Closed New Friends

Killian Owens-Lee

Strong- Stoic- Protective
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Relationship Status
9/15/2015 (45)
It had been a while since Killian had been out and about. Really, between working nights and taking care of the boys, he really hadn't had much time for himself, especially when he'd been dealing so much with his sisters and their... people. He still didn't like Avarian, and he doubted he ever would. The man wasn't good enough for Kami. And Kari's new... roommate, Mitch, Killian wasn't sure he liked him either, but he liked the man better than Kami's husband and that was.... something.

Killian was on his way to dinner, jacket on and hands in his pockets, enjoying the quiet stroll as he walked down the moonlit street. He found he enjoyed the night more than the day, liking the quiet and the calm and the cool air. He hummed lightly as he walked, already knowing he'd order a steak and vegetables from his favorite steak house.
Finola had felt more comfortable socializing since becoming friends with Rhi. While they hadn't spent time together in a while, she was more prone to adventuring knowing that even within the wizarding world, there were friendly people among the darkness. She had been at a bowling alley with a few of her coworkers and was on her way back to the find her vehicle. Driving was one thing she enjoyed about her muggle facade. While apparating, brooms, and floo powder were acceptable, Finola just found them sickening, blustery, and dirty. She would apparate when she found it the most convenient form of travel, but her little Corolla was one of her few solo happy places. As she made her way down the street, she noticed a rather large man walking in her direction. Being a tiny woman herself, she started to hug the wall on the right, accidentally catching her bag on the corner of something. The tote tore as the contents spilled out over the sidewalk. Finola bent down to pick up her belongings, giving a huff as she tried to hide her wand in the side of her boot.
Killian didn't notice the woman walking his way at first, lost in thought, but he did notice when she ripped her purse thing and spilled her things everywhere. Ever the gentleman, he approached her, dropping down on his knees a little bit away and helping her gather her things. "Here you are, miss," He spoke, offering out the gathered items. He kept his hands lax, like holding birdseed, so as not to alarm her. He tried to keep his voice soft and gentle. He was used to intimidating others, and he didn't like it. Unless it was a man wanting one of his sisters, then Killian loved coming off as a big and scary. Right now though, he didn't want to startle the woman, and just gave her a kind smile.
Finola started picking things up and was surprised when the man handed her a few things. She cleared her throat and then took back her belongings from the man. "Thank you," she said as she finished picking up everything. If he would leave her be, she could quickly fix her purse, but she didn't want to risk any odd questions. "Uh, I think I got it from here," she said, repeatedly shuffling things around in her bag. It didn't seem like she would be able to pick everything up on her own, and her car was still a ways down the road. It was one of those unfortunate times where magic was necessary.
Killian smiled softly, standing again and taking a step back to give her room. "Are you sure?" He asked, concern in his eyes. "I would hate to leave a lady inconvienenced. Though I do understand I am a stranger," He chuckled dryly, rubbing the back of his neck. "And most people tend to avoid the big hulking guys," He smiled, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "I can help you, if you'd let me," He offered gently.
Finola thought for a moment. Letting a strange man help her was just a general safety no, especially because she was relatively petite women. But seeing as there were people around, and she did have her hand at least near her wand, Fin accepted his help. "If you wanna take some stuff off the top, my car is just up the street," she said, giving the man a soft smile. She started to walk towards her vehicle, unsure if she should continue any conversation. "Uh, sorry if I'm inconveniencing you know."
Killian smiled, relieved that the woman was letting him help. He carefully took a few things, following at an acceptable distance. He smiled back, trotting after her like a pleased puppy. "Oh, not at all. I was just on my way to dinner, I'm sure the restaurant won't mind waiting a few minutes to make a mouthwatering steak for me," he laughed lightly, making sure to stay a little bit aways from the woman. "My name is Killian, by the way. Killian Taylor," he offered, attempting to be as polite as possible.
Fin couldn't resist smiling at the thought of a steak. She was definitely not a vegetarian animal lover. It was just too hard to resist certain meals. "That sounds delicious. I don't want to keep you," she said with a smile, starting to lighten up to the situation. When the man introduced himself, she nodded and readjusted the belongings in her arms. "I'm Finola. Most people call me Fin," she said, still trying to break in the family nickname to newer crowds. She never cared for her full name, and Fin just fit her personality better.
Killian chuckled. "Pleasure to meet you, Fin." He smiled. "My sisters call me Killi sometimes," he mused. "Ian would make sense, I suppose, but my twin sister married an Ian. I like Killi better anyway." he shrugged, holding her things carefully. "You know, Fin, I totally get it if you say no, but do you want to come out for dinner? It's nearby, a decent crowd but not crazy so we wouldn't be alone, and the steak is delicious," he offered, smiling. It had been a bit since he'd been out with anyone. "And absolutely not a date," he added, smiling a little shyer at that. He hadn't dated since his wife had died.
Finola couldn't help but stop and gasp when Killian mentioned he was a twin. "Wait, you have a twin sister?" she asked, almost in disbelief. "I have a twin brother," she said with a smile. While she hadn't talked to Flurry in quite some time, mostly due to his indifference to their kinship, she still admired her older-by-a-few-moments sibling. Hesistating to say yes to the man, she figured there wasn't much that could happen in a restaurant full of people. "I'll accept your "not-a-date to steak" if you help me put my disaster back in my car," she laughed, always a fan of bad puns and rhymes.
Killian chuckled lightly. "A twin sister and a little sister," he told the woman, smiling a bit at the thought of it. "Hey, hooray for twins," he declared, laughing a bit at his own joke. His grin widened when the woman agreed to accompany him if he helped her put her stuff in her car. "Great! It'll be nice to have company that's been through puberty," he joked. "I have two boys- both in school now- and I love them, but I swear, I forgot how dramatic it is to be a teen," he chuckled, shaking his head.
Finola found it amusing that they were both twins. You didn't usually just meet another twin randomly, unless you were maybe at one of those muggle twin conventions. "Definitely hooray. I actually have a bigger sister - I'm the youngest out the three," she added, realizing that sibling dynamics were a real thing and wanted to make sure this man knew she would not be pushed around. A tad surprised to hear he was a father, Fin closed the car door keeping ahold of her wallet as she followed the man to whatever restaurant he was planning on visiting. "How old are your boys?" she asked curiously, realizing that some folks had already started a family while she was a mid-thirties single pringle.
Killian handed over his armful of belongings, letting her put them away before starting to lead her away towards the restaurant. "I'm the eldest out of three," he told her with a wink, chuckling. When she asked about the boys, he grinned. "They're 13 and 11, both off to school now. I've been a widower for about a decade," his smile turned a little bittersweet. "But I think the boys are doing well, I think. They aren't out setting fires, so that's something," he joked easily, laughing lightly. "Do you have any family, Fin?"
Finola walked alongside Killian as he told her about his family. She couldn't imagine having teenagers. In her mind, even having a baby would just be so much work. While she had definitely had an abnormal childhood, what with losing her mother at such a young age and then being shipped off to Hogwarts within the following months, she thought maybe being a teenager was easier for most. However, it seemed these boys had also experienced losing their mother, and Fin felt a pain in her chest as she tried not to dwell on the subject. "Those are some fun ages," she said, trying to to hide any reluctance in her voice. "I'm sorry to hear about your partner," she added, never wanting to assume someone's previous romantic relationships. "Well, I have my twin, and then my older sister. My parents are deceased," she added, still feeling odd admitting that her father was most likely no longer alive. Either that or he had abandoned them, and Fin could just not see that happening. "I live with my sister right now, as I only moved to New Zealand a few years ago. Saves on housing costs and such," she said with a smile.
Killian chuckled, they were a fun age. The hormones and questions just about drove him nuts sometimes. He smiled softly at her apology, thanking her gently. They had reached the restaurant, and he held open the door for her. "That sounds oddly familiar. I have my twin, my younger sister, and our parents and grandfather are deceased," he smiled a little. "I'm sorry you lost your parents," he replied easily, nodding at the hostess and moving to the table he'd reserved. "New Zealand is a nice place. My sisters have just moved back themselves, though I suppose it's been a few years." he pulled Fin's chair out for her and gave her a smile.
Fin gave an empathetic look at Killian as they continued to speak about deceased family members. It was odd how similar their losses were, but she also had no control over any of them. Finola would give anything to bring one back and receive a hug or just get to hear their voice. Recordings and memories in a pensive weren't the same. She followed the man into the restaurant and took at seat at the table, placing her clutch on top. "Are you originally from here, then?" she asked. "Where did your sisters live before?"
Killian smiled as he pushed Fin's chair in, moving to sit opposite her. "We grew up in Wellington. We all went out and explored the world a little, but in the end, we all came back." He chuckled. "My twin sister went to university in Auckland, and I went with her, and later on my younger sister traveled around the world to get her degree as a historian; I think she spent a few years in Egypt." He mused, smiling up as the waiter came over and took their orders. Killian went for a glass of Pepsi to go with his loaded baked potato and his medium-rare ribeye, with sauteed mushrooms and onions to top. He smiled at Fin as the waiter departed.
Finola nodded in thanks as her chair was pushed in. She wasn't used to such a nice gesture. "So, uh, what did you go to school for?" she asked, trying to process how much she had just learned about his family. Muggles could be so aloof to the danger that surrounded them from the magical world and how much their personal information could be used against them. But maybe other witches didn't think like that; it was hard not too when both your parents had been taken from you due to magical BS. "Egypt sounds fascinating. I've never been to Africa. Really, I've never been anywhere," she admitted. "I'll have ribeye medium well with asparagus and mashed potatoes please. Oooh, and just a water," she said, handing her menu back to the waiter. "Thanks for inviting me, by the way. I suppose this is unconventional."
Killian smiled a bit at her question. "I only went for general studies, my twin was training to be a nurse. I'm a sailor at Michaels shipping," he told Fin. He smiled as she ordered for herself, and chuckled. "You are very welcome. If I've learned anything, its that life is never going to go the way you expect." He rolled his eyes. "When we were in college, my sister met this photographer, and they were intimate for a while, but he left her. I'd been married by then, and was expecting my second son when we found out she was pregnant. He was the father of course, but he'd already left a wife and daughter already so she never contacted him. Then, twelve years later, this idiot shows back up, and my sister just refused to let me throw him out, and now they're married with twins, and she's the step mom to his two daughters." Killian rolled his eyes.
Finola was surprised to hear the man before her was a sailor. It was definitely more a common profession seeing as they lived in New Zealand but was not one she ran into often. "I'm actually a nurse," she said reluctantly, finding it almost too coincidental how similar their lives seemed to be. "Although, my brother is definitely not a sailor." Her brother really wasn't much of anything at the moment, but that was a much larger discussion and secret that was mainly discussed with Siobhan. "I can see how that family situation must have been stressful, but it's good you support your sister in making her own decisions." Fin couldn't imagine what it would be like to assist in raising children that weren't really yours, but then again, she wasn't in a place where that was even an option. "Sounds like you all have a rather large family."
Killian laughed a little, shaking his head. "Crazy coincidences, really," He agreed, sipping his drink. He shrugged at her statement. "It's kinda nice, really, but we aren't so big that its difficult to keep up with everyone." He stated, smiling at Fin. "Are you close with your family?" He asked, curious about the woman across from him.
Finola shrugged at Killian's question, unsure how honest she wanted to be. "My sister, Siobhan, yes. My brother," she started, moving her head back and forth as she pondered, "is, well, let's just say we're not close like all the movies portray twins to be. Everyone else is pretty much gone," she finished, taking a sip of her drink. "But I find that I'm a little different from my family anyway. So, it doesn't bother me too much not to be close to them." Finola of course meant the fact that she didn't work in the magical world and preferred focusing on muggle medicine. It was hard to watch certain things happen when she knew they could be easily fixed with magic, and she would lying if she said she hadn't done some questionable spells in her early studies. But if she was able to at least save some folks without the disaster that magic could be in the way, it was worth it. When their food finally arrived, Finola placed a napkin on her lap and then held up her glass. "Cheers... to our non-date and a new friend."

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