New Beginnings

Elise Finnigan

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Coconut Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Star Dust
Elise walked carefully through the house that she used to own, everything empty. Being there by herself was better than having someone else watching her go through the pain. Today was the day that she was going to sell it, sell it to someone who would like it better than she did. She sighed as she signed the papers that were there for her on the countertop by the real estate agent. She was getting really good money from the house and was going to put it all in her bank account.

Elise took one good look at the house and then walked out to her car. She was going to meet Adrian at a restaurant to celebrate. The brunette carefully got into her car, and drove off, leaving a whole bunch of memories behind. Elise parked near the restaurant and got out of her car to the warm and sunny day. Her feet took her to the front where she asked if Adrian arrived, apparently he didn't. Elise was taken to a seat where she could view the whole restaurant and dance floor, now she would teach Adrian to dance.
Adrian walked from his house towards the resturant where he was meant to be meeting with Elise. It wasn't a long walk, about twenty minutes maybe. It was a nice walk anyway. He had to look the place up to remember the way to get there but when he had been there once he will remember it. It was the first initial journey there when he needed a bit of help but he was pretty confident he could get there. After all he had to get used to the area some how or another and this way was the best he could think of.

As he arrived at the right place Adrian felt a little proud of himself for actually making it here in his first try with out getting lost once, well not properly lost anyway. The old just carry on walking technquie had paid off. He walked in side of the building and looked around to see if he could see her. A groan as he saw her sat by the dance floor. He could tell what was coming. What kind if restaurant had a flipping dance floor. He walked over to her and sat down. "Before you ask. No im not." He said before smiling at her. "So how did it go?" He asked referring to the house selling which she had done today
Elise looked around at everyone being happy and cheerful. Shouldn't she be happy and cheerful? Of course she should be, she should be happy that she left Michael. A guy who treated the dog better than her. Elise sighed and looked at her phone, she erased his number and everything that had to do with him. She had someone new in her life to keep her company and with whom she was friends with. Elise laughed and brought her head up when she saw Adrian come to the table, everything looked really good on him. " Just to entice you." The little brunette laughed. " It went really well actually." She nodded, " Best day of my life so far." Elise smiled over at him. " How was your day?" Elise asked curiously.
Adrian looked at her and nodded his head. "Uhhuh." He said with a little chuckle following shortly after. He was glad to hear that it went so well for her. At least now she could really move on. He didn't think that he would mention his meeting with Michael to her just yet, if at all. He didn't want to bring his name up in front of her in case she decided that going with him was the best thing. Then where would his chance be. "Im glad it went so well for you. My day was tedious. I did a few small jobs for people and got a few galleons so i have a little extra money to live on. Thankfully." He said with a sigh at the last part. The one thing that he thought she would reject him fr, he had next to no money a lot of the time now. He couldn't buy her things like her ex could but they say that you couldn't buy happiness. Tell that to the gold diggers of the world.
Elise nodded, listening to Adrian. It didn't matter to her about money, she grew up with it and sometimes it even bothered her. She got teased at school for having money, which made no sense at all to her. But kids these days were mean. " That's good Adrian, like I said, if you need help come to me." Elise smiled at him. Elise was always bought love, not shown it. Was there someone that could show it to her rather than buying it for her?
Adrian shook his head at her comment. He never asked for money, not now not ever. He liked to earn his money by working for it. Not just asking. He was smart enough to get a decent job and not to beg. "Im not going to ask you for money. I may not have much right now but il get by. Once i get a job il be fine." he said quickly. "Have you been to this place before?" He asked changing the topic before she brought it up again. Money was a subject he didn't like to discuss with other. Especially when he had none
Elise looked around, there were some odd people here. How could someone possibly like pink hair? She rubbed her temples, it had been one of the roughest weeks of her life and she was having a huge migrane. Just everything happened so quickly that she didn't even think that happened. " I think that I've been here once." She tried to remember quickly. " To be quite honest I just found this on my way back to your house." Elise scratched the back of her neck. " I think that we both had an eventful day today." She gave a small laugh.
Adrian watched her rub her temples. He wondered if she had a head ache. If she did he could make a potion for her to get rid of it. "If you have a head ache I can whip up a potion to get rid of it when we get back home." He said quietly not want any muggles to hear him. He had to be careful around here, it was most muggles that lived in the area so he had to blend in as best as he could, despite the Veela thing he was doing pretty good. "I dunno my weeks been boring, except when it included you that is." He said looking down from her face then smiled. He really didn't want to hint his feeling like that. He wasn't the type to lay his guts out on the table to someone.
Elise nodded, " That would be perfect." She said sighing. The brunette forgot that she even had her phone out, she quickly put it away and put her bag down right beside her. " I can only imagine, I cause trouble wherever I go it seems." Elise gave a small smile. She somewhat felt touched when Adrian said that it wasn't boring with her, for some reason it made her feel happy. " Well my weeks been better since you were in it." Elise said truthfully.
Adrian smiled at her as she said it would be perfect if he made her a potion for her head ache. He watched her put her phone back away in to her bag. "No. I don't think thats true. I just think that your a lot of trouble because of that ex boyfriend of yours. It started when you met him and it will stop when you meet someone who you like being with." He said placing his hand on hers. He did feel sorry for her from everything that she had to go through. "Well at least im making you feel better." He said with a smile
Elise smiled up at Adrian, he was really trying to help her with this. " I agree." She nodded slowly. Elise liked spending her time with Adrian as well, he made her feel happy and wanted. " Thank you Adrian." She smiled with her eyes and lips. " So what did you do today, anything exciting?" She asked him happily.
With a shake of his head Adrian answered her question about if he had done anything interesting today. "Not really. The guest room is ready for you to sleep in now and i did some food shopping to stock up but nothing great. Im still waiting for the ministry to get back." He said with a sigh. His days were dragging by recently but at least he had Elise to brighten him up at the end of the day when she came home. "How much did you get for the house?" he asked her curiously. He didn't want any money from her but he was just wondering
Elise looked over at him and nodded, she was happy to hear that she would have a room now. But the Ministry would have to get back to him soon, he seemed like he really wanted a job and what better person could they be looking for? He looked determined and charismatic. " I got a few hundred thousand." She shook her shoulder. " The guy wasn't willing to budge very much, and I just wanted to get rid of the house." She sighed.
Adrian looked at her wide eyed and scoffed. "Only a few hundred thousand. Blimey who actually bought the house, you or him?" He asked her. If he had got it then she made a profit one hundred percent and that was one big profit in his eyes. When he sold his house he would be lucky to get two hundred thousand at most. Still he didn't mind much, it was not a nice house to live in but at the end of the day it was a roof over his head and he had bought it himself and he was proud of that fact. "Well once I get a job il move and we can pick a house we both like and go halves." he said as he ran his hand through his hair
Elise laughed, blushing slightly. " It was really odd though, this man was a bit scary too. It seemed like he was in a rush too." She shrugged her shoulders. The brunette really did like his idea for the house. " That sounds really good." She smiled. " I'm just so happy that everything is done and over with." She felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders.
Adrian raised an eye brow at her comment about the man who had bought the house from her. "Well maybe he needed to move quickly for work. Or maybe he had killed someone and needed to move countries." He said laughing at his last comment. "At least he bought it and now its off your hands." He said smiling widely, still amused with his comment. "Really? Hmm I still feel like I have the same weight on mine but thats because i still have my jacket on." He said with a chuckle.
The brunette nearly choked on her drink from laughing. " Yeah I think that he could be running from the law, sounds like a legit reason." Elise nodded, still laughing. " I'm actually so happy that I could .. do anything really." The brunette nodded her head, she was so excited that she could even go blonde with her excitement. Elise laughed, " Your just full of good energy today." She smiled and nodded.
Adrian laughed with Elise as she spoke. "Hmm maybe i should go see what the rush was. If i dont come back in a few hours you will know why." He said looking down as he shook his head chuckling. "Im always full of good energy. I have a good aurora apparently and its contagious. So catch it as much as you can." He said half smiling at her. She really did look pretty when she looked all professional like she did now. It was kind of like a uniform and Adrian liked a girl in a uniform
" We might be set up." She joked with him. The brunette was so happy at the moment that really nothing could bring her down. She sighed and rubbed the corners of her eyes, she left like she had been crying from how much she was laughing. " Trust me, I'll even run after it if I had to." She said jokingly. Elise looked up at his eyes, they were so mesmerizing that she was stuck in them.. literally.
Adrian chuckled as he calmed down a little as she still laughed. He was happy with himself that he could make her laugh so much as she was now. "Get your running shoes on then girl." He said with a grin, showing off his perfect teeth as he noticed her gazed fixated on him. "Erm Elise your kinda staring." He said in a whisper as he leaned close to her face so no one would over hear.
Elise really didn't hear anything that he was saying. " Oh yeah.. sorry. " She said lowering her head, blushing like a mad woman. She always did the wrong things at the wrong times which had lead her to a whole big mess that she had to one day, eventually clean up herself. " I don' usually do that." She said still looking at her lap.
Adrian smiled widely in amusement as she spoke. He thought it strange that she didn't seem to care about the close proximity in which Adrian was to her. Surely that was a good sign that he at least stood a chance with her heart. He didn't know but if she was staring she must have found him good looking, then again who would not. He decided to go for her and as she was looking down he leant down to her face and kissed her. He didn't make it last long, it was more just to see her reaction to him kissing her. "Well?" He asked her curiously as he raised an eye brow at her
Elise was surprised but still delighted to have Adrian kiss her. She was happy that he had done that, or else she would've done it. The brunette kissed him back softly. Elise pushed her bangs back and lifted her chocolate eyes to see Adrian. " Well, that was amazing I guess." She ran her fingers through her hair.
A slight wave of relief passed through him as she said that it was great. He had half expected it, Adrian had never been rejected by a girl before so never really expected it. Then again what girl would turn down a veela when they were so willing to everything that they were looking for. "Im glad I amazed you in that case then." He said with a half smile as he leant back in his chair, happy that he knew Elise would accept him. "You still feel like eating?" He asked her
Elise scratched her face, it still being a bit blushy and somewhat numb. " I, um no... I'm not that hungry anymore." The brunette said, pushing back hair behind her ear. " I think that... I don't know what I think I want to do, do you have any suggestions?" She asked Adrian.

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