New Life

Eden Silverback

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Rosewood Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the mane of a Unicorn
Eden had been feeling sick all morning. She didn't want to eat yet she was hungry. She wanted to sit down but every time she did she got right back up because she felt the urge to walk. Her back was hurting and it was taking far more work than it should to not cry. "Whats wrong with me?" Eden whimpered as she walked around her master bedroom. It had been months since she had been in her own home but something was telling that this was where she needed to be. It had gotten far to noisy. Tohoru's son was being fussy and her new baby twin brothers had been born. So there where crying screaming babies all over the place.

Taking a seat by the window Eden looked out at the bright sunny day. "My dear your going to need to settle down." Eden said softly as she rubbed her huge stomach. Her daughter seemed to have grown to big for Eden's slender frame. "Just another week." Eden said softly. The doctors had said that she was due anytime but Eden was hoping for a December child. Eden heard someone come into the house. Not that Eden cared anymore she was tired and in a lot more pain than she had ever felt.
Kida was sitting at her house just in the kitchen cooking when her cousin Aeon came in 'you have a 6th sense for when I'm cooking don't you''' said as she held out a beater to him. The look on his face wasn't right kida stated at him questioningly 'Aeon what's up?' she asked as she wiped her hands on her apron before putting her hand on his shoulder, she knew this expression.
'Aeon what's going on''' she said trying to snap him out of it, Kida way he's his expression return and she raised her eyebrows.

The next thing she knew she was in her car driving towards Edens house, Aeon saw her pain from the brief connection with Kida.
The brunette pulled up to the House and ran through the gate and un the drive to the front door.
'Eden?''' she called as she ran up stairs and looked through the rooms, when Kida found she could tell something was up
Kida walked up Eden and looked at her 'are you okay?''' she asked.
It had been awhile since she had seen Kida but it didn't surprise her that she was here. Eden had given Kida keys to both of her places just because. Eden smiled at her best friend. "Yes I'm fine I think my little princess is just trying to get comfy. She's due next week and there can't be much room in there." Eden said as she let out a hiss of pain. Rubbing her stomach Eden reminded herself to just keep breathing. The next time she saw Sunako she would ask her if there was anything she could do to make the pain less.

Getting to her feet Eden walked around her room a little bit. Rubbing her lower back. "Don't ever get pregnant Kida its such a pain." Eden said with a half smile. Wondering if she should send of Sunako or her sister. Eden shook her head no need to worry anyone when it was just a simple back ache. Another wave of pain hit Eden and she cursed under her breath. "This sucks." Eden said when the finally went away.
Kida smiled at Eden when she said the child was just getting comfy. 'There wasn't much of you to start with anyway' she laughed when she heard Eden hiss with pain she cringed her nose, when Eden got up Kida almost suggested it wasn't a good Idea but then shrugged it off, she knew better.
The Brunette walked over to Eden and placed on hand on her friends back and the other on her stomach 'Careful Eden, you're a bit front heavy, you don't want to fall over now' Kida Stressed before giggeling to herself 'Oh c'mon, if i got Pregnant our kids could date!' she joked as she felt the child move against her hand.

'Do you want a drink or anything?' Kida asked looking at Eden, she seemed in triple amount the pain then she really should. 'When are you due Eden, are you sure you're not going in Early?' she Asked as she felt the child move some more, Kida thought for a second on how weird it would be having a chlid moving all the time, how it would feel but she decided to ask Later.
Eden laughed at her friend. "I know I have always been a bit small." Eden said looking at her huge frame. It had been months since she had been able to see her feet. She couldn't wait to see them again. When Kida placed her hand on Eden's stomach she could feel her daughter give another kick. "I'll be fine Kida I've been doing this for months. I only have about a week left and she will be born." Eden said her face wincing in pain again. Even with the pain she was in she couldn't help but smile at her friend. "I'm not allowing her to date until she is married." Eden said in a serious voice. As much as she loved her daughter it made her sad to think that she wouldn't have her father there all the time.

"No I don't want anything to drink not right now." Eden said rubbing her stomach wondering what was wrong with her. Listening to Kida, Eden shook her head. "Nope I'm not due until December 8th so we have time." Eden said sitting down by the window once more only to get right back up. The pain in her back growing worse. "I wonder if I should send for Sunako?" Eden said her voice all thoughtful.
Elvera had a feelng that Eden was not in the best place at the present time. she didnt know what had given her that feeling, maybe it was a twin thing, maybe it was a seer thing, maybe it was a gut instinct, maybe she was totally wrong. whichever it was she left the castle. she was glad that she hadn't got any classes on. she almost ran to Eden's house hopeing that she had got the correct building, even though she knew eden had been spending a lot of time at the Koshiba residence recently. been if she wasn't there she was sure that there would be someone that who would know where her sister was.
thankfully she was in luck. she entered the house through the door not bothering to knock and made her way upstairs to where she heard the sounds of voices. "Hello, Eden, Are you alright" she called making sure that she was heard before she was near the room so that if she was disturbing anything she had time for eden to reply and give an answer, but she was pretty sure that she wasn't.
She entered the room and saw Eden sitting by the window and there was another girl there, a girl she very vaguely recognised from school but couldn't put a name to. however her attention wasn't held by the girl for long, it went straight back to Eden who was talking, apparently answering questions the girl had asked before she had arrived. "Maybe she will come before the eighth," she said and then at the mention of Suniko she smiled. she didn't know the girl that well, she knew that she had worked for the koshiba and now was married to tohoru, but didn't know much more about her. "If you want Sunako here, it may be a good idea, and maybe Morgan too" she said referring to their mother.
Eden felt someone come into her house. Right away she knew who it was. "Elvera's here." Eden said a smile crossing her face. Kida might be here best friend but the moment she had figured out Elvera was her twin everything had clicked into place. As Elvera walked in Eden got to her feet and gave her a hug. "Hey sis. I'm doing alright." Eden said pulling away from the hug to put her hands back on her stomach. "My back is just killing me." Eden said trying not to let them know just how much pain she really was in.

Hearing Elvera suggest that he daughter might come early. "Nope she's not coming until the eighth I'm just sure of it." Eden said rubbing her stomach hoping that she wasn't wrong about this. Elvera mentioned Sunako and Eden nodded her head. "I already had Judas send for her and Hoshi. Sunako is a healer and she knows all about babies." Eden said hoping that her daughter wasn't coming but at the same time she was excited about the thought of her daughter coming soon.
Elvera saw Eden get up and hugged her back, but she could tell that it was paining her to do it. "glad to hear that you are doing well" she said letting go if her sister, "maybe you should sit or lie down if your back is hurting." she said trying to lead Eden back over to where she had been sitting.
at the news that sunako had already been sent for as she was a healer she nodded. she didn't think of much else to say, instead she reached around her neck and reached for the stone. that was there. she rubbed it and held it up to her mouth, she hoped that the message had worked the same as she had practiced. she breathed on it and whispered soundlessly, morgan come to edens. she hoped that their mother would get the message and come. she let the necklace fall back around her neck and it was ice cold against her skin.
she looked back at her twin and her friend "Eden is there anything i can do?" she said. she wasn't sure what needed doing if anything but she wanted to do something to help her twin.
"No I'm fine. I don't want to sit down or lay down. I'm just tired of feeling like a beached whale." Eden said letting out a soft sigh. She wanted her family there with her but at the same time she wanted to be alone. Finally deciding that sitting down might be the best thing Eden sat down and looked at her door as if it would magically make her mom show up. "As much as I hate James I kind of wish that he was here." Eden said wondering if his other child had been born yet.

Feeling a really sharp pain in her back Eden let out a little yelp of pain. "Alright in there settle down." Eden said as she got back on her feet. 'I don't know whats wrong with her. She is normally so calm." Eden said rubbing her belly hoping it would calm her down even though it hadn't been working for the past few days. Another sharp pain came again and Eden felt water rushing out of her. Looking down there was a puddle at her feet. "Sis wheres mom? I think her granddaughter is coming." Eden said as she went to lay down in bed. She didn't know what she was supposed to do but laying down couldn't hurt anything.
Morgan knew that he baby was going to bome early, but she wasnt sure on the date. on the first of decembe she had made a pack of thangs that may help eden through the childbirth, she wasn't a healer, and seriously mistrusted midwives but she wanted to be able to do something for her baughter. she was just sitting in her shop when she felt the stone around her neck bun and heard elveras voice. telling her to go to edens. she picked up the pack and apparated. not even locking the shop, she had cold a couple of the other shopkeepers that she may vanish suddenly and just to keep an eye on her shop, and she was sure that nothing would go missing.
she appeared outside Eden's front door and rushed inside. and up the stairs. she entered the room where two if her daughters and one other girl was when she heard eden ask where she was. "Mom is right here" she said making her way over to eden dropping the bag on the floor. she gave her daughter a hug and knew straight away that eden was right, the girl was coming. she tapped her staff and the bag emptied its self. the things that she had packed flying to where they were needed.
OOCOut of Character:
It looks as if Eden is going to give birth without Sunako

As soon as Eden saw her mom walk into her bedroom she felt better at once. "Mom your here." Eden said her voice shaky. Another pain came and Eden bit her lip. This was not what she had signed up for. "I'm scared mommy." Eden said as she reached for her twins hand. What if something happened to her? No she couldn't think like that. No one died from giving birth anymore. She just needed to stay positive. You can do this Eden. She thought to herself as she felt another pain about to hit her. She had been there when Haruhi was giving birth. All she had to do was push when it was hurting and the baby would come.

Hours later

Eden was growing tired from pushing. It had been hours since her mom and sister had showed up. One of the maids had sent for a healer. The women was right now telling her to push once more. "I can't. I'm to tired." Eden whimpered as she took a deep breath and forced herself to push one last time. Her efforts where rewarded with the most beautiful sound in the world. Her little girl had just taken her first breath and was screaming at the top of her lungs. The healer wrapped the baby up in a blanket and soon Eden was sitting up holding her daughter. Looking at her daughters face for the first time. Eden started to cry. "She has your eyes sis. Eden said looking deep into her daughters eyes. One was purple and one was green. "I think I'm in love." Eden whispered as she softly kissed the top of her daughters head.
Kida saw another woman come in and care for Eden, she picked up that it was her twin in no time flat. Kida was concerned for Eden, she knew Eden thought that the child would be born on a certain date, but her gut was telling her the opposite.
The Brunette walked to the side of the Bed Eden decided to lay on and ran her hand through her best friends hair, She had never seen anyone go through this before, so it was a whole new experience for her as it was for Eden.
Kida smiled 'What are you going to do if this charming little pain giver wants out today?, you can't decide it Eden, you know that right?' Kida asked curious as she continued to run her hands through Eden's hair trying to calm her so she didn't stress her or the baby out, the last thing she needed right now was stress.</COLOR>
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The Young Witch kept one hand on her best friends shoulder to keep her hands free for her sister and mother, she didn't want to interfear to much. 'Come on Eden, Don't you want to meet her?' Kida asked as she gave her best friend and positive squeese on the shoulder. Kida heard a child scream and she smiled, brushing Eden's hair out of her face.
Kida took a step back to Eden could spend a moment with her new born girl.
'i want one' she said pouting her lip looking at the beautiful child in her best friends arms. 'Can i have one Eden.. pleaassee' she falsly begged knowing she would never be able to escape with Edens daughter.
'What are you going to call her Eden?' Kida asked curiously.
Morgan stroked her daughters hair for a couple of minutes. "there is no need to worry Eden, we are all here to help you, and wont let anything bad happen" she said holding her daughter close as she could. when she saw Eden wince in pain again she let go. and started doing everything she could to make the birth easier before the healer came. she was thankfull when a professional healer came a while later, she knew traditional practices, but didnt know the best ways of doing things.

a while later, she could see that Eden was almost to the end of her capabilities, and she hoped that the child would come soon. she was in luck within a few minutes the sound of the child screaming filled the room, it was surprising how much noise something so small could make. she was such a pretty baby, she couldn't wait to watch her grow up. "congratulations Eden, you can now rest, you did a brilliant job" she said, as the healer check her and wrap her warmly, not taking her eyes off them, she didn't want anything to happen to the baby like what had happened to her babies, twenty years ago. "do you know what you are going to name her?" she asked. hardly more than a breath as she was quiet and she didn't want to start her screaming again. she then turned to Elvera and gestured to the bag, "can you reach the box out of there" she asked. if she was right the box that was empty when it was put in the bag would now contain a stone that was much like Edens, Elveras and her own.
Elvera just opened her mouth to say that morgan was on her way when a voice behind her told her that she was already here. "thank goodness you are here, " she said glad that someone who had been through childbirth was ready to help eden. she felt Eden reach for had hand and held it tight not letting go unless Eden wanted to, but it turned out that she didn't. she helped her through her labour, encouraging her and trying to send her as much energy as she could. she wasn't sure if it was compassion or her imagination but she though that she could feel a shadow through her body about the same time as she felt eden flinch in pain. "come on Eden, you are being very brave, keep going" she said feeling huge measures of respect to her sister, she wondered briefly if she would ever be able to be as strong as Eden.

once the baby came out crying she gave her sister a hug. well done. she said before the healer was back with the baby. she looked down at the child her niece, she was an aunt. "she is adorable, such a perfect little girl" she said. looking down at her. perfect. when she mentioned her eyes she realised her eyes were different, one green and one violet. "they are the same as Morgans." she breathed. then she heard morgan asked her to get a box from her bag. she went over and reached it and brought it over. she had seen it before in Morgans house, she had tried to open it but it hadn't opened. "there you go. Eden I think the contents belong to the baby." she said pretty sure that she could guess the contents.
As Eden laid there holding her daughter she let out a sigh. "I've been waiting months to meet you my love." Eden whispered to her daughter as she placed another kiss on her head. It was amazing to think that something so perfect could have come from her. "Thank you for being here. I guess she decided to come early." Eden said as she watched her daughter close her eyes and drift off to sleep. It seemed that being born took a lot of energy. Looking at the box that was being handed to her. Eden took the box and opened it. Inside was a little pink stone. "I do believe that your right." Eden said closing the box and placing it to the side. She wold place it on her daughter later.

As everyone asked about what her name would be. Eden smiled she had picked out a name months ago but had kept it a secret. "Her name is Aine. From the Irish Goddess of love. If its okay with you mom I want her last name to be Le Fey. Aine Le Fey." Eden said her smile getting a little bit bigger. Looking back at her mom. Eden held Aine out to her. "Go ahead and hold her mom. I want her to get to know you and love you just as much as I do." Eden said a tear falling down her cheek. It still amazed Eden to think that a few months ago she hadn't wanted to be a mother but now that it happened she didn't know how she would ever be able to let her daughter out of her sight.
Morgan was glad that she had been right about the box, inside it was a pretty pink stone for the baby. "I wouldn't have missed it for the world" she said, glad that she was there when her daughter became a mother, and her a grandmother. she lifted her hand and wiped a few hot tears that had started slowly rolling down her face, she wouldn't forget this day for the res of her life, she was sure of that.
the tears came again when she heard the child's name. "Aine Le fey, is perfect, if you want her to be a le fey I would be truly honoured" she said. she loved her daughters, but she would not stop them using the name Koshiba, as that family was who helped them when she hadn't been able to. when Aine was offered to her she took her instinctively and held her close. it was as though she was back holding Eden, something she hadn't done until she graduated school. she felt more tears come down her face. she gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead, and passed her back to her daughter before she had to go and find some tissues. "she is well loved, and always will be" she said passing the tissues around to whoever needed them.
Kida smiled at her little God Daughter 'Aine is beautiful' she said smiling as she tucked her leg under her and sat on the side of the bed next to Eden, Kida gently rubbed Eden's shoulder, she must be exhaused 'How are you Feeling Eden?' she asked as she nudged her to get her to sit up so she could jimmy in behind her and give her a small back massage.

Kida smiled at the small child and wondered how something so big could have been made from nothing, she sighed softly as she took a tissue from who she guessed was Eden's real mother and dabbed her eyes lightly. 'i Really want one now' she said smiling as she gave Eden a light hug 'You've done well.. too good infact... good Luck keeping the boys away from this little Angel' she quipped lightly.
Elvera heard Eden say the girls name. it was such a pretty name, Aine Le fey. "what a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl" she said. then she watched silently as morgan took the small bundle and seemed to start melting around it. she looked over at her sister and her sister friend. she thought she vaguely recognised her from school although she wasn't sure where. she decided that now the baby was born she had better introduce herself and her mother. she wasn't quite sure how to do it though, so she waited for a time when it would not seem awkward. she smiled at the friend and nodded, "I think you are right, she said in a light hearted tone "if she ends up anything like her mother the boys will be lining up to date her." she said. that was one of the main ways she and eden were different, eden loved easily,and got on well with others, this she envied eden for, as she found it hard to love anyone who wasn't family. and right now she had one more person to love. her niece. she took one of the tissued her mother had offered but although her eyes were hot and moist the tears hadn't started rolling down her face just yet.
Eden couldn't be any happier. "Thanks guys. She's the most perfect child ever." Eden said trying her best to cover her yawn. She hadn't slept in what felt like years. "Looking at Kida, Eden smiled. "I don't think you guys have met my best friend Kida." Eden said taking her daughter from her mom. As she looked into Aine's eyes Eden felt herself fall a little bit more in love with her daughter. "Sis do you want to hold her?" Eden said as she offered Aine to her. All she wanted to do was sleep and she was sure that there was no way she could manage that if she was holding her daughter.
Elvera was glad that Eden did the introductions for her, it was easier. "Its nice to meet you Kida, I'm Elvera, Edens win, and this is morgan our mother" she said offering her hand to the girl to shake and finishing the introduction. when she looked back at eden she realised how tired she suddenly seemed to have become. "I would love to hold her, maybe you should get some sleep we will look after her until you wake up" she said, taking the baby in her arms. she was so small, and so gorgeous. however when she held her she felt something inside her twinge, she wasn't sure what, it was similar to a vision but not a vision something else. she didn't mention anything, or even blink, just held the girl to her.
after a few minutes she thought she was being a little selfish if she held her for much longer, she looked at eden, and then at Kida, and Morgan. "who wants to hold her next" she said looking to see who wanted the next hold.

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