new friends

"yah, pretty fine except the hating session on me being in slytherin." lexi smiled fakely. "but enjoying it. i actually made friend with this gryffindor 1st year her name is jolly."
"Hating session?" Violet asked, confused. She could see where it could come from, there was intense house rivalry between Slytherin and the other houses, but she didn't know why Lexi would be targeted.
"well, being in slytherin is really hard." lexi became quite for a minute and said " even some slytherin are good they think that where just acting like on a soap opera thing." she said while looking at her foot.
Violet scowled. "That's stupid. It's not fair. Not all Slytherins are bad. It's a common misconception. You must be in Slytherin because you're ambitious and determined, not evil." Violet was getting a little worked up. She was annoyed at how people saw the houses. "People think Hufflepuffs are stupid, but we're not. I'm not stupid. I'd like to think I'm quite clever. People probably think Ravenclaws are a bit evil, too, only caring about themselves and their school work, but that's not true, either! All the people I know here, from all houses, are the nicest, friendliest people I've ever met." She bit her lip, and looked down at her hands, blushing. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get so carried away..."
finally lexi spoke. "its ok, i think hufflepuff is sweet and kind." she smiled at violet. "i'm just ambitious and other, but i dont want power i just like winning." she said in a sweet but quite voice.
Violet shrugged. "Yeah, winning's pretty good. I suppose you can't always win, but it's nice when you do." She laughed. "Guess that's why I'm in Hufflepuff!"
she turned to violet and said "what's your family history, do you have a family history?" lexi smiled at her. "i just want to know my new friend." the wind was pretty good but cold, lexi is shivering and didn't have any jacket only her sweater for inside job only. she hug her self from the cold.
Violet smiled sweetly. Lexi seemed to be proving her point - Slytherins weren't evil.
"My mum went to Hogwarts, she was in Gryffindor. My cousin is in Ravenclaw, at the other Hogwarts. Her parents are muggle-born, though. I don't know about anyone else, I think my grandfather was a wizard but I don't know anything about him." She shrugged. "How about you?" she asked, interested.
"well, my father's a muggle and my mother is a halfblood. i think what your thinking, its my last name. no where not related to the murderous lestrange in london. we don't even know them and as for my mother where distance relative of the chang family. i have a sister name allyna lestrange but not study here." lexi said nice and slowly. feeling cold she tighten her hug on her self.
"I didn't think of that at all, to be honest." Violet said. "I don't know that much about the magical world. Besides, one shouldn't judge based on surnames. It could be complete coincidence." She smiled to herself. She felt very diplomatic, in that she wasn't judgemental at all. Perhaps it came with being ridiculously tall.
"well, its a bit could now i should go to the greathall for some lunch.want to come." lexi smiled to her. she stud up and waited for violet.
Violet shook her head. "Thanks for the offer, but I might stay here a little bit longer. I'll see you around, though!" She smiled at Lexi.
"if you need me i'm just at the great hall." lexi started to walk but waves a few moments before continue to walk back to the castle.
Arnold smiled vaguely at the another girl as he was not talking to her it's the other girl Carly who had called him a while a go "Hi Violet!, so, what's up?" he said and looked at Lexi as she set off to the castle
Violet shrugged. "Oh, nothing much. Just wandering around the place. How are you going?"
[[sorry... forgot all about this one! it won't happen again!]]

Andromeda smiled as Violet and Lexi chatted to one another, she focused her attention for some reason on a loose thread on her robe. When Lexi went to leave she smiled and waved goodbye to her.
She turned back to the others.
"Sorry I was miles away! what are we talking about now?" she smiled.
Violet shrugged. "I have no idea," she said, simply.
"Amazingly enough not so bad. I thought that I would so hate DADA, but we got to do defensive and offensive spells this week which was awesome. Herbology is wicked we planted our own pumpkin and cast a spell to make it grow. Potions is ok and flying is brill", Andromeda said with a smile, "how about you both?"
Violet grinned. "I love DADA!" she exclaimed. "It's really interesting, and for the first time ever, I got to use my wand. I love History of Magic too, although it's a lot of work. Transfiguration's pretty good, Flying's fun, and Astronomy...well..." she made a face. "It's okay, I guess. What do you think, Arnold?" she asked, turning to look at him.

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