New Friend

Alex Parker

Alex walked out of her house, with her dog, Jackzon. She had just moved to New Zealand, and didn't have anyone to hang out with. When Alex had recived her letter from Hogwarts her parents, who are very supportive, agreed to move to New Zealand to make things easier.

Alex walked along the street, kicking rocks along the way. If she hopped the fence behind her house, then she would find herself not to far from the beach. If she kept following the road then she would end up at a park. Alex let Jackson off his leash and let him lead her, and, after alot of sniffing, they made it to the beach. Alex took a stick she found and threw if as far as she could. She watched as her Whippet ran faster than lightning to retrieve the stick and bring it back to her before the second was half over. Alex sat on the shore throwing the stick for Jackson, wondering how she was gonna do at her school.
Another day of loud sculpture moving woke Xanthe at the early hour of six. How many sculptures does my mother own!?! It was the third day since Xanthe and her family had arrived and they were just now finishing with moving in the sculptures. She knew it would take all day but no more than that. Of course there were still all of the paintings and various other items. Xanthe threw her door open after carefully choosing a colorful, artistic outfit. She walked down the long window-walled hallway to the kitchen where random fruit paintings hung. Xanthe fixed herself an egg-and-bacon breakfast and sat at the dining room table. She gobbled down her under-cooked meal and stomped back down the hallway.

Xanthe plopped down on her bed to read her Greek Mythology book. She attempted to block the noise out of her ears but consistently failed. She tried a various amount of things like painting, dancing, clay sculpting, playing her instruments. Each time she ended up angry from the noise. She stormed out of her room and over to one of the windows in the hallway. She angrily threw herself down on the ground and sat "indian style." Xanthe stared out at the lonely beach for over thirty minutes. At roughly eight o'clock a girl with a dog came 'round to the beach. Xanthe observed their surroundings, wondering why they were there. Well, you never know! Xanthe thought, hoping for a future friend.

Xanthe jumped up and ran to the dining room table to grab her camera. She immediately noticed it was missing and sprinted to her room to search for it. Xanthe would never leave home without her favorite camera, it was like her best friend. On her way to her room she crashed into her father who seemed in a cheery mood, "What's the rush sweetheart?" Xanthe looked up at him and apoligized then explained, "Sorry father. There's a girl down there and I want to go meet her, you know, maybe make a friend? Anywho, I need my camera and it's not on the table!" Xanthe could tell she looked frantic but it described her exact feelings for the moment so she attempted to expres them more, hoping to get valuable information from her father.

"Oh yes, your camera! Your mother was wiping down the table and asked me to put it somewhere else, so it should be on the kitchen counter. Have fun honey! I'll let your mother know where you are so she doesn't worry." Xanthe's father kissed her on the head and shooed her along. Xanthe spun around and skid around the corner when she was close to the kitchen. She spotted it laying behind the toaster and snatched it up. She ran to the hallway window to make sure the girl was still there. The girl was throwing the stick around so that her dog would fetch it, Good, she's still there.

Carefully watching her step, so as to not fall, she descended the stairs. She eventually arrived at the beach at about eight-thirty and approached the young girl. Once Xanthe got close enough to her, she observed th girl. She looked roughly her age, which excited Xanthe. "Hi there. I'm Chrysanthemum Xanthe Vannalyka Tollin. You may call me Chryssie or Xanthe, whichever you prefer," Xanthe introduced herself, extending her hand for the girl to shake.
Alex was about to throw the stick for Jackzon again when he got distracted. She followed his gaze and saw a girl, Alex turned to face her as the girl introduced herself. Alex was amazed at the girls long name. She shook her hand and said, "Hi, Xanthe. My names Alex, Alex Parker." Looking down at Jackzon, who had gone into guard dog mode, she said, "And this is Jackzon, if you give him a treat he'll stop." She said gesturing to his protective posture. She took a baggy of dog treats out of her pocket and handed one to Xanthe. She giggled to herself as Jackzon immediately sat down. Alex had him trained well, he knew all the tricks Alex could think of. He always had to sit for a treat.
Xanthe was a little intimidated by the dog's height, when she was close enough to mind-measure it. "It's nice to meet ya, Alex." Xanthe paused and turned to Jackzon, "And, um, nice to meet you too... Jackzon." Xanthe had never really been around animals. Her parents didn't like animals because they were convinced they would ruin every bit of their life's work. Xanthe had grown up knowing dogs as vicious, so it was no surprise that Xanthe was afraid once more of simply a dog.

Alex handed Xanthe a dog treat that she almost instantly refused. She couldn't risk anything. Xanthe didn't want to upset Alex in any way but she just couldn't do it. "I'm sorry but I can't. I'm a little afraid of animals." Xanthe nervously laughed, aloud but quietly.
When Alex realized that Xanthe wasn't a dog person she said, "Oh, sorry," and put Jackzon's leash back on his collar. She told him to liedown, and he did exactly that. She gave him a treat and told him to stay. "He won't bite." She told Xanthe promisingly. "I would bring out my other dog, Bruno. He's makes a much better first impression, but is way bigger. So im not sure that would help." She looked down at Jackzon, he was finoshing his treat. Alex had been teaching them to head home by themselves, but wasn't sure if she should tesr out the trick just yet. Jackzon was a car chaser. Alex looked back to Xanthe, "I live in that house over there, she said pointing to a house not too far away." She was wondering if Xanthe was a wizard, but Alex didn't know how to ask...
Xanthe watched as Jackzon obediantly obeyed Alex's every command. Xanthe followed where Alex pointed and saw a two-story house, "Oh cool. A normal house." Xanthe meant to whisper but ended up saying it louded then intended. "I live up there," Xanthe said as she pointed up towards the glass window where her mother was ordering one of the movers about where one of the last sculptures was to go. She stared at the hundreds of stairs leading up to her artistic home. "It's a little big for three people. Well I suppose it's way too big for three people..." Xanthe didn't actually enjoy living in such a large mansion-szed home but she knew she didn't have much of a choice. She hoped she didn't sound like she was trying to beat her in a "biggest house contest."
Alex looked at Xanthe's house, it was pretty and big. "Ya, its just my mom, dad, the dogs, and me. Its a four bedroom house, but we turned the attic into a play room-type thing." Alex remembered that she still hadn't thrown the stick for Jackzon. She told him to stand up, and as he did that she threw the stick. It soared way farther than any of her other throws had gone. She watched as Jackzon ran after it.
"Oh. That's cool," Xanthe's voice trailed off. I wonder if she's a wizard... Should I ask? Xanthe watched as Jackzon ran after the stick Alex had thrown, "So... Are you a magician of any sort?" Xanthe knew it was a stupid question but it was the only way she could get across what she was trying to say without just plain, flat-out saying I'm a wizard. How about you?
Alex though hard about the question. "Well, in a way," she trailed off. "So, have you ever heard of something named hogwarts?" Alex figured that if Xanthe didnt know what Hogwarts was she would just say its a special recipe that she made up once. Jackson came back with the stick, but this time he started nawing on it. Alex sat down and started peting him.
Xanthe smiled brightly at Alex, "Yes!!! Yay!!! You go to Hogwarts!" Xanthe gave her a big hug, as if to say Woohoo! A fellow wizard! Thank you!!!
Alex smiled and hugged Xanthe back. She got Jackzon to lie on his back so she could give him a belly rub. Tongue rolling out he squirmed in the sand. "Im glad you're going here too. So are your parents muggles?"
Alex was glad to meet another
muggle born. For some reason, she had the feeling she woyld be one of the only ones who was muggle born. "One of my parents is a doctor in the ER, my dad. My mom is a dog breeder. Sometimes we have 20 dogs in our house at a time but they sell quickly. And its helps me with my training skills. Before I figured out I was a wizard I wanted to be a dog trainer, and maybe take over my moms business of dog breeding. Now I'm not sure if there will be any new careers I would want to do that has to do with magic."
Xanthe found it strange that someone would have that many dogs in their own home. "If I don't find a job that is magical then I shall simply be a photographer. A travel photographer! I have been practicing for years so I think it is a good backup plan." Xanthe snapped several photos of the beach and then dropped her camera to where it would swing on her neck.

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