Open New places, new people

Blair Bianchi

Italian; Ballerina; Model
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody (Branson)
Sexual Orientation
Curly, 9", Acacia, Essence of Belladonna, Unyielding
February 14, 2040 (23)
One of the main things about Hogwarts that Blair had interest for, was trophies. Was Hogwarts better than Koldovstoretz or her previous school was unbeatable? Currently she was still sure that Koldovstoretz is better, than this school, but this room was slowly proving her opposite. Blair was slowly moving away from one of the first trophies, she had a strong wish to tidy everything up even with everything being not that messy. She felt like she had to do at least something.

@Hildegard de Valeriane

Open after Janna posted with Hilda!
One more year had just started at Hogwarts for Hilda and on her way up to the common room she had decided to stop in the trophy room to admire them.When she walked into the room the young girl began by looking at the ones to her right, some were from last year, some were 10 years old and even those from a hundred years ago were on display.Hilda let out a little scream of surprise when she saw the silhouette of someone on the other side of the showcase. "Oh mon dieu!*""she said, letting out a few French words between some nervous laughs "You scared me!" she added ,in english this time .How had she managed not to notice the other witch in the room? She must have been more in her thoughts than usual , she thought to herself .

*Oh my god!
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Blair easily jumped, what was wrong with people in the Hogwarts that they scared her all the time? "Ёлки палки*," she answered to girl's French with her Russian. At least she managed to not cuss more badly. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to, it's just like.. Боже**, I just wanted to see Hogwart's trophies." she giggled and put her hair behind her ear.

* doesn't have real translation, it's just weird phrase that Russians say. In direct translation spruce stems
"Don't apologize, it's okay," said Hilda, continuing to laugh slightly.She walked around the showcase to get closer to the other girl "I'm Hilda by the way " she added while she leaned against one of the furniture in the room."It was Russian if I'm not mistaken" the gryffindor asked curious about the fews words whose meaning was foreign to her.
Girl's laugh also stuck to Blair and she started to laugh. "I'm Blair, nice to meet you Hilda!" she sheepishly smiled at the Hilda. "Да, oops, yes! That was Russian, I am Russian, and you talked in French, yeah? Mon was in French, right?" she read several books with French characters and they always said mon somewhere.
Hilda looked triumphant when Blair told her again that she was right."Yes it's French, MON means my in English" she explained.“Besides, I've never seen you in class, are you new?”she asked, not hoping to be rude, she didn't know everyone but the girl's face was not familiar to her.
Blair fastly nodded to Hilda. "Yeah, I read pretty much and Mon is used pretty often. What I said doesn't really translate to English, just weird Russian saying." Blair answered, looked back at trophies and turned back to ask something, but Hilda managed to ask first, at what she chuckled. "uh yeah, I am transfer from Koldovstoretz, it's in Russia, but you probably know it already." Silver looked at her feets and smiled. Sadly she forgot what she wanted to ask, but came up with something new. "are you from France or you just know french?" her voice surely was quiet, but it was always like that.
" Koldovstoretz ?! Is it true that you're flying on tree ?" she asked with wide eyes, people had told her a lot of stuff about this school including that .She calmed down when Blair asked her a question, not wanting to sound intrusive as to asking her that "I'm French, on my mother's side" she said, making a face at the mention of her mother, tapping the window of the display case with her fingertips."So yeah , i know french" she added with a laugh
Blair nodded and then smiled. "Yes, indeed, it is true." she let out light laugh. "And it is way more comfortable than your brooms, by the way. You should try some time!" In fact, it was indirect suggestion that they can spend some time together again, not only this time and only in this trophy room. And surely without scaring each other at first. "huh, I see you're not on the best rel.. No not relationship, I meant youre not on the best terms with your mom. Yes? At least one of the parents have to extremely suck," she laughed and then raised her both eyebrows like saying what the actual hell? "Sorry, haven't been to France myself, BUT I do have some souvenires from there. My mom is journalist, she travels a lot, so here we go. I have A LOT of souvenires," she cheerfuly smirked and then understood how timing it was. "Божечки, it was weird." she admitted that.

Божечки-different version of saying God, in Russian
"Just ... Wow" she said, crossing her arms with a shocked expression."And yeah i'm totally down for it! When do we started? "she added half-joking ,hey it's not all day someone someone advise you to fly on a tree ,it's not something you refuse.
Hilda put on a surprised expression before laughing out loud at Blair's joke, it was absolutely true most of the people she knew had at least one problem with one of their parents. "Yes clearly ,my mother and me are like night and day "The gryffindor made another face at the mention of her mom but it quickly turned into a smile."And you ? any parents issues?"The witch knew that one of the ways to get closer to someone we had just met was to trashtalk about parent figures together.
"Oh yes souvenirs! My father brings me plenty of his travels too" she said before adding "he's a curse breaker".The gryffindor shrugged her shoulders at the Hufflepuff's remark "Believe me I have heard and seen weirder before" Hilda tried to make a mysterious look adding a rather strange eyebrow movement, she realized it and let out a another laugh.
Blair blinked with opened mouth, she didn't catch what Hilda said and then she out of nowhere understood. "Oh! I don't have it with me and I'm not going home on summer holidays, BUT you can visit me on winter holidays! I live in Wanaka, you know, that little village where was filmed some scene in Star Wars." she proudly smiled at Hilda, yes, indeed, she missed Russia, but she was more than proud of the village where she lived now.
When Hilda asked bout her parent issues, she almost flinched, but understood that was easier to talk about. At least Hilda will know how strongly Stefan Silver sucks. "I have N.E.D.T.I.H., syndrome." she gave it out as a joke and then explained what she meant. "Non existant dad that I hate." she took a deep breath to explain next in a long breat. "Stefan Silver, he is an Italian. He doesn't even know about my existance," she was missing a breath in that, so she stopped for a second. "He and my mom were friends with benefits and when he found out that she is pregnant, he just went back to Italy. I won't be surprised, if I will find out that I have MANY siblings," Blair tried to make it less awkward so she tried to joke and waited for Hilda's reaction. Even tho she was almost sure that she will say that she is sorry for her.
"Curse Breaker! That is SO cool, are you on good terms with him? Actually, it sounds like he is your fav parent." she sounded as she stated a fact, but she still wanted to make sure that she got all that right. "Alright, then wait for me to beat the weirdness you have seen before." Blair almost clapped hands and then started to laugh at Hildas eyebrow movement. "Alright, you won. This was unbelievable," Silver tried to repeat that eyebrow thing.
"Look I never turn down an invitation" she said not knowing if Blair was really serious or not but either way it was okay with Hilda. "But I have to confess something to you ... I've never seen a Star Wars" Her cousin had tried to make her watch it but each time they ended up falling asleep because it was too late or they were interrupted.

"N.E.D.T.I.H?"she asked, thinking quickly about the meaning of the acronym . When her new friend explained it to her she let out a small "Oh"before continuing to listen to her story."Wow your father sound like a totally douchebag" being a difficult parent was one thing, but abandoning your child and shying away from responsibilities was quite another.

"Yeah, my dad is really nice and he always tries to spend some time with me despite his job so yes the choice to live with him is quickly done" she told " So you're right he is absoluty my favorite but please don't tell him please never don't tell him i said that, it would risk to get to his head." she added laughing.

"Don't worry you have the rest of the year to try and beat me." She hoped Blair would understand that this meant that she would like to spend time with her for the next semester and even after if she wanted to.

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