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Sato Asahi

Chef- Passionate- Sweet- Gentle- Japanese
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Knotted 9 Inch Sturdy Cherry Wand with Vampire Blood Core
Sato had made the leap, moved to New Zealand. He had a certain red-head in mind, but he wasn't going to admit to that. There was nothing confirmed there between them, so he'd decided to just take the change of scenery and see where life took him. He had found a nice flat, moved in, gotten caught up on his rest. But now, he had a job interview. He got himself dressed in a smart casual look before arriving at the agreed meeting place fifteen minutes early. He sat at a table, ordering a few waters. He'd done some research into interview etiquette before arriving, so he took out his notebook, a pen, a letter of recommendation from his previous head chef, and his graduation certificate from the culinary college he'd attended with Cooper. Having heard good things about this company from his friend, he had high hopes. Now, he just had to wait.
Cyzarine had just been trying to keep it together, to keep her life together. Things were just messy and this wasn't exactly a good thing when she was trying to run a company. It didn't help that she had a new chef coming in. She just had to keep herself together, not let it bother her in the slightest. Not let it show. She walked into the body of the place, just at the time that the interview was, and spotted the man she was due to meet. "Hi, Mr Asahi right?" she greeted as she moved to sit in front of him, plastering on a smile as she did so.
Sato stood as the woman appeared, bowing slightly in respect. "Ah, yes, my name is Sato Asahi," He introduced himself, sitting down as she did. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Haden-san," He spoke politely, giving her a gentle smile. "Thank you for meeting me." He spoke almost formally, making sure to sit straight and present his best side to the woman.
Cyzarine didn't return the bow, but just smiled, she did know his name, but it was good he introduced himself. "Please, just Cyzarine," she encouraged, not wanting him to be so formal with her. "Of course, we're always on the look out for more talented chefs. Can you explain to me why you'd like to join?" she asked, just keeping the questions to what she needed to know from him.
Sato settled down, offering out his portfolio to the woman. "I went to school with Cooper-Kun," He explained. "We became close friends. When I decided to move here from Japan he suggested your company as a trusted employer." He tapped the portfolio he'd offered. "I have a letter of recomendation from my previous head chef, a certificate of my graduation, and a sampling of several personal dishes if you'd like a preview of what I can offer." He was all business. "What I would like from you is a full time position, with pay equal to what you give Cooper-Kun," He had his pen poised, ready to take notes and answer any questions she may have.
Cyzarine nodded as he began talking, she looked over the portfolio that he had. She was listening along to what he said, but she trusted Cooper enough that if Cooper vouched for him then she was sure he was good enough to join them. She looked over the letter of recommendation and then glanced back at him. "What my catering company does, is a little different from a restaurant, we deal with a variety of clients, who have different tastes. Some days we're only Spanish food, another it's a mixture. Are you prepared for that level of change?" she asked, wanting to really know if he felt confident with the challenge that line of work had versus what he might've done previously. "If you're willing, I'd rather do a stage week, before we offer a full time position. You'll be paid for staging, and you'll work under Cooper, and it'll be a week to see if you fit our need, and if we fit yours," she offered. "If all is good, you'll have your own position, with the same benefits and pay as Cooper,"
Sato smiled. "It is that level of change that drew me to your company, Cyzarine," He offered at her insistence. "I would very much like the challenge your company presents." He sipped his water. He smiled as she offered him a test run. "That would be fantastic. Thank you for your consideration, and for this opportunity," He bowed his head a bit out of respect. "Cooper-Kun speaks highly of you. I suspect that this will present a great opportunity for us all,"
Cyzarine was almost a little surprised Cooper spoke so highly of her and her company. he was sweet and a good worker. "Excellent," she said. "We can have you start next week, I'll have Cooper owl you timings and between you and him, you can figure everything else out?" she didn't think she needed to get in the way until she got a report either to say yes this was right, or no. She extended her hand to him. "Welcome aboard," she said happily.
Sato nodded, taking a few mental notes. "Yes, Cooper-kun is a great man." He agreed easily. "Thank you for the opportunity," He spoke easily, shaking her offered hand. "I promise, you will be absolutely pleased with my work."

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