick to her stomach and just plain out uncomfortable to the point where she had gotten little sleep and had little sanity left inside her head. Every time she thought the pain was finished and she could relax for a little bit it started back up again and she was left with the feeling like she was being stabbed over and over in her mid-section. Etoile didn't know why she was in so much pain or if she should be worried about it being something wrong with the twins she was carrying. But this pregnancy in general was a real pain in the side so this was probably just another pregnancy symptom or another side-effect of being a Lefevre and not having a very suitable body for having children. So even though it hurt badly Etoile wasn't going to assume that it meant anything. By this point she was eight months along and she felt like a beached whale. Normally Etoile was very petite and very fit due to all the training she had done, but all of that was down the drain by this point. One baby normally made a woman just big but there was two of them in there and it was just not fair. 'I said I wanted an heir, one. How in the world did anyone find it fair to give me two?' Etoile thought to herself as she rested in bed, the covers pulled over her large stomach and her eyes fixed on the ceiling. Etoile was put on bed rest by Hades for reasons known to her but she would love to inform him that there wasn't much 'resting' going on here. It was more or less her just laying in bed growing more and more irritated. It was hard for her to rest while she was in a lot of pain and was always feeling sick. It was easy for her to see why it killed so many of her family before her in the process, she was always weak and tired. When it came time to deliver these two babies she didn't know if she was going to have the energy to do it. Perhaps her time on earth was dwindling and this was just a sign that she needed to prepare for the worst. However ten galleons says that Hades would do everything within his power to keep her alive, to her dismay. His behavior as of late was actually very odd to Etoile. To her he was already weird but this absolutely topped the cake. He was taking very good care of her. He gave her everything she wanted that didn't involve leaving, he made potions for her to take, and much to her annoyance he barely left her side. Especially lately. It was like he was worried about her or something. That was what she found weird, she thought he didn't care about people like that. Maybe he just wanted to make sure his children came out all right. Etoile breathed out and shifted when she felt one of the twins deliver a swift kick right to her gut. They moved around a lot during this time of day. When the sound of a knock was heard Etoile lifted to her eyes, merely only to roll them once Hades stepped inside. He entered the bedroom without a word and he pulled a chair beside the bed, which was probably best because if he had asked she would have told him to get out. Then he told her that they needed to talk. "Let's not and say we did." Etoile muttered and she easily noticed that he was not locking gazes with her. That was odd, maybe he didn't like looking at beached whales or something. Whatever it was Etoile was not going to let it bother her.

Hades told her that he had a meeting with someone a few months back and he was informed of things that he was not aware of before. Etoile raised an eyebrow and sat herself up slowly so she was sitting up and could rest her back against the headboard. By the dark circles under her eyes, the paleness of her skin, the dull color of her eyes, and how slowly she moved it should be obvious to Hades that she was utterly exhausted. It could be a sign as to how sick she felt too. Etoile hated him enough to where she hoped she could muster up enough strength just to be able to scream at him. But for the time being he had her attention and she was too weak to do anything, plus that damned pain was back. It wasn't likely that she would be able to relax anytime soon either. But the moment Hades mentioned Iulian's name she flinched and let her eyes drift down to her non-existent lap thanks to her stomach. "DON'T, say his name." Etoile nearly snarled at him as she let her eyes flicker over to Hades, for a moment the old fire that was in them before she got pregnant returned. But it didn't last long as Etoile closed her eyes and breathed out. The pain was too much for her to even get upset over. But she hated hearing that mans name. What they did to her was inhuman and she'd never ever forgive them for either. Etoile laid her body back down and rubbed her temples. "So you know. Do you really think telling me all of that is going to fix anything? Because it won't. People have treated me like sh*t all of my life, they certainly weren't the first and they won't be the last. And just to enlighten you, you have taken something from me. My freedom. So don't act as if you are some saint compared to them." Etoile replied tiredly as she turned her head to look at him. He was getting a little too into her business for her liking. Hell he knew her biggest secret by this point. He knew why she was so bitter. But she really didn't want him to assume that he could fix her. That he could make her open her heart to him or whatever. Especially with the state she was in now? He was crazy. "As love as I'd love to sit here and listen to your bullsh*t, I'm in a lot of pain right now so you could do a big favor if you just...went..away." Etoile shooed him with her hand as she pulled the covers up to her chest and fully laid herself back down and turned on her side, so that her back was faxing Hades and she didn't have to look at him though. She was thinking about going for a walk though. Etoile was getting bored and she heard that exercise sometimes helped. With a frustrated sigh she weakly sat up and pushed the covers off so she could turn her feet and let them fall to the ground. Then with much effort to make sure she didn't pull something she stood up from the bed. Screw bed rest.​
Hades could tell that Etoile was not feeling in the best shape, but at least the potions that he was giving her daily may help with her condition. Hades could have thought that her pains meant that she could be going into labor, as twins and other multiples all had premature births because they ran out of room on the womb. Hades never once considered that when he had other things on his mind. Many other things actually, because he had no idea what he was still doing with Etoile, but that longing feeling was still there, no matter how hard he tried to remove it. It seemed stuck, and Hades could not figure out what it meant. He would have to go to a mind reader or get someone that knew him well enough to figure it out. Hades rolled his eyes when she said that they would just say that they talked, but it was not going to pan out very well on that. Once Hades decided something, that something was in solid stone. No one would ever change that otherwise. Hades needed to have his moment to think, because slowly he was whirling into something that he had never been in before, like he was losing control of his attitude, of his emotions that he normally kept under a close surveillance. Hades would have buried his face in his white hands but that would have made him look weak enough as is. Hades could or would not take to weakness, as that was the one key to a defeat. He would not take that. He could not take defeat and weakness. Hades would not know how to act or anything when it came to it. And he was new to this feeling of attachment to someone other than his children. This attachment seemed to be a lot stronger too. He would have to get over whatever he was feeling right now because he had to get serious with Etoile on this one, but he figured that she would just put up those walls again, and Hades' little voice of doubt was seeping in on whether or not he was wasting his time on Etoile. She might not even live through the birthing of twins, so there was a large chance that she would perish. And it would be all his fault. Perhaps the Death Eater would feel remorse for the death of Etoile. And he would not have a chance to even prove himself to be someone who could deliver a lot more than just misery. Hades was a master of certain things, and bringing pleasure was one of them. He was the master of doing both, sometimes even at the same time where the feelings were inseparable. Instead of just thinking with his mind on this, he had to follow with what he was thinking with his blackened organ where his heart should be located.

Hades narrowed his eyes on Etoile at her outburst. Even now the name of Iulian Pisces bothered her, and truth be told, it bothered him to this day. However the sounds and looks of Etoile when she made that growl was enough to make Hades even more concerned than what he already was. Just how much pain was Etoile in? If he had to guess, he would think that she was in too much pain than she should be. And it was disturbing him to the point where moving her would not be the best option. And neither would Saint Mungo's. He did not trust those people at all. He did not know them either so he had no room to even talk. If need be, he knew what Healer to really contact when it came to having a home birth a little early. She might not like it, but Hades did not care. He was dying to see his step-mother anyway. But that was if and only if it had come to that. Hades was not even phased by her words to him because that was what he was expecting, after watching her for so long. "Saying that I am or act like a saint is equivalent to saying that I am an Auror. Also from watching you before the whole Vow thing, you were miserable as well. I can show you what it is like to not be treated like vermin, however you will have to get over that b*tch attitude first, and not assume things based on your past." Hades was wise, perhaps too much so, but he assumed that once he would get down the walls, even assist her in taking revenge on Iulian (which he could find him, it would be no issue) then perhaps she would feel more at ease. However how certain that would work, he was unsure of. He did not know how to fix the past, but he could prepare the future. Hades did not see a future with Etoile in it without him in there somewhere, whether it would be at his side, or him lurking in the shadows watching her every movement. Hades rolled his eyes at her attitude toward him and thought that there was really no helping that, and perhaps not helping her if she had to act like this all the time. It was typical, and one would think that one would be used to it by now, and he was, but did he really need to listen to this all the time? If it were anyone else, Hades would have slaughtered them by now, pureblood or not. So what was stopping him from killing Etoile? It was not Danielle, but he did not know what it was, actually. His eyes went up to see Etoile wanting or trying to stand up and that was not all right with him. Hades too stood up from his spot, and he went over around the bed because she was getting up on the side farther from him and he stood between her and the door to go for a walk which was what he thought that she wanted to do. "Get back to bed, Etoile. This is not safe for you in your condition." The words he used were not even covering up for anything or covered up themselves. At least by these words, one would easily tell, he was concerned for her well being. "Especially in the pain that you are in right now."
Etoile knew that it didn't phase Hades. What she said never phased him to there was really no point to saying them anymore. The part of her that wanted to get to him was getting weaker than ever and she had reason to suspect that it was because he never reacted the way she wanted him to when she was being bitter and harsh to him. At first she wanted him to get angry and perhaps feel a hint of the misery that she did. But it didn't affect him at all and now Etoile was losing interest. Or at least that is what she thought the reason was. She wasn't sure of her feelings at all anymore and that was because she feeling so confused in general with everything that was going on in her life. Never in her life before had she ever have a person want to be with her as much as Hades did. Or at least as it seemed like he did. He could only be after her for children and was putting on a good show to make sure that he actually got his children. But if that wasn't the case then she never had seen or met a man that was trying so hard to break through someone's walls. In a sense it was almost scary because pretty much everything she had done or tried didn't deter him from it at all, no matter what she did it appeared that he still wanted her around. What would it take to make him want her less. He spoke again and Etoile breathed out shakily. The pain made it hard for her to really connect with him and his words. "Would it make a difference to you if I told you that your wasting your time trying to tell me any of this? Why go through all this trouble Hades, I don't understand what you think your going to accomplish by telling me that your going to treat me better? No one ever does. I've heard person after person after person tell me the same damn thing and it never changes. Why should I believe that you are any different Hades?" Etoile breathed out again wincing as she tried to gain control on the pain she was feeling. It was a good thing that she had a high pain tolerance or she'd be screaming and crying by this point like man women usually did. But no, she was trying to put on a brave face and make it look as if nothing was bothering her. Especially with her getting out of bed. She knew it was going to hurt still and that it probably wasn't safe for her. But she was tired of lying in bed and feeling like she wasn't able to do anything for herself. Besides Hades was in here making her feel bad. He wasn't doing it intentionally but he was causing her to remember a lot of bad memories. Etoile had better things to be doing than thinking about Iulian and all the nasty things he had done to her. Why did Hades care what he did anyways? Etoile went to walk towards the door but it seemed that Hades didn't agree with her decision. He was concerned. Which was endearing but Etoile didn't understand how she could be in danger. She was only right months along so she was nowhere close to being ready to have the twins. Etoile guessed that was why he was so into her business. But she only wanted to get up and get a drink.

"I'm only getting a glass of water. I'll be fine." Etoile held up a hand. Her voice was soft and showed that she was not being bitter or rude with him, she was being sincere with him and she hoped that since she was he would let her at least get a glass of water. He had been willing to get her everything she wanted but she wanted to do things herself. Due to her enlarged stomach she slowly made her way over to the door but about midway the pain in her abdomen slowly got worse. Enough to the point where Etoile found herself doubling over and clutching her stomach. How would just simple walking make he feel like she was in so much more pain that she was before? It felt like what she was feeling before was amplified by ten. Etoile didn't like this either because in a way it proved that Hades was right. He was able to witness it too, how he was right and how much pain she was in. He had probably never seen her in pain to the point where she could barely hold herself up. But she didn't want him to think that she couldn't handle this at all. So Etoile tried to control the brain by breathing out and moving so that she could stand back up. But it didn't work and instead Etoile found herself whimpering in pain. Eventually she felt something like water running down her legs and onto the floor. "Hades..." Etoile didn't know why she was even asking him for help. She hated him right? So why all of a sudden did she feel dependent on him for his help. Maybe he knew what was wrong or he could at least help her. Etoile tried to move again but once she straightened herself up and winced again. That felt so uncomfortable.​
Hades figured that she would know by now, her words of hatred and everything was not phasing him, because his doubts were not nearly as his attraction and will to get her to open up to him. He was going to have her open up to him if that were the last thing he would ever do. Hades was going to make her realize, one way or another, her true feelings. Yet he had no idea what they were, but he did not think that they were the usual feelings that she was showing right now. Other than the fact that she seemed to emit nothing but negative feelings, there were something in there that was deeper, and he had to reach it. Hades had seen it before when she had kissed him willingly, when she had followed him because she felt drawn to him. And now he felt strong for her, and he was going to figure out what was going on. Hades did not think that anything she could or would ever do would ever make him think otherwise. Hades would never back from Etoile, there was nothing that she could do otherwise. Hades turned his eyes to her once more and he smirked once more when he thought that it was actually starting to affect her, perhaps not too much but it was making her wonder. Hades shrugged and he said with a rather soft tone, "I am not different, but no one has ever met a man like me either. Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, I am unsure. However, if I do not go through this trouble, who else will? If I don't do anything, no one else will because they don't know. They won't know either." Hades tapped his fingers on his arm and he wondered, if he had done this, and did not know what else he would do to make her think otherwise. Once she was better after these kids, he would bring her around his family, let those that would actually treat her better. His family, one way or another, would end up replacing the ones that she lost, and though his family were evil, there were more to it than one would think. They were family, and they were always to protect each other. However she would not be family unless she married him, and that was probably not going to happen anytime soon. Hades glanced over her body and noticed that she was in a great deal of pain and once more he was more concerned than he had ever been for any other woman in his life. He would not understand it either until he investigated it at least.

The Death Eater was not going to let her get up to get a glass of water, and he did not want her to really do anything more than she should have to. Hades narrowed his eyes and he shook his head. Even with her sincere voice, Hades did not think that she should have to get it when he was around. Hades held up his hand and he said simply, "There is no point in you having to walk to get a glass of water, because I can get it for you. I just don't want you to go into premature labor." Hades did not want her to have to suffer more than she already did, not with carrying twins for the moment at least. What if she had done something to further along the process of having the twins early? He knew that twins were normally born a little early, about the thirty-sixth or thirty-seventh week. Little did he know, this was around that week. Hades continued to block the door, but then he noticed something, something was not right. She was doubling over, and Hades raised an eyebrow, before he realized what was going on. She was in great pain, and he found himself rushing to her side because he knew that he was right in this, but he did not really want to be right either. He had never seen it, not where she could barely hold herself up. Hades went over to her side, and he then looked down at the floor seeing what he knew to be water, and her water had broke. Did standing and walking or attempting to made her water break? Hades' eyes widened slightly, and he heard her plead to him, or his name at least. When the water broke, sometimes it meant that the babies were coming, or they were going to come. "Oh sh*t," muttered Hades as he slowly realized what was going to have to happen. He had been through this before, so he did not think that there would be an issue with what was going on anyway. He had birthed children before so it was of no real issue. Hades thought that maybe they would have to slice them out too, but he hoped that would not be the case this time. Taking the matters into his own hands, Hades bent down and he lifted Etoile into his arms, one of his arms going under her legs, and the other around her torso. He held her for a moment, and he set her down on the bed. Hades moved her black hair from her face and he whispered, "The babies are coming... Practice your breathing, and do not push yet." Would she want to have him birth their children? Hades thought about going to get Nicolette because he did not know if he would have to let her do it naturally, or perform a cesarean section in order to get the babies out safely. Hades told Etoile that he would be right back, and when he apparated off, he soon returned within the next few minutes, bringing with him a Healer. Not just any healer but a blonde one.
<COLOR color="purple">Nicolette really didn't appreciate being taken anywhere during this time of day by Hades, urgent or not she had plenty of other things to do than deal with any mess he made. It wasn't her fault so why should she have to get involved? But nonetheless when Hades came for her she made sure to have someone watch the children while she Apparated off with him to whenever he was taking her. Nicolette found herself in a dimly lit room, one she assumed to be part of Hades home because she had seen it once or twice before this time. But there was indeed something very different about this time. There was a woman that Nicolette had never seen before in her life sitting on the bed, and she looked very pregnant. 'Oh dear god, please don't tell me they are his.' Immediately the blonde narrowed her golden eyes and turned to look at Hades. The poor woman on the bed looked to be so uncomfortable and in an immense amount of pain. Nicolette instantly felt bad for the woman too. If she was having labor pains like Nicolette might have suspected then she knew how the woman felt right now. "Hades..." Nicolette started off as she glowered at him. Pretty much warning him that she was unhappy with him and didn't appreciate how he jumped from woman to woman. A sigh left her lips but she didn't waste a lot more time glaring at him because she could guess why he had her come here, to help with birthing. Nicolette approached the woman and asked what her name was and her age. She was told that her name was Etoile Lefevre and she was twenty-five. "A Le-...Lefevre? Hades Lutrov!" Nicolette sneered at him, okay so he had knocked up someone related to Danielle, their Ranee and on top of that the Lefevre's were pretty much wired to be killed off during childbirth. What did he think Nicolette was, a miracle worker? Another shake of the head and Nicolette began to check over Etoile, despite the woman's struggles and pleads to be left alone. Not even fifteen minute's later she was able to confirm that she was having twins and something that disturbed Nicolette even further. Which was the damage that this state had already done onto her body. Did Hades even know about the damage or was he unknown to all of this. Just by the blood Nicolette was seeing alone made her nervous. Nicolette spoke to Etoile a little bit about her plans. But it all just made her very nervous and in the end Nicolette decided that she was going to talk to Hades about it. She told the young girl to wait a minute before she got up and grabbed a hold of Hades' sleeve, pulling him into the hallway. "Hades, her situation makes me very nervous I cannot believe you went into this without thinking! This girl is already bleeding far more than she needs to be, she's already in danger, for all we know she could have been bleeding like that for days. I think we need to do Caesarean because if she does this normally, she will bleed to death. And it still might not even be enough." Nicolette froze when she heard a shrill "WHAT?!" Wow she had good hearing. Nicolette raised an eyebrow at Hades as if to say, what would you rather do? Kill her for have a slim chance at her making it. The babies would probably be fine, if she could make it long enough to have them.​
<COLOR color="#000">Etoile raised an eyebrow and look at Hades as if he had grown a second head or something. She hated being told no to anything but this was something beyond simple and he didn't even want her to do that? Was it just her or was he going a little overboard with this whole pregnancy thing? "Hades, it's just a glass of water. It's not going to kill me to do this on my own. I don't need your help." Etoile wished what she said was completely true like she imagined it to be. Being dependent on another person was something she found to be weak. She hadn't relied on another person to help her really do anything since her mother died many years ago and she was left alone. Being alone and having to do things for herself was the way she was used to it and it was the way she wanted it to stay. But pregnancy was a lot harder than it looked and from time to time she really needed Hades' help. He was really good at taking caring of her and knowing what the babies wanted and what they needed. He even knew a lot of useful potions to help with her feeling sick and stuff. To Etoile's ultimate dismay though, she figured that he only knew this because he had been with other women before and of course this wasn't his first baby. The fact that it wasn't made Etoile be even more stubborn when it came to doing things herself. He already had quite a few children from what she knew of and it made her nervous that this was all she was wanted for. A carrier for his spawn. Since she didn't like him she knew it wouldn't sting to much, well she thought it wasn't going to anyways. But she just did not like the thought of being used. Hadn't people gotten enough of torturing her for kicks and giggled. Etoile had about enough. Once she had these babies she would find a way to have both of them go somewhere with her, that was if she could get Hades out of her life. He was getting what he seemed to want so why should she stick around after this was all over. With the pain that Etoile was feeling no normal thought came to her mind. All she could think was how unfair this was and how much she would love to stab Hades for doing this to her when she clearly wanted him to just leave her alone. How could he even begin to to think that he was any different from Iulian and his band of thugs. Sure he did not beat her or kill her relatives, but he forced her into a life where she was unhappy. He stole her freedom and he put her though such immense pain with this labor. Hell he might even kill her, proving him to be far worse than they ever were. When Hades picked Etoile up she didn't have much strength or will to fight him and demand he put her down, she was just in so much pain. Etoile was placed down and as she felt more bursts of pain ripping through her and forcing her to whimper like a lost child, she felt a cool hand pushing her hair away from her face. It was comforting but he told her that the babies were coming and she panicked. "But, I'm not months yet!" Etoile didn't even sound rude, she frantic and confused. He also told her not to push and to practice her breathing. "What breathing?" She was breathing wasn't she? Why did she need to practice it. Then he told her he would be right back and Apparated off. This was getting very annoying to her. She was in too much pain. With a frustrated sigh she threw herself back and laid on the pillows and attempted to close her eyes. Etoile still felt like it was wet around her, but from what she saw earlier it just looked like blood and crap. Which was so gross. It wasn't long before Hades returned with a woman. A very pretty woman, who looked much older than Hades did.

The woman did not look happy with Hades either. But Etoile had no idea why, perhaps he was just as obnoxious to her as he was to Etoile. Etoile almost found it funny but before she could ask who the woman was the blonde was over by her side so quick she couldn't even blink. Etoile jumped back and tried to slip from the woman's grasp but she was very quick and had Etoile by the face as her skinny hand pulled Etoile closer. Her eerie golden eyes glanced into Etoile's and began to check for things like a fever and stuff. Then she began to ask her questions, one right after another. Like her name, age, allergies. "Etoile L-Lefevre-OW THAT HURTS!" Etoile snapped and felt the woman tighten her grip on Etoile before she lightly pinched her on the arm as if telling her to chill out. "Twenty-five, no allergies, how long have I been-wait I think that is none of your-OW! Hades tell her to stop pinching me before I kill her-OW! You're worse than the abdominal pain is!" Pretty soon everything had been checked and when the woman pulled a bloody hand away and went to go talk to Hades, Etoile tried her best to listen in. All she could hear clearly was bleeding and then Caesarean or she would bleed to death. "WHAT?!" Etoile shouted, her mouth dropping and her body going numb at the very thought of it. The woman commented that Etoile had good hearing to Hades them walked back into the room and tried to explain that it would work. That Etoile needed it or else she would die because she had severely torn tissue and she was already bleeding internally far more than she needed to. "And cutting me up is any safer? Look lady, I want to do this normally, I want to do it just like my mother did and if you cut me open like some swine, it means I'm too weak to have them in general. And I'm not too weak to do anything. Besides, if I die..who really f*cking cares? It's not like I have anything else left to care for." Etoile glared at Hades before she crossed her arms over her chest and winced when another wave of pain flew by. Her skinny arms clutched her stomach and she tried as best as she could to not cry out in pain. Her fists gripped the blanket and she tried to ride out the pain. Her face was going white and she breathed out heavily. "You're far to exhausted to be doing this anyways, Hades I saw we need to sedate her or something. Put her to sleep." Etoile raised her eyes tiredly and shook her head. She did not need any of that, she was alright to do this. But when she felt an arm upon her back she started to struggle violently to get away from whomever or whatever that was.​
Hades shifted his glare over to Nicolette and he narrowed his onyx eyes at her that practically demanded that she had to do this or else. However, he would not do anything that his father would disapprove of because that would get him in more trouble than it was worth. Kalif was one of the two people that he would listen to. Hades rolled his eyes when Nicolette repeated the last name and he shrugged lightly, "Save the speech for someone who cares to hear it. I already know the risks, I was not born yesterday." First Danielle, and now Nicolette, thinking that Hades did not already know the risks, and he did. He knew what could happen, but he also knew that Danielle managed to have twins, and her sister managed to have triplets. One just had to know what they were doing and he knew that there was a chance. Hades hated being preached to as if he did not know what could happen, and he also hated to be reminded. He would not have gone this far if he had known just the consequences. He had plans, something that he was sure not even Asparuh thought of. Instead of having Etoile suffer from having to give birth naturally and rip through that one tissue that if ripped would cause a woman to bleed to death which was similar to how Liyla Mirayinov died, if someone had thought of just cutting the child out of her, she might have survived the birthing process. He was rather relieved that she did not though. Not many in the family could stand the Mirayinovs because they were the opposite of the Zhefarovich Family. Ruled by males, and theirs were ruled by females. Hades just looked over at Nicolette and he seemed to have changed to an even more serious Hades from before, when he would bother and tease her for all she was worth. However, this side was more or less similar to Kalif and where his firstborn was acting more like him. There was a good chance that she would survive granted that she had the assistance that she needed. That was all Hades cared for, and that was her survival. Hades let out a sigh, and he muttered, "Nicolette, I already know what can and cannot happen. As long as she lives, and I know there is a chance if someone would bother looking at what all I have prepared for. But if you are going to be pessimistic, then I will handle it on my own. I think that the Caesarean manner would be the best, but she will live. I guarantee it." At this point, Hades was getting far too angry and nervous for his own good but it was covering up what he was truly feeling which was worry. That little voice of doubt would always creep into the mind and say that it would never work no matter what precautions he would take. Hades wanted this to just be done and over with but he knew that sometimes it would just not be that easy. He would have to fight, and he would have to stand strong like any other Zhefarovich in their family. He did not know where Nicolette got her views from, but then again no one thought of everything like Hades did. At least no one he knew about. However it was actually from his father where he got his precaution attitude from, looking to ensure success in everything before he would jump into what was going on. However he would have preferred if Etoile only had one the first time around instead of twins.

Stepping back into the bedroom, Hades glanced over Etoile and he hated seeing her like this but it would have to happen. Her words were strained from what he could tell from the pain of labor, and he would have that fixed up in no time. Hades narrowed his eyes on the black headed beauty before he pointed out, "And your mother wouldn't want you to be stupid and take the most dangerous way out. Surely she would have wanted her daughter to do anything for her own survival. You will have the Caesarean surgery, not that you will be awake to hear the rest of it." Hades smirked a little bit because he wondered if Nicolette would even be surprised at what he would do next. He used one arm to hold her down so that he could stick her with something that he had yet to get out of his trench coat. His other hand dove into the pockets of his robes. Inside he had a clean needle full of a tranquilizer to make her relax and then there was another to put her into a deep sleep. Hades swiftly used the one to make her relax, something he whipped up to have similar effects of the muscle relaxer that muggles used in her neck before he switched to the one that would put her to sleep. With her muscles relaxed and soon Etoile would be asleep, the difficult part would begin. Though he knew that it would have been a lot worse if she was awake, panicking and looking at her own birth and blood. Hades could feel them working beneath his grip before he leaned up and looked over at Nicolette with the needles in his fingers. He truly thought of everything. Hades then reached into his robes and he pulled out three vials of blood replenishing potion as well, and set them to the side. He could have one in her system for right now, and then the two after the twins were out. Hades said with a cold tone, "I would like to see her bleed to death with these potions now." These were strong potions, and taking these would benefit greatly. He had more in another room, but he would have to vial them and allow them to cool for when she would be resting, perhaps give her a few more for the next few days if the eternal bleeding continues. Hades wondered if he should make this as a job, a healer if he were good at the spells but he could always learn. He could do the basics but that was about it. Hades moved Etoile's hair from her face now that she was asleep and maybe she did not feel all the pain that she was in right now. Hades would give her that blood potion in a moment, once the surgery began. Hades turned to Nicolette and he inquired softly, "Are you ready to get this over with?" Hades had never done a Caesarean before but he figured that Nicolette would know just how to do it. He also wondered how Kalif and Nicolette have been doing, but he did not really visit them too often anymore. Now that he had his own problems to deal with, he would not have to really worry about them too much. Kalif had changed his job in Hogwarts but that was all he really knew. But he did know that Kalif already knew about Etoile, after all Hades told him everything. Kalif had just rolled his eyes and told him no more women. He did not know if Kalif was serious or not, but he was sure not going to test that theory out. Hades had not been with another woman since Etoile was in his life.
Nicolette breathed out and watched with slight interest as Hades held Etoile down and use syringes to not only relax the muscles, but also what she expected would put Etoile asleep. It surprised her that he kept such things in his trench coat but seeing as this was Hades and he was the king of creepy and sketchy situations, she didn't expect anything less from him. The dark haired woman struggled within his hold for a moment and Nicolette had to admit that she was impressed to a point. This girl was a fighter, a stubborn fighter at that. She was a very rare soul that would not be easy to tame without time and immense patience and by the way Hades seemed to be attached to her it might be that he already figured this part out. The struggling last only a few minute's longer because suddenly Etoile grew limp and motionless as she breathed out softly. She was asleep finally. Nicolette breathed out and stepped forward and wondered if Hades would allow her to move Etoile away from him so she could get this going, she doubted Hades wanted to be right there when this whole mess went down anyways. Gold eyes watched as he moved hair from the woman's face and suddenly a gleam in Nicolette's eyes signaled that she realized exactly what was going on. And the fact that Etoile was now asleep made it perfect for Nicolette to address Hades about it. "Your in love with her, aren't you?" Nicolette asked with an aura of slyness to it but it was still soft so it was easy to see that she was being genuine about her being able to understand what he was feeling. He was more like his father than he knew and that was probably the only way she was able to pick up on Hades being possibly in love with her. It was easy to recognize after she spent years with Kalif and seeing the looks he gave her and the actions he did. But there was a chance she could be wrong. It just added up to seem like he was. He was growing up if that was the case. But who knows with Hades, he went through girls like an alcoholic went through whiskey. A shake of Nicolette's head showed that there was some doubt in her, in fact she waited for him to deny what she said. Nicolette wiped her hands off to make sure they were clean before she moved over to Etoile. "I apologize, I did not mean to preach to you about any of this it's just that- You cannot make people like you Hades. But if you would like some advice about women and everything, be honest I don't think there's any advice I can give you on that one that would help at all. This one's a pistol." Nicolette rolled her eyes and now moved Etoile so the young woman was moved in a more comfortable position for her. Though she was asleep it was easy to see that she was still in some pain and she was restless. But the relaxation stuff she was given prevented her from thrashing about. If the girl thought she was in pain now Nicolette willed her to just wait until after she had been cut open. That was a hundred times worse because it lasted. Nicolette reached into her bag that she brought with her and pulled some things out, then she touched a cool cloth to Etoile's head before she let her eyes shifted to the floor. Poor girl.

Nicolette pulled a sharp, blade-type object and held it up to inspect the blade and make sure it was sharp enough. Then she sterilized it to make sure there was no infection spread to it at all. Nicolette moved Etoile's shirt so that the stomach was exposed and once again felt bad for the woman. Twins were harsh. Hopefully she could gain her figure back. Nicolette poked at the place where she needed to make the incision at and a small amount of blood leaked from the cut. Nicolette turned her eyes to Hades as she wiped away some of the blood. "If you don't think you can handle seeing her cut open and possibly in a lot more pain than she was previously, you should leave now. I can handle it from here." Nicolette warned him as she started to work on making it even deeper, this girl had a a very thin stomach previous to this which was obvious. Nicolette stayed looking at Hades for a moment to wait and see what he would do. He looked like a worried wreck right now and she did not want him to go through something that would make him uncomfortable. Because he might care for her her more than Nicolette realized, but she had no choice, she needed to get those babies out.​
Hades liked the feeling of Etoile limp in his arms, fast asleep but not motionless because he did not ever want her to perish in some unseen circumstance. Hades thought that everything would be fine sooner or later because he was confident that they were going to live, they as in the twins and Etoile. He had never been so sure of this, and he was going to be sure to have them live. He would prefer them to come out safely, but as long as they lived, that would be better. Hades rested Etoile down gently, and moved from her bed because he did not think that he had enough room to give Nicolette. She needed some time to work. She was here to help him with his children, her future grandchildren. Hades turned his body to face Nicolette when she asked him a question but she did not hide the sly tone to it. She thought that Hades was in love with Etoile? Hades gave her a look that would remind her so much of Kalif. Hades folded his arms across his chest and thought that what she was thinking was very ridiculous. She could not think that he was in love when she had been here no more than fifteen minutes. Could she really notice the signs that much? He rolled his onyx eyes before he shrugged at her question. He could not answer her but the thing was, he was starting to think about it. And the more he did, the more he did not want to realize it. Hades tapped his singers against his arm and wondered if she was going to continue on pestering him. He was already rather testy though. He would be like that until Etoile would be awake and in good standings. Hades chuckled when she stated what she did, and he shrugged once more. He replied to her statement, "I know I cannot make people like me. I know there is something in there in Etoile that likes me, and it is surrounded by walls that must come crumbling down. So, unless you have a woman on the side that you are interested in, don't preach to me about women unless I ask for it." Hades' tone was not the most pleasant in the world, but then again he was not the most pleasant guy in the world unless he wanted to be. He wanted nothing more but to stop talking about this ordeal and get down to the surgery.

The Death Eater did not want to be in another room while this went down. He wanted to be in here while everything went down and he was not going to stay away. Hades muttered, "No, I want to be in here while this happens, and I am helping. That is that, Nicolette." He gave her a subtle smirk, before he too went to work on helping Nicolette. Gruesome hours went by, but it was finished. Hades had of course left the room but not without the twins that he was cleaning off right now. He was a proud father of twins, one boy and one girl. The boy was born first, technically before the girl, just a minute or two afterward. Hades had washed off the little girl and wrapped her in a dark purple blanket and now he was washing off the baby boy while Nicolette finished sewing up Etoile. Once the baby boy was washed off, Hades wrapped up the baby boy in a maroon blanket, to keep him warm. Hades picked up the little boy, and then reached over for the girl, before he went back into the bedroom where Etoile and Nicolette were before he used magic to summon the two cribs into the bedroom before he rested the twins into the cribs to allow them to sleep. Hades set the baby boy into the crib, before he went, still carrying the little girl when he needed to get more blankets in case one would not be enough for the twins. While he was in another room, he murmured to the sleeping twin, "I think I just might be in love with your mother." Hades almost felt defeated, but he had fallen. This was not what he was expecting, and he did not want to ever realize it but he had. And it was the most complicated feeling he had ever felt. Grabbing more blankets, he walked back into the bedroom and settled the little girl into her own crib, and wrapped the second blanket around her as well as the spare around the baby boy as well. Hades took a seat in the corner of the bedroom where Nicolette was, and he was just a little worried. He knew that Etoile was coming through find, having put in a vial of that potion in her in the middle of the surgery. Hades might be one of the sickest men when it came to seeing people being cut open, but this one disturbed him because it was someone that he now apparently loved. What was he going to do when she woke up? Hades was at a loss. Never had anyone seen a more complicated expression on his face.
Nicolette didn't mind helping deliver Hades' twins into the world, he was pretty much a son to her and she loved that she would have grandchildren to spoil. But she did not enjoy Hades hovering and acting like he was during the whole process of it. He didn't act as bad as he could have but she could tell that he was nervous about all of this and that in turn made her nervous. For starters, she could tell he was uncomfortable. Yet he refused to leave the room when she offered that he could. He also insisted that he helped when she didn't need his help to do this. But she could feel the tension and nerves radiating off of him the entire time. As much as Nicolette adored him, it was making her nervous and that wasn't the best thing to do when she had something sharp in her hands and another person's life in her hands. But there wasn't much room to blame him with, even if he tried to pretend like he didn't have some strong feelings for her, he did. And when you cared about someone you didn't want anything bad to happen to them. Still he could easily walk out of the room at any time but he insisted on being around and Nicolette considered that close to hovering, so it was just stressful. This was no easy task either because Etoile was actually very thin before she gained the belly from the babies. So Nicolette had to be careful not to cut into something else by accident, and for someone so naturally small, Etoile bled a lot. That god Hades had those potions and Nicolette had a head of towels, otherwise she would be dead and there would be a huge mess everywhere. It was just a little bit more difficult than she imagined it would and she had to give Etoile props for lasting as long as she did with this. After a couple of hours of grueling work and carefulness, Nicolette had finally gotten both of the twins out safe and sound. She would have assisted with making sure that they were both alright but Hades instead made her sew up the opening on Etoile before she did anything. So here she was, boredly using sewing needle to sew up the gash, and getting her fingers bloodier and bloodier. It took a bit but she eventually finished stitching Etoile up and ran her fingers over the closed wound to heal it lightly from being swollen and such. The stitches wouldn't have to come out anytime soon either. Nicolette made sure that once the area was cleaned up that she took a thick blanket and covered the pale looking Etoile up so she wouldn't be cold. She started to move around a little so the drugs must have been wearing off some. Either that or she was restless. Nicolette stared down at the blanketed girl and heard Hades walk into the room. She wondered if he was still upset with her for knocking him out. He argued with her about it but she felt that she was doing it for his own good. It got him to chill out for a moment or two. As she stood up and walked away from Etoile she narrowed her eyes at Hades and stood there for a moment. "It was for your own good you know. But, I'm going home, keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't rip her stitches our or anything." Nicolette told him curtly before she gave her grandchildren a kiss each and then Apparated off in a cloudy puff of smoke.​
Etoile didn't remember much of what happened before she awoke, only that she was in a lot of pain and that Hades had brought a blonde headed woman here because he suspected that the babies were ready to be born. The last thing she absolutely remembered was her struggling against Hades as he poked her with some needle to make her relax, and then it all went black for her. 'Oh that's right, the sorry bastard drugged me.' Etoile thought to herself as she stirred and shifted onto her side, and for the first time showing some signs that she was awake. Her sore body felt like it had been run over by a large Hippogriff multiple times. The feeling was by far a hundred times worse than the time she and Hades first encountered one another in the safe house he brought her to. It was the place where everything between them had started, or perhaps it was that rooftop. 'I don't even know why I'm thinking about this, I should be wringing his neck for doing this to me.' Etoile continued to think about herself as her body grew more and more awake and the pain in her abdomen grew stronger and stronger. If he had kept his hands to himself and left her alone like she wanted from the beginning then she wouldn't have this problem right now. It was all his fault but he seemed to not care about anything she wanted when it came to her life. What made this whole 'thing' between them worse was how Hades now wanted to help her. Help her see that not everyone she encounter's will end up hurting her. Screw that! Etoile didn't want anyone to show her anything, she just wanted to be left alone and face things on her own. Most of her life she had been alone and learning how to take care of herself and live with the suffering she had earned herself for being stupid and naive. This was her burden and she wanted to handle it in her own way, if only someone would let her. Etoile's eyes flicked open slightly and she tried to move around but instead she felt the most awful pain in her abdomen and immediately winced and recoiled, curling her body up a little bit she whimpered out. Okay so moving around was going to be difficult. Etoile remained curled up, and looking hurt for a moment or two longer before her eyes flicked open again and she breathed out. Since she was facing the other way, she did not see Hades lurking in the shadows, but what she did see instead made her eyes widen slightly. Two cradles placed next to the bed made her heart begin to race. The twins made it?

Etoile slowly raised her body up, ignoring the pain she was feeling so she could scoot her body over to the cradles. Every so often a wince of pain escaped her but right now, it didn't matter. Once she was close enough to the cradles her silvery green orbs peeked inside and she gasped softly. There laid two perfect angels, both asleep and so fragile looking. Those were her babies. Even though both were asleep and she was unsure if she should disturb them but she just had to hold one of them, to feel the baby within her arms and be sure that this feeling was absolutely real and she wasn't just stuck within another dream. Her arms went into the cradle and picked up the boy, or what she assumed was the boy because of the color of the blanket he was wrapped in. The baby felt so small within her arms but Etoile thought it felt perfect, she felt like a mother. She cradled him so carefully, like he was made of glass. Her fingers went out and traced along the sleeping baby's face. The baby's skin felt so warm and soft, even softer than her own. As Etoile cradled that baby she grew unsure of how she could love something so much that she had only just met. It was strange and it made her feel scared. Very scared. Still unaware of her not being alone she couldn't help but try and speak to the child. Etoile felt that she had no one else to talk to anyways. Her small arms held the baby so her face could stare down at him, but as she spoke she made sure to speak to both of her children. "I'm scared for you. I've lost everyone important to me in my life, and I don't know if my heart could take anymore suffering." Etoile leaned down and kissed the baby's forehead before she ever so gently lifted him and placed him in his crib. She then retrieved the baby girl and held and cuddled her as well. Both remained asleep the entire time. Fifteen minute's or so passed before Etoile decided that she wanted to get dressed and try moving around. To her relief and slight panic, Hades was nowhere to be found. Which was odd for him anyways, he rarely left her alone. Perhaps he was off doing his own thing. Etoile brushed any thought of him aside and grabbed the side of the cradle and started to try and pull herself up. Etoile wanted to get up and moved around so badly. Her stomach was craving food and she badly needed a shower.

But she must have underestimated how difficult it would be because the moment she pulled herself up she had to sit back down. A hiss left her lips and she swore under her breath before of course trying again. This time she was able to slowly easy herself up. She faced the other way that she hadn't faced before and while still clutching one of the cradle's she lifted her dress up so she could take a look at her stomach. There was indeed a long and darkened looking scar. Her fingers grazed the scar gently. So this was why it hurt so much to move right now? Etoile frowned and stopped messing with the scar, so they cut her open? Those bastards. With a frustrated sigh Etoile kept a hold of the cradle and slowly stepped one step at a time towards her closet, but it was hard because her legs felt heavy and weak while her stomach clenched painfully. But one had to push through the pain if they ever wanted to get on with life, it would probably go away sooner or later and Etoile was good at ignoring things. Finally she was a good five feet or so away from the closet and she had reached the edge of the cradle, to the point where she'd have to let go if she wanted to get to the damned closet. Etoile was going to fricken kill Hades when he actually grew man enough to get his ass in here. Honestly she really wanted to kill him. He was keeping her locked up here, she was in so much pain it was hard to believe, she felt so weak right now. And he gave her two tiny lives to fear for. What if Iulian decided to take something else from her. Surely once he realized that she hadn't be killed off he'd come after her once again? Etoile just needed a plan to lead him off the trail if she could manage it. Etoile hadn't even taken one step from the cradle when the pain became far too much for her and she doubled over in pain, falling to the floor in such a quick manor she was sure that it would hurt.​
It was not a matter of time whether or not Hades was going to make himself known as the shadows bathed him with a cloak that practically rendered himself invisible to the eye unless someone was paying any attention. He had long since wanted Nicolette Styx to hurry and leave not that it would make a difference. She had knocked him out at one point but he would get her right back. Though now was not the time. He had other people and other things to worry about including keeping his mind in tack with what he had just fallen into. This feeling he had never thought that he would ever have. It was different than the other times that he had thought that he was head deep in this, he had been wrong because he had broken it off many times. Well, not that many times, but it was enough. Hades had bad luck with women and he knew it. Letting out a rough sigh yet it was silent, he wondered what made Etoile so different. Why did she have to go and do this to him? He was supposed to be this unstoppable being that his family thought him to be, though can be hurt or killed like any regular human. He was going to be burdened down with the feelings of this love and whatnot, and he did not want to be burdened with it. He would need to somehow figure it out on how to control the feeling and redirect it to power. Somehow he needed to figure out what was going on with himself because he was losing track of time, losing track of thought and he would need to eventually figure out what to do from this point. How was he going to ever tell Etoile? Then again, the feeling was so obviously one sided, that it smacked Hades in the face with a dragon. Hades was thinking that this all would be a complete waste. Why would he keep her here, but he could test her, see where her heart truly belonged. From time to time, allow her to leave and see where she goes. And if she wanted to leave for good, she would be leaving her children. Hades would not have that happening, as he would be there to raise this children, not let some woman take them away from him. Hades could not help but ponder on this idea. Hades might have that happen, but he could not bring himself to really test this idea on a theory. He had mentally named the children Lestat Marius and Elysia Kore, and saw that on the wall, the names were now written out.

In a writing that looked like blood but it was elegant and beautiful as well, just like most of the people in his family. Watching Etoile slowly rise up, Hades had to fight the urge to go to her and see if there was anything he could do like some sort of slave. Hades cursed these feelings to hell and he remained right where he was. Silent as the grave and watching her like an eagle on a mouse. Now that he knew what he felt, he knew that he wanted to make sure that she would not hurt herself. He did not want her to open up her wound and have her guts spilling out all over the floor. Hades would not want that happen at any point. Hades narrowed his eyes as she wandered over to the cribs and she lifted Lestat up into her arms, cradling him. She looked perfect, like the perfect mother that he had thought her to be. Hades watched her carefully, and she did not think that she would drop the baby. She seemed like a natural at being a mother, and he wanted to see her hold baby Elysia next, and he saw that she touched Lestat's face with such tenderness and care. She was definitely the mother that he had always wanted for the children, the mother that he had wanted when he was a child. Etoile was perfect in every way but she would never know it, she would never see that he would be trying to help her with her problems rather than just leave her alone and let her suffer because she was doing a good job of it before he made the Unbreakable Vow with him. Etoile never seemed happy from what Hades could tell anyway. Being with someone did not make any difference, not to him. And now that she had children, perhaps she could tend to them with the love and care that they would need from their mothers. Hades listened to the words that were whispered by Etoile, and he smirked lightly by the thought of the words. The twins were healthy as could be, but she had lost so much, and with his own help, he had brought her more family to look after, strong blood that would continue on. Her words meant so much yet they were not even directed at him. He just enjoyed hearing it said to his children. Hades smirked even more as his eyes went over her figure as she moved Lestat from his crib and then move to hold the baby girl as well.

Minutes passed that seemed more like hours to him. Hades watched her and wondered how much pain she seemed to be in right now, which appeared to be a lot. It was not something that he liked to see at all. He wanted to see her like she was before she was pregnant, and once she was healed, she would be back to normal but would he? Watching Etoile stand and sit again was not what he thought was considered pain free. Hades heard her hiss and he thought that perhaps she was going through something else. She looked like she was getting up and looking at her stomach. Around the time that she stood up, Hades had too, but never moving an inch from the shadows. That might be why she was not seeing him right now. He wondered with something out there, in magic at least, if there was something that would help take away the appearance of scars. Then she may not have to relive the pain and memory of being sliced open. Then again, she did not have any memory of it because Hades had drugged her to relax her before he knocked her out with another medication. Hades stepped closer to her as she moved, and then she fell. Hades somehow was close enough to kneel down, and catch Etoile in his strong arms mere inches of hitting the floor. He looked down at her for a moment, with a blank expression on his face. But there was something in his eyes, something even she would be able to see, but might not be able to distinguish. The moment she started to move, Hades set her on the floor, and he stood up straight, folding his arms across his chest before he stepped around Etoile to look at the beautiful twins that Etoile herself gave birth to somehow. Somehow, these two beautiful babies managed to come from the two of them. Hades spared Etoile one glance before he passed out of the room, almost in a hurry, however before he left, he motioned toward the family tree for her to look at when she wanted to know the names. On the nightstand, there was a note, where in Russian it said that he would always be around to protect her, as well as single red rose. Hades needed some time to think, but for right now, he was fetching Vritra for her to meet her brand new siblings. Thankfully she stopped questioning on what happened to Holden and Heather.
Etoile awaited the feeling of the hard floor to greet her and send her senses but instead the feeling of strong arms greeted her. Bright silvery green orbs looked to the floor that was inches from her body for a quick second before she returned them to the owner of the arms. Hades. Etoile couldn't really what it was but there was something obviously different about him. His face was blank and expressionless and she was used to the cocky grin on his face whenever he was around her. The look within his eyes were different too but she definitely had no idea what was different about them since she wasn't the best at understanding emotions of any sort. So she remained there staring at Hades allowing her confusion and her anger to grow more and more vivid by the seconds. As she was held there she started to not care what was wrong with him and began to remember who's fault it was that she was in this pain. It was her fault to a sense too but she realized that and figured she would find some way to punish herself for it later, but if anything she knew that if Hades left her alone from the beginning this never would have happened. Or was it really her own fault that all of this had happened. Etoile pause in her thoughts to reflect on this carefully. She had followed Hades at first. Well not followed by anytime she felt his presence in the same area that she was in she would watch him and follow him. Perhaps if she had just stuck to being alone like she said she would, he wouldn't have had the chance to take her back to that place where they had first bonded. 'Then again I was eager to leave him be after the first time he brought me to that place, he's the one who persisted.' So who was to blame? Hades or her? Both of them or just one of them? Etoile felt that it was less of her fault because she tried to sever the tie between them. Etoile tried to escape but it wasn't enough for him and now they were in this mess and she knew that it was getting worse and worse between them. But what she didn't know was the set of emotions running through Hades right. But that was probably a good thing as she couldn't see a man being in love, not after Iulian Pisces and his right hand man destroyed her views on love and happiness. Etoile raised a hand to smack Hades due to the rising anger within her but just as she moved Hades set her on the floor and she sat there bewildered.

"What the hell is up with you?" Etoile demanding, recognizing that he normally would have let her swat at him wildly, or he would have just dropped her to the floor, but instead, he placed her. Since when did he actually care if she got hurt or not. Hell he would even barely look at her as she glared daggers at him. He walked over to take a look at the twins and that was when it hit her. She had served her purpose. It made sense because now it seemed that he wanted nothing to do with her. Which was a relief but at the same time, it sort of stung. It stung because she had actually expected this to happen from the very beginning. It was the first time it had happened. Men just wanted her for something and when they either got what they wanted or thought that she wasn't going to give them what they wanted, then they got rid of her. So it was Hades' turn to pass her on down the line. Etoile figured that he wanted children from her. Now that he had his children she was no longer of use and it didn't matter if she was bound to him or not. Though the unbreakable vow was kind of a cruel touch. Now she couldn't even get married for herself or start a new life. So pretty much she had been robbed of her dignity and she had to live the rest of her life alone. 'God I am so stupid.' Etoile thought to herself as she wiped at her eyes for a moment to make sure that she wasn't leaking from the eyes like she felt she was about to. Etoile ripped her gaze to the floor so she was not aware at the spare glance he gave her, only that he was in a hurry and when she finally did look he motioned for her to look at the family tree for something. Once she was sure he was gone she got up and glanced at the tree, she searched over everything until she saw the names of her two babies. So he had named them already? The names were nice though, she liked them. But she would have loved to take a knife to her name and cross it out, she did not want to be on that damned tree.

Once she got tired of look at the tree, Etoile slowly made her way away from the tree and back towards the bed. It hurt and her stomach clenched so painfully. But her body made it bad to the bed and she was able to notice a note on the bedside table. It had a rose with it. Etoile picked up the note and tried to look at it, she couldn't understand what it said though. But that was nothing to her. Not even caring what it said Etoile ripped the note up into smaller pieces and threw it to the floor before she hurled the rose right down with it. "I hate you." She said quietly. Her heart and life was broken and she didn't need some damn note to make it all better for her or anything. Sitting up to check and make sure the babies were still asleep and comfortable, Etoile pulled the covers back and threw herself into bed once more. She would just sleep and tend to her babies until she was gotten rid of. Who cared by this point? Etoile certainly didn't. Nothing was going to change. Ignoring the hungry pains in her stomach, Etoile wondered if there was anyway she could leave this damned place with her children and not die. They were all she had left.​

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