New Broom- New Skills- New Hair (:

Steph Shirley

Well-Known Member
'Yew Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Phoenix Feather'.
Steph walked out into the quiditch pitch, she had her 3/4 lenth combats on, and a plain white vest top. It clashed perfectly with her new orange hair.
Smiling Steph picked up her new Scarlet Streak, she had treated herself to a new broom.

Steph got out into the middle of the pitch, a wide grin on her face, and mounted the Streak. She took a deep breath, and kicked off.
Steph could barely breathe, she was going so fast. She weaved in and out of the goal posts, and did a loop-de-loop. Laughing she went in and out of the stands. Still going fast. Steph was wooping loudly, she had never traveled at this speed, and frankly, this was the best feeling in the world!
Sam was sick of being in the castle. Right now anyway it felt clausterphobic ((SP? :lol: )) He grabbed his Nimbuss 2001 from under his bed. He was going to get sanctuary. It was early enough in the day, so he hoped not many people would be on the pitch.
He didn't realise he had walked so fast down the hill until he was panting for breath. He walked on into the quidditch pitch. He was still amazed by it. It still thrilled him to fly, so he knew he would never overcome the shock of this. But he did notice a girl, who looked like Steph...from the shop..but different? He chanced it. "Steph?!" he wrapped his legs around his broom and lazily kicked off the ground. He flew straight towards her but gently slowed to a stop. "It is you! Hey!" he smiled.
Steph had been weaving in and out of the goal hoops again, she didnt realize someone was on the pitch til she heard a boys voice saying It is you! Hey!
She stopped and turned, Sam was there, from the shop. 'Hey Sam,' She smiled to him.
Sam waved and asked, "Enjoying your broom I see?" he winked. Sam wasn't praticulary intrested in changing his broom yet. Maybe in a couple of years or so but for now this one suited swell. Sam started to fly closer to her. Once he was close enough he flew around in a circle around, looking a the broom at all angles. "Have you been on this a lot?" he asked her finally stopping to face her.
Steoh grinned, 'Its awesome!' She beamed, looking down at the broom, 'No, this is the first time ive been on it,'

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