Closed New Neighbors

Annika Corrins

Prim- Proper- Rebellious- Spoiled
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Hetero (Mostly)
10 inch sturdy, curved Holly with Unicorn hair core
8/1/2030 (29)
Annika had finally found herself an apartment, and a nice one. It wasn't overly extravagant, but it was spacious. She had moved in easily and settled quickly. She was enjoying herself. She had spent the day shopping for clothes and had just returned. She was dressed nicely, low heeled open toed pumps, a well fitting pink sundress, and her hair was done in a neat braid. She wore stylish sunglasses and a nice sunhat. Her arms were laden with bags, and she was struggling to unlock the door. She pursed her perfectly painted lips into a pout, unwilling to put the bags down to get inside. She sighed dramatically as she tried to think of another way out of her current predicament.
Shane loved his apartment, it was light, airy, plenty of space, centrally located and just want he needed for his life. He hadn’t yet bothered with a job he was only a year out of school and he was casually doing some university classes, just things to keep him going but mostly, Shane was partying, every night more or less he’d be out at a party, bringing someone home and just having more fun. He had frequent parties of his own, magically helping the sound stay contained so he wouldn’t get noise complaints. It was just the sort of life he wanted. He never had time to think about other things or consider the future. The only person who perhaps made him feel a little bad about it was his sister, but he went to see her often enough and was sober enough during that that it was enough. He was showing someone out of his flat, they were still in the middle of a kiss and he was promising her that he’d call, but he was unlikely to really. There was someone new across from him it seemed and the person he’d been showing out his flat hurried off. ”Need a hand there?” He asked, taking her in, noting she was wearing a summer dress but it was winter outside. He decided not to bring it up, instead moving to help her with her bags, ”Oh hey, Annika, right?” he had told her about these flats but hadn’t really thought she’d go for them, honestly the girl had seemed a for them.
Annika looked up when she heard a voice, blinking at the vaguely familiar face. "Oh, Zdravstvuyte. Um, Shawn, right? Sure, I would love some help," she smiled flirtily at him, her accent softer but still there. She took a step back, offering her keys between two fingers. There were only two keys, one for her flat and one for a chest inside, and she had a silver snowflake keychain. It was soft, feminine, and cute, which fit her aesthetic completely.
Shane gave a little smirk and nodded, ”Yeah, sure, Shawn,” he didn’t mind if she didn’t remember his name or if she was just saying that to almost get a rise out of him, he took the keys which were different from his of course but similar enough that he made quick work of opening her door. He held it open for her doing so in what he though was the gentleman manner and then would leave once she’d managed to get everything inside.
Annika smiled, brushing past him to place her things inside before coming back for her keys. "Thank you, lapochka," she offered up a kiss and a saucy wink before going back inside, leaving him either the option to follow her in or shut the door and be on his way. She didn't care either way, honestly, she had shopping to put away. She slipped off her shoes and set them on the couch before freeing her hair and letting it fall down around her shoulders.
Shane gave a little smile, of course completely not understanding what word she used to refer to him but it was no matter, he accepted the kiss and then he ”I’ll see you around Annika,” he said giving a little wave before he turned and went back to his own flat. He was sure he would see her soon, given that it appeared they were now neighbours.

A few days past with him keeping to his usual schedule, he hadn’t spent much time at home, some new girl had taken his fancy and he was returning home with his hands ladened with some groceries and same clothes he’d been wearing when he left that he ran into Annika again. They were both heading in and upstairs. ”Hey Annika,” he greeted with a flirty smile. ”Having better luck with your door?” he asked.
Annika was on her way home, in a tight pair of jeans and a soft pink sweater, blond locks falling down her back. She was on her way home, a bag of groceries in her arms. She looked up, smiling as Shawn reappeared. "Hello, dorogoy," she greeted, returning his coy smile with one of her own. "Much, thank you." She shifted her groceries, flipping her hair back behind her shoulder. "These are good apartments, I really must thank you for recommending them. I can afford it easily once work takes off, and I can shred fathers' credit cards," she smiled impishly.
Shane wasn’t sure what her russian meant, but he didn’t really need to. He gave her a little smile. ”No problem,” he replied. ”Lots of students live in these ones, that’s why I’m here,” he didn’t need to be making any money and he was opting to not. ”What do you do for work?” Even if he lived on his aunt and uncle’s money he never took it from them without asking first. After all they could cut him off, they didn’t need to be kind to him or keep him well financed. He knew they wouldn’t ever let him go, but he didn’t want to tempt fate with it.
Annika chuckled as he asked her about her work. "I am wedding planner. Strong enough to keep out meddling mothers and give ladies perfect weddings, pretty enough to bring home lots of handsome best men," she chuckled, winking. "Sometimes pretty maid of honor too. I work with whole wedding party. Once I have event handled and bride and groom or grooms or brides all off to honeymoon I find someone to bring me home," she laughed lightly, starting up the stairs. "I have always known how to throw good party." She tossed him a flirty wink.
Shane had to laugh as she said what she was, a wedding planner. ”For real?” he asked with laughter in his tone. He wasn’t sure what he had imagined her doing but god he couldn’t imagine a worse job to have, it was just...god. Imagine always having to watch people sign their lives away in such a horrible manner. ”Why wedding planner? Surely party planning would be much better?” he knew how to throw a party too but he wasn’t about to make a career planning the worst sorts of celebrations. He knew each their own, but he wasn’t sure how he could wrap his mind around this woman and be a wedding planner. ”I go muggle university, looking to waste some more time before I decide a career path,”
Annika smiled, not bothered that Shawn was so amused. She shook her head at his comment. "Party planning is more fun, but would make me less money." She informed him. "You would be surprised how much people pay to have someone that will yell at pushy parents and plan big wedding," She laughed lightly. "And besides, this job provides easy access to drunk lonely men wearing handsome suits," She winked playfully. She chuckled as he said he didn't have much of a plan. "You are pretty boy, Shawn, you have plenty of time to play before you must decide on anything," she told him, flipping her hair behind her shoulder. She glanced to him as they reached the top of the stairs. "Do you have party tonight? I am bored, and I need entertained. Either have party or come have dinner at my apartment instead, amuse me," She ordered requested, giving him her best smile.
Shane just looked at the woman incredulously as she explained it, justifying her choices but in his mind there was just no reason to do that. Like she wouldn’t be able to do that with other sorts of planning or find lonely men at other parties dressed nicely. ”Still….weddings….there’s nothing worse than a wedding,” he countered. Perhaps it was just his great distaste for marriage and relationships in general that made him so surprised about it. ”I was planning on going to a classmate’s party, it’s their twentieth birthday, we’ll probably do pre-drinks at their party and then go to a club,” he said, ”If you were interested can bring you along, can’t promise lonely men wearing handsome suits, but I can promise drunk people at least,” He wasn’t sure if it would be to Annika’s tastes but it was a party and it was the plans he had.
Annika shrugged. "Shawn, dorogoy, a wedding is nothing but a very expensive party where everyone celebrates bad life choices." she flipped her hair behind her shoulder. She considered his offer, before finally sighing. "Fine, I will go, but only because I am bored." She nodded, turning to her door and unlocking it. "Let me change into something else and I will be right over."

-the next morning-

Annika awoke slowly the next morning. She yawned and stretched, settling back into the warmth of her bed. Well- the warmth of his bed. She remembered last night... or at least, she remembered pieces of last night. She'd gone with Shawn out to the party, spent a few hours drinking and looking for something to amuse her. She hadn't found anything- er, anyone, interesting. She remembered that Shawn had been talking up someone, but she was obviously better than them.

She stayed comfortable under his arm for a little bit longer, before stretching again and slipping out of bed. The morning air was cold on her bare skin. She shivered briefly, taking a moment to fluff her hair and run her fingers through it to try and straighten it a bit.
Shane still hadn’t understood Annika’s wedding thing, but he decided to not bother with it. To him it was a little dumb and there were other ways to make money that didn’t involve having to spend time watching people spend loads of money on a promise. A pointless promise. The party he took her too, was the usual affair, the night had really only been getting started when Annika had decided she’d had enough, it hadn’t mattered that Shane had been chatting some girl up and had promised a dance once they got to the club. He’d gone home with Annika and he could admit it was probably better than if he’d stuck it out with that girl. He felt someone shifting beside him the morning after and opened his eyes. He could see that Annika was getting ready. ”Lock the door on your way out,” was all he said sleepily, as he closed his eyes again to go back to sleep.
Annika smiled softly at the voice. She turned, tempted to stay in bed, but she had work to do today. She leaned over, pressing a kiss to his cheek before standing. She hummed softly, slipping her clothes on and moving next door to her apartment, making sure to lock his behind her.

She didn't see Shawn for a few weeks after that, busy with the final preparations for a high-end wedding. When it was over, she received a wonderful paycheck, very big. She was pleased, and ready for a night to relax. Deciding that she wanted some fine dining and some company, she stuck her head out her door when she heard footsteps. "Shawn!" She smiled, stepping out in an attempt to catch his attention.
Shane fell back asleep moments after she left. He wasn’t too surprised when he didn’t see her for a while. He knew given what she’d said about what she did that she was busy, and he, well, he had plenty to keep him occupied. He didn’t give much attention to his studies and mostly just scraped passes. He spent the next two weeks doing what he wanted, he had one party in his flat in the time, it had been quite a rager. But he was coming that evening, having spent most of the day with the the boy he’d met at the night before. He wasn’t often one to stay that long, but the man had caught his attention, and they’d had some fun. He was smiling to himself as he walked up the steps to his apartment when Annika said his name. ”Oh hey,” he said with a little smile. ”Heading somewhere nice?”
Annika smiled, walking forward and moving to lace her arm through his. "I am bored, Shawn." She pouted. "And I do not feel like going out to find company. Slip into something nicer, I want to go out for dinner," She ordered asked, giving him her best pout. "I will buy food then we can return here, your place is fine," she continued, already decided, turning to walk towards his apartment. "I know best place, good food and strong drinks." She smiled.
Shane looked at her with a smirk half on his face as she told him what to do. He knew that by proxy of living next to each to other he couldn’t just ignore her. But he hadn’t thought she would want to continue in this friendship. ”And what if I have plans?” he countered with a little smile, he didn’t, he’d just come from plans, but he didn’t necessarily think he should just no as she says without any question or push. He was already thinking about clothes to wear, and how long he would take in the shower to make sure he was fresh as a daisy for it.
Annika rolled her eyes playfully, giving him a small smile. "If they are really such good plans then I will pout and go out on my own but we both know I am better." She told him with a playful wink, flipping her hair behind her shoulder. "Besides, I will lock the door behind me." She added, giving him her best pout.
Shane looked at her and then shrugged, ”Fine, give me ten minutes,” he said as he went into his apartment. He went straight for the shower, washing off the last few days and then got dried and dressed into a smart suit. His aunt and uncle had been very kind in helping him get a number of good suits for him to wear. He walked out his door and chapped on Annika’s door. As if to indicate that he was now ready and ready to go.
Annika smiled as he walked away, pleased. She went back into her flat, throwing a few things into a small clutch and changing into a nice evening gown. One with a simple zipper, she wasn't going to be fussy tonight. She flicked her wrist and refreshed her makeup, taking a moment to pin her hair up and slipping into a loose pair of black open toed heels. She smiled to herself as Shawn knocked on her door. She picked up her clutch and walked out, locking her door behind her. This was going to be fun.

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