New friends

Alex Ativak

Well-Known Member
15" Ebony Wand Essence of Phoenix Talon
Walking out on to the great lawn he wondered who he would discover his first weekend he longed to meet new people they always gave him inspiration for new inventions. People were always needing things and he always seemed to come up with just the right invention for what they needed he didnt know how he did it, it just seemed to come to him and he created what he saw out of what he could find. He saw several people out there already most seemed to be in conversations already but he saw others just meandering around and wondered if he should go up to one and say hi or wait for some to say hi to him? ....
Lilith was walking around the grounds trying to remember where was the last place she had seen her sister but for some reason she just could not remember. "Great Im at the ripe old age of 11 and Im losing my mind this is just perfect." Not even noticing what was going on around her Lilith ran right into someone who was walking the way she had just come from. "O goodness Im so sorry I did not see you are you hurt?" Lilith asked the boy as she dusted the front of her Slytherin uniform.
Collecting himself he said "No, im fine your a Slytherin, cool i almost thought the hat might put me in there too but alas im in Gryffindor. So are you a first year? I am i kinda like it so far classes have been kinda boring but hey what can you expect from the first week of classes. Are you okay you seemed to have a dazed look on your face"....
"Yea I am fine. Im a first year. Im not to sure how I feel about any of my classes due to the fact that I dont get to take Herbology until next term which sucks. You see Im searching for my sister but she has vanished again so ehh I guess that I will find her whenever she decides to be found once again.
"So your sister goes here too? What is her name?"
"Yea my sister goes here she is a third year Slytherin I was trying to get into any house but Slytherin but that is where Im stuck." Lilith kicked a pabble out of fustrastion.
"Ah, I'm sure Slytherin isn't that bad. I thought i would be in ravenclaw but hey the hat knows best. So what do u like to do for fun. Im an inventor i like to invent stuff for everyday life like i invented locust drops they were my funniest invention as of late. One drop and locusts appear out of nowhere and fill up your immediate area and attack everyone but the person that used it distracting them long enough for that person to get away. My uncle helps me with the magic but i always seem to get my inspiration from those in need. Anyway, what were you looking for your sister for maybe i can help ya?"
"I love Herbology. I mean I know I have yet to take the class yet but I know that Im going to love it. And Im looking for my sister so that I can talk to her but she as of lately has been vanishing for hours on end doing god knows what. She says shes in Transfiguration Lessons but I dont think so." Lilith kicked the ground once again just for good luck.
He could tell how mad she was about her sister so he thought that he should cheer her up. "Now that is my class transfiguration i love it i cant wait till i get to learning the complex stuff in there. Speaking of Herbology though, you wouldnt believe what i did in herbology last friday. I let off one of my newest inventions my pixie drops, perfect for quick and sneaky escapes. I couldnt help it the teacher was boring me beyond belief so i let out a really loud fart and to cover up that it was me and get out of trouble i tried out my newest invention it worked perfectly it was awesome."
Lilith frowned she could not understand how anyone would be dumb enough to mess with Professor Styx it was like having a death wish. "Transfiguration is alright I mean the Professor is my head of house so there is no way that Im going to even to think about messing around in her class..." Lilith looked down at the ground and blushed she was starting to feel shy around this boy and was unsure of how to handle it.
"I wouldnt dream of misbehaving in transfiguration its my favorite subject and i want to do well in there." He just couldnt understand why she would frown about pranking Proffesor Styx it was funny and he thought for sure it would make anyone laugh. He noticed her blush and wasnt sure what to make of it she was a very pretty girl. "So hey you wanna hang out this weekend maybe we can go check out the lake or maybe even the cliffs they may be forbidden but im sure they would be fun to check out."
"That would be cool I love the cliffs. And I think I should warn you Professor Styx is a very different kind of teacher who would not even think twice over hanging a kid by his toes or worse if you get my meaning." Lilith winked at him and looked around. "So Im telling you all these things about me now I wanna know something about you." Lilith flashed him a smile just to see what he would do.
"She has a great smile." he thought as he pondered what to tell her about himself. " I like to hang with my friends, i have been working on various practical inventions since i was like 8 and i live with my Uncle in Auckland."

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