New School, New World

Erica Silversong

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Toy practice wand
Erica was humming to herself as she walked the halls to her new primary school. She was only going to go here for two years but she wanted to make the most out of those two years here and make some friends. Yes she was going to move far, far away once she was done here but still there was no harm in getting to know people. Erica was already getting strange because of her purple hair but she had always had purple hair. It was her favorite color. It was hard to believe that she had a favorite color seeing how she was dressed. She was wearing the school uniform of course but the socks where rainbow colored and her book bag was a bright neon orange. She wore bright multicolored woven bracelets she made herself. Erica giggled when she as she felt a small nose press against her right ear. "Rozen, you'll get me in trouble now get back in you're pocket." She giggled and felt the small claws run down her arm and down into the pocket of her bright yellow jacket.

Erica sat down in a bench in the school yard. She had gotten here a little early because her aunt needed to get to England branch of St. Mungo's where she was going to start. Erica took out metal puzzle and started to try and take it apart. It was an impulsion curver, her aunt told her, to help her keep her mind busy. Erica left to her own devices was never really a good thing seeing as she tended to get herself in trouble more often than not. It wasn't her fault really, things could get boring so she wanted to make them fun again. She had to control her impulses though. That's what her aunt said. Erica plucked at steel rings trying to figure out how they would come loose of the ring. She wasn't cleaver like her cousin but she did work her hardest, Slowly she turned the metal hoops keeping her mind ranged in until the bell rang.
Marianna was already in her classroom, studying for a little quiz that their teacher had announced yesterday. As usual, the few people who stayed in as well were not as focused on actually reading, and were clearly gossiping about "the rainbow girl". Although admittedly intrigued, she furrowed her eyebrows and tried to tune them out unsuccessfully. A slew of hyperactive children entered the scene relatively quiet only seconds ago, and she curiously evaluated the group in search of this girl they spoke of. Surely, she had to be a very interesting girl to have gotten their attention like that.
Erica managed to get the puzzle to click and had two rings instead of one. With a bright smile that showed her slightly crooked canines Erica put the puzzle away and looked at her watch. She squeaked and ran to her own classroom. Or at least she thought it was the classroom that she had been assigned to. "Excuse me dear, are you lost?" the teacher asked her kindly. "Maybe. Is this number 106." She asked while hanging on to the straps of her backpack. "No sweetie this is 109. You where close though." The teacher said with a bright grin. Erica gave the teacher a bright grin then ran from the classroom reminding to pay more attention to the signs as she went a long. This was certainly different seeing as there where no moving pictures and such but there where no magical primaries that would take her and Aunt Agatha nor her uncle had any time to home school her until she could integrate Hogwarts New Zealand which she was looking forward to doing.

Erica found the right classroom right on time and took her seat. The teacher there smiled at her too and told her to stand in front of the class. Mr. Brook, he said his name was then asked her to introduce herself which she did very enthusiastically. It was awkward to be the new kid but she could tell that if she worked at it she could be able to blend in just fine. She was given a work book and was told to do the evaluation in the front of it, that was what the class was doing so he knew where to start lessons. She did the evaluation then looked out the window while swinging her legs. The lessons continued and before she knew it it was Lunch. Erica got her lunch box and made her way to the cafeteria. Erica had been too busy pretending that the white tiles on the floor where on fire and could only walk on the black ones to notice that she was about to bump into someone.
Marianna yelped. "Ow!" She'd had far harsher falls in her life, but she reacted as if it weren't so. She glowered at Erica. "Watch where you're heading next time. These books aren't free, you know." The rainbow girl, she realized, really is colorful. Eye-strainingly so. A huff escaped her as she stood up, observing her. "I'm sorry for lashing out on you," she sincerely told her as she picked up her books. "I'm just not performing as well academically as I should be, and it's gotten me down in the dumps. You don't seem to be. Have you heard of me? Probably not yet. I'm Marianna Goldsham."
Erica bent down and started to help pick up the girl's books. "No worries. I should have been watching where I was going but I was playing "The Floor Is Lava" with myself since it's Lunch." She said with a bright grin. She handed the two books she had to the girl and offered her her hand. "Erica Silversong. Everyone calls me Rika though. Well everyone at home did. I've seemed to picked up a new nickname here." She giggled not bothered at all that people where calling her rainbow girl. There was no fault in liking colors. "Bet you're doing better than you think." She said cheerfully.
"'The Floor Is Lava'?" she repeated to herself, bewildered. "Huh, never heard of it." To help her with her books was expected, but she did not immediately expect her to offer her hand. Nonetheless, she took and shook it reluctantly. The other girl introduced herself though there was no need and cheerfully said, "Bet you're doing better than you think."

"Oh, you're too nice," Marianna replied with more disappointment than modesty. But she was not worried, as long as there was nobody close to replacing her spot on top. After all, learning to her was not as important as success. "I'm starving, you know that?"
Erica bit her lip thinking of how to explain the game she was playing. "It's a game that you can play when you have a tiled floor. You make one colour taboo pretending that they have turned into lava and only step on the other colour. It's something to do when you're alone and have nothing else to do." Erica finally said. She noticed the tone in the girl's voice but let it go. Her cousin was almost exactly the same way but Saffron was way more serious.

"Na I just go through that all the time. Then again I never take studying too seriously and still do alright. I'd play with my dogs." She said brightly. Erica loved animals. At home she had kept three dogs, a parrot and a number of other small animals. She had only been allowed to bring her dogs and mice when she had moved but she was alright with that. "Let's get to cafetiere then I hope there are still tables left." She said. She had started to walk while she was talking so they could get to eat faster.
It wasn't exactly a friendship yet, but she was beginning to like Erica. Maybe it was because she was the only person she'd encountered that week who wasn't pushing her to aim for a 100% in every activity. One thing was for sure - it wasn't her brightness or apparent oddness. But she wasn't... magic, which was what mattered most, even as she had herself half-convinced that she didn't believe in such things. She erased the idea from her head and followed her to the cafeteria.
Erica knew what it was like to be pushed passed the limit. Erica had been pushed that way all her life but school just wasn't her specialty. Before she had been taken away from her parents she had started to be introduced to more dangerous animals than what she had been used to handling. While she hadn't been allowed to touch them yet she had been so eager to learn about them. She noticed that people where passing by and waving to Marianna as they got closer to the cafeteria. "You're pretty popular around here aren't you Rinnie." She said then put her hand to her mouth. "Opps sorry. My memory is not what it should be so I give everyone a nickname so I can connect name to face. I won't call you that out loud if you don't want me to." She said hoping to have given Marianna a reason not to talk to her anymore. She liked the girl even though it seemed like she was serious business.
"Nah, it's okay." "Rinnie" might not have been the best of nicknames, but "after 'rainbow girl' and all, that's the least we can do to make up to you." She snorted a bit in an attempt to stifle a laugh. Earnestly, she inquired, "Now, are you some kind of artistic prodigy or something?"
"I have a skill for drawing. I found out when I was made to draw diagrams of mythical creatures. She said that they where so realistic that she thought they where going to jump right up from the page." She said. She had always liked to draw a lot there was true but her true skill was conjuration. Parents had noticed when she had summoned a butterfly into her hands when she had been seven. She wasn't about to say anything about that though because she had been told to keep her magic to herself until she got her letter. Erica found a table where one end was empty and claimed it with her lunch box. "I claim this land in the name if Silversong!" She cried then giggled.
"Wow, and very imaginative, too," she said with less verve than one would expect. She tried to imagine the diagrams. "I can't seem to picture your drawings." She was good only at remembering, and it was the sad truth - Marianna was not a genius, or even a prodigy. However, she was very, very precocious and highly logical, with her aforementioned memory that was not exactly eidetic but close enough for her to climb above others.
Erica got her backpack off her back and looked in the small pocket for a small page then got a pen. She looked up to think, her strange yellow eyes seeming to get unfocused for a little bit. She started to sketch. It took her couple of minutes but she got what she had in her head down. "Here it's a Sphinx. The Egyptians where some messed up people." She said passing the drawing to Marianna then getting her sandwich out of her lunch box and starting to nibble on end of it. "Yuck I hate leek!" She said peeling back top to pick at green spots in the tuna.
Even with her general ignorance about most things art, she was sincerely impressed. "A Sphinx," she recited, squinting, "is a winged female creature from Greek mythology with a woman's head and a lion's body noted to kill those who fail to answer its riddles." She herself was not a fan of the tales from which the creature first was found, but had come across the word too many times for her not to find out. She placed a thick 2013 copy of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. "I read it here, but I reckon you couldn't have. Are you a mythology fan in that case?"
Erica was still picking pieces of leek from the tuna mix but was still listening. "Yupe. I like the stories. Like the tasks of Hercules or the legends of Beset the cat goddess. They are always fun. Did you see the Disney version of Hercules? My little cousin Cassandra had to tape my mouth shut because I kept saying "that's not how that happened."" She said thinking back to the movie. She liked it well enough. It was pretty enough but it was just not the story she knew. "What are you into? Aside for reading the dictionary." She asked that last part a bit of a joke on her part.
"I.." She thought for a while. "I don't know." She'd immersed herself so much in schoolwork, she'd neglected to develop any of her innate talents and hobbies. "I like facts. I don't like things not based on facts." This was not true. She clandestinely enjoyed fiction.
Erica nodded. "Kinda like my cousin Saffron. She's so smart and totally loves to read and do homework and stuff." She said as she gathered half the bits of leek and tucked in her pocket. The other half when in the other pocket. She closed her sandwich and started to eat again happy to get rid of the 'icky green stuff' Erica grinned at Mirianna as an idea blossomed in her head. There was a boy next to them who what talking to another boy in the table behind them. She spotted his book which had his pencil case sticking out. Careful not to alert the boy Erica slid the pencil case all the way out then took out what looked like a small glass pill out of one of the side pockets of her own backpack. She placed it inside pencil case making it so it didn't closer properly. Erica slipped the case back into the owner's backpack. "That should start some fun." She giggled softly.
She beamed slightly at the thought, wondering about this Saffron she spoke of and how a person like her - like both of them, really - could be closely related to a girl of her sort. Then, suddenly, she noticed her slip something from her backpack's pocket to a fellow student's bag. Panicking, she hissed, "What did you do? You'll get us in trouble!"
Erica grinned a little wider. "It's a stink pellet and we won't get in trouble for it. I don't even have them on me." She said looking up. Her expression was totally innocent. She was good at what she did after years of figuring out how to make long boring hours fun. She wasn't mean spirited about her jokes but she did like to play them every once in a while. Marianna was the only one who saw her place the minor trap. The boy looked over at her and she beamed at him brightly. He turned away from the overly bright girl and continued his conversation. "You listen to music?" She asked starting to think of the bands that she liked to listen to when she was allowed to do so.
"Um, yeah," she tentatively replied. "My mother had these One Direction CDs I always listened to, but Daddy insisted they were rubbish and bought me Beethoven and U2." Marianna could not wipe off the frown on her face. "If he notices something, he'll blame you, I know it, and I'll be dragged into the mess!"
"Don't worry Rennie. Anything happens i will take all be blame since I started it anyway. I usually don't get caught though." She said rather proudly. She liked to mix things up every once in a while but saw no reason why she should involve someone that she had just met. "Blah Beethoven. I usually fall asleep whenever that's on. I don't know how my cousins can study to that kind of music. It usually puts me in stupor. I like anything that I can dance to. Have you ever head a song called Popcorn?" She asked excitedly. It wasn't exactly main steam in either the muggle or wizarding world but she had heard some of it and had begged and begged and begged until she had been allowed to look the song up. It had been her favorite ever since.
"Uh, no. Is it about popcorn?" She clearly was unimpressed. How could anyone like, she thought, much less write a song about popcorn?
Erica giggled and shook her head. "No. I guess you could say it sounds like popcorn because it's so upbeat." She said brightly.
"Makes sense," she commented dryly, her eyes still fixed on the boy. A carrot-and-mayonnaise sandwich was then in her hands and she took her first bite when suddenly, very slowly, a crumpled piece of baby blue paper levitated its way out of his bag. At the sight, she almost choked on a soggy vegetable.
Erica looked to her right after she heard a squeak coming from her pocket. She looked down and saw the paper floating. She caught it and started to fold it. "I've been getting into origami lately. Maybe I could get a crane right this time." She said. One of her white mice crawled up her arm and on to her shoulder. "Alright fine. This is Rozen. I have my other one Pentune in my other pocket." She smiled wide. The mouse seemed to nod at Marianna then vanished down the young girl's jacket making her giggle.

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