New family on the block

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Benson Kalforovich

Well-Known Member
The Kalforovich's are a new family. The family development.

Benson: Benson is the head of the family, he is very calm and collected all the time unless there is a threat to his wife or either of his children. He is quite reserved and will be polite to anyone he speaks to but is hard to make friends with unless you have known him from school.

Taneaka: Taneaka is a housewife. She is very freindly and easy to get along with, she enjoys a good gossip and loves shopping. Her freindliness makes it appear she is very easy to befriend but she is very hard to get close to.

Markov: Markov is in his third year at Durmstrang. He is quite flirty and jokey but can be moody and reserved alot of the time aswell. He is quite easy to be freinds with, also he is very easy to annoy as he gets angry at the slightest bad thing said about something he cares about.

Ivana: Ivana is in her first year at Durmstrange. She is different from the rest of her family. She is very easy to get along with, always bouncy and up for anything. She trusts people but not enough to get hurt if they betray her.

If you have a character that could be friends, enemies or something else please reply to this.
I have the Olaf family who live in Bulgaria.

Kristo (father) - Married to a muggle so quite laid back about that sort of thing, strict with kids, not that easy to befriend.

*The mother has not been created yet- I will get around to this. But she is a very nice woman

There are a lot of children and some don't actually 'exist' yet but the ones who do are;

Dominicus - Ministry Official, good natured, hopelessly mad about Andromeda Fiorelli

Yakov - A flirt who doesn't really do friendship. He is a Durmstrang 6th year and enjoys causing trouble

Zdravko - The oddball. Durmstrang 3rd year.. or 4th, can't remember. Loves sausage rolls. Doesn't understand the world 100%. Fun and mischevious.

Yulian - Twin of Yosif. The outgoing twin, causes trouble. Flirts a lot.

Yosif - Twin. Shy, friendly, caring. Tends to fall in love rather than just flirt. Very nice natured. Second year.
Well they sound pretty cool.

I can think of two ways to do relationships with them.

1. They could be family freinds, The Kalforovich's originated in Bulgaria, moved to scotland, then to new zealand, then back to bulgaria again so there is a chance they could already know each other.

2. Seperate relations with different people of the family.
Zdravko sounds like a good friend for Markov. They are around the same year at school so they would probably know each other.
The twins sound good for Ivana. I think she would probably have more fun hanging out with Yulian and spend more time with him but end up closer to Yosif, maybe even end up likeing him a little bit. The would probably have seen each other around school at some point aswell.

I'm not sure wich is best but they both sound possible. Tell me what you think and we'll sort out details??

I have two durmstrang girls that could probably be friends with Markov.

This one is Axelle, a Durmstrang, she is currently dating someone, but is friendly. She's a bit older than him, but she doesn't really act much her age. She's from Germany, and loves to have fun. However, she could also make a very food annoyance.

Then there is Nena. Nena is nice and loving, and very flirty. She's also a durmstrang, and is more of a trouble maker then Axelle. She loves to joke around. Her and Markov could be a flirting thing maybe...

Firstly, I'm guessing you meant she'd make a Good annoyance, not a food annoyance. :D

Axelle seems nice but I don't see her being a good freind, more a casual aquaintance. Nena sounds great though. Maybe a close freindship where they jokingly flirt? Or actual flirting that seems jokey?
I have Abathyn, she's the 24 yr old single mother of Jaimee (2yrs). She could be a friend of Taneaka? Abathyn is a little hard to become friends with, as she generally distrusts most people. Perhaps Abathyn could be an annoyance, then they become friends??????????
I could swear i had already replied this *shrug* owell

Well ignore my spelling... of maybe she does annoy her food... hehe. But okay. Would you like to set up one for Nena, or would you like me to?
It's hard to choose between them.
I think the first one could be interesting.. And I know it's odd but perhaps - Just as a plot if you felt like it and it wouldn't necessarily have to happen- but say that the families knew each other well and just for a twist, the heads of the family could arrange for one of the children each to wed when they're older.

Just a thought.
And it could always be a failed attempt.
Let me know what you think but I like number one.
That sounds pretty cool, and like something they would do. Markov is already paired off with one girl so maybe one of the twins could be arranged for Ivana?

Maybe if she is arranged with the louder twin but could fall for the other one or something like that?? I don't know.
Perfect ^_^
Do you want me (or you) to start a durmstrang RP for Ivana and the twins or one in Bulgaria for all the family?
Just thought I'd include a bit more information about the adults. Benson and Taneaka are in an arranged marriage, they are more best friends than a married couple and neither mind if the other sleeps with someone else.

So if you think you have someone that would be happy to go out wiht BEnson or Taneaka even though they're married then feel free to post.
Can I butt in???

I have this IC and she doesn't have any friends yet ... Always working at the ministry makes her time more little to socialize and just makes her half time with her daughter Carmina.

Anyone of the husband and wife can be friends with her ...
Well i will soon....
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