New Acquaintances

Karl Dimitrow

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4 Essence of Phoenix Ash
Beauxbatons was truly a heavenly place. It seemed to Karl that he would never grow tired of traversing the halls, admiring the decorations on the walls and the signs left by the many generations of students that had resided here. A monument of French history, that's what Karl always thought of this place as, though of course only the wizards that lived or studied here knew of its existence. An interesting notion for him, as he had often speculated.

Half an hour passed until he reached the courtyard - a grand plaza surrounded by the towers of the castle. He felt as a knight being honored at a medieval ceremony every time he found himself here. A childish feeling, but entertaining nonetheless. It was always helpful to wake the inner infant in yourself. It made the world seem a lot more entertaining and interesting. Advancing towards the left tower with the idea to visit one of the ghosts that resided there - as he often did. Some said he was obsessed with talking to that spirit, listening to stories and legends of days and centuries gone by.

Suddenly, he noticed someone standing not a few yards from him. In was early in the morning, and Karl rarely saw anyone here. The solitude helped him delve deeper into himself and let his nature of speculating and searching that many found strange and unnerving, be free. The figure sparked his interest though. It was a girl. He headed her way, always happy at the opportunity of making intelligent conversation. It seemed to work best for him exactly in these early hours, when his mind wasn't preoccupied with studies, homework, or anything of the sort.
Sabrina was most definitely awake. She was able to get some sleep, but a little nightmare just had to wake her up during the early hours. After that, she wasn't able to go back to sleep. The girl looked into her alarm clock and saw that it was still too early for breakfast, but then again, she didn't want to be bored to death with lying down on her bed, or sitting on it. Deciding that she wasn't going to just sit around, she grabbed her jacket and wore it over her nightgown, thinking that there was no one around at this time.

Sab never got tired of walking down the hallways or exploring the academy. She knew that if she didn't keep on doing this, she was bound to forget the turns and corners of the place and eventually get lost someday, which she apparently, never want to happen in her life. The teenager just kept on strolling and observing every inch of the place. It was her way of having fun, having adventures and never getting tired of it. It was the reason why she got into Beauxbatons after more than sixteen years of home-schooling, she wanted to be free and roam around, almost not caring where she would or could end up.

With after a thirty-minute walk, Sabrina had managed to reach the Courtyard. Normally it would take her only less than half the time to get there, but then again, it was early, she was sleepy and she was taking her time. The teen had just kept on staring at the decorations present, wondering if they were ever true in the past. She liked History, but it was something no one knew but herself. Her attention was solely focused on her thoughts, that she had failed to notice that a student was also awake during the early hours of morning.
As he neared the girl Karl noticed that she was lost in thoughts, her pose one of a sleep-walker. He dismissed that thought immediately though, for she seemed in complete control of her body. He was sure that she hadn't noticed him approach, so he lightened his steps so that he wouldn't disturb her. After all, she must have wished for the same solitude in coming here that he himself preferred. He almost felt guilty that they were both here at the same time. Thinking of simple walking away and leaving her, he figured that this would be a good chance for a new friendship. Ever the opportunist on that matter.

He was a couple of meters away from her now. He stopped, and let out a small cough to alert her to his presence. It would derange her less than the sound of words, he thought.

OOCOut of Character:
Boy that was a bad post. :(
Some may think that during the early hours, Sabrina would be very much out of it and very sleepy to not notice anything too obvious in her surroundings. Well, it was certainly untrue. While Sab may not have noticed that there was a student with her in the Courtyards, she most certainly noticed the small cough that the student released. Snapped out of her thoughts, Sabrina turned to the direction of the student she was apparently with.

Sabrina was a friendly person by nature, but more used to people avoiding her, she just couldn't help but not know what to do. And it made her more confused that she was facing a boy. Sab was not really used to boys and therefore, having a boy approached her just made her head spin and all she could manage to say was, "Uh... Hi," with a little smile. "And uh, if you're a prefect and here to scold me about being out here, I slept through the night and just woke up too early. I didn't stay out all night," she followed quickly, as she didn't want to go through the trouble of being scolded in the early hours. She knew that if that happens, it would certainly lead to a fight that she won't back out of.

OOCOut of Character:
My post is not so good either... :p
Karl saw the girl's confusion and felt a bit guilty for disturbing her. He scolded himself yet again, as he seemed to do lately. Nevertheless, trying to make the best out of the situation, he spoke. " I'm not a prefect, calm down. Never thought of becoming one, to be honest. It's too much responsibility for a teen. " he reassured her, smiling slightly. Frankly, the prefect post had never seemed amusing. And, if he could do so, he never took on anything that he deemed boring. He did not know whether good grades or any special deeds were needed to become a prefect, but he had never asked nor shown the slightest spark of interest for it.

" I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I couldn't help but wonder what a lone student would be doing here. " he added at the end, trying to start a conversation to see where it would go. " I'm Karl, by the way. "
With the boy's words, Sabrina could only smile. It was because she agreed with this boy's statement about being a prefect. It was troublesome indeed, and she really didn't like too many responsibilities. "Thanks, personally, I wouldn't want to deal with a prefect at this time," she admitted with a smile. "And I agree that prefects have too much responsibilities for children our age," he said, "That is, if you still consider ourselves as children," she said with a slight giggle. Surely they were still children, right? Just not young children.

"Nah... It's alright, I just came out for a walk since it's still too early for breakfast," Sab reassured the boy in front of her who had just approached her a few moments ago. "I also apologize for mistaking you for a prefect and the ranting of mine," she said with a slight smile. Sabrina had remembered her mother years ago, always scolding her for being talkative, which was not a good image for a daughter of some famous man. Sab never liked that issue, since she didn't wish to be the child of such high class parents. "I'm Sabrina. Nice to meet you, Karl," she answered him with a smile and doing a slight plié just to be polite. "I apologize for not being presentable at the moment," she said with a giggle, referring to the fact that she was still in her nightgown.
Karl hadn't noticed at first what she was wearing. He gave a little start but quickly regained his wits and said: " One does not present oneself by looks, but by actions. In most cases, that is. I personally would love to have a talk with anyone I find interesting even if that person was wearing a clown costume over an astronaut suit. " he finished with a laugh, but not doubting his words for a second. This girl seemed quite friendly by the looks of it and he would take the chance to strike a new acquaintance with her.

" I myself would have thought anyone out here at this hour would probably be a prefect, so no need to apologize. I do enjoy these early walks though. Helps get your mind off things, don't you think? " He thought of asking more questions, but decided that was enough for the moment. His talkative side was always ready to spring into action, but he figured it would be, so to say, a bad impression to go on asking a thousand things of someone he had just met. Better to ease themselves slowly into the conversation. After all, it was about half an hour 'till breakfast, and that left them enough time to get to know each other better. That was if, of course, Sabrina was up to it. " I've seen you around, don't you play Quidditch? " he felt obliged to ask, as he just recalled spotting her at a tryout at the start of the year. If she really did play, it would be a major advantage for him. He always enjoyed having a discussion with a fellow player.
For most cases, Sabrina would have been fairly embarrassed for making acquaintances with a boy whilst in her nightgown, but in this case, she felt like she was having fun. This very boy in front of her was making it hard for her to be embarrassed as she began to laugh at his words. He was friendly and had a good sense of humor, Sab would never ask for a better person to find her in the early morning hours. "That was very nice of you Karl," she said in between her fits of laughter before it finally came into a halt. If it was this boy, Sabrina wouldn't mind making friends or acquaintances with him.

"Prefects are quite troublesome," she said with a sigh, remembering the last school function Beauxbatons held wherein she got into a fight with a prefect. "Yes, morning walks are good for the health and mind," she agreed with a smile. Sabrina looked at the sky and noticed that it was still fairly dark out, and that meant they still had time. The girl wondered if this boy was up to a conversation that would take a bit of time to end. "Yes, I do. I prefer playing as either a chaser or a beater. They're both very enjoyable," she agreed with a smile before bringing up a question. "I've seen you hanging around during Quidditch too. What role do you play?"
He had been correct about her occupation and was happy about it. She seemed a pleasant girl, a nice way to spend the time left until breakfast, and even some time after that, if she wanted to. Since the sixth year had started, Karl had been out of his way meeting new people at the school and he found a good few of them very friendly and amiable. Sabrina seemed to be one of them. More so that she had nothing against meeting someone in her nightgown, which meant she wasn't embarrassed by his presence while wearing that, a mentality not many girls possessed. All the better, Karl thought, for he wouldn't have been very content to wait for her to go up to the dormitories and change into something more "presentable". Avoiding that made a great impression to Karl. Now, it was time for him to do the same, no matter if he already had in her thinking. He would always try to reach the maximum in making himself known to people he just met. He was based on the principle - take it or leave it - if they didn't like him, they should simply say so. Intrigues and all that were something Karl detested.

" My favourite roles by far - chaser and beater. We've got a lot in common it seems then. " he remarked with a smile. " I personally play beater, though you wouldn't guess that from my build - more of a chaser structure don't you think? But I don't care. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to send the bludgers towards some unsuspecting opponent. " he laughed rather evilly here, a improvised laugh of course. It complemented the situation. " So, what got you into Quidditch? " a question he always asked, it always provoked even more conversation in later stages.
"Yes, I guess we do have fairly a lot in common," Sabrina agreed with a gentle smile. The boy was agreeable in Sabrina thought almost any way possible and she indeed hoped that he would be willing to spend some time with her, as she didn't mind spending time with him. Karl seemed like a nice and agreeable guy, and Sab liked that. "I like being a chaser, no doubt about that, but being a beater definitely has its perks. And aside from what you just said, there are less chances that you get hit by the bludger, since you're the one who gets to hit them," she told him with a rather evil smirk in return to his evil laugh, but of course, she can't keep her facade up for long as she lost the smirk and it turned into a smile.

"Hmm. What got me into Quidditch, huh? I've never thought about it before," she replied honestly before thinking deeply for a few moments. "I guess it's because I like thrills and adventures. And I've only recently started playing it since my parents never did favor me engaging in rough play," Sab explained before adding, "They said it would ruin the family image," she said with a sigh remembering how she would always have to act ladylike. "I want to ask you to how you got into Quidditch, but I can't keep on repeating the questions you ask so," she remarked thinking of a way to keep the conversation going. "Why'd you attend Beauxbatons?" she inquired, hoping that she's not prying into personal matters.
He definitely liked her attitude, and he understood immediately that she was a serious Quidditch players, not one of those wanna-be's so abundant in the school that walked in the corridors, boasting about their chaser or beater skills, or whatever came to their heads for that matter. Karl considered these people about the worst type seen in the school. What was the point of saying you're a great Quidditch game when you've never even held a broom, let alone fly? Publicity was never a subject that Karl was deeply involved in, or wanted to be for that matter.

" Quidditch is not that ruff if you know how to play fair. And it's the seekers that take the most damage usually, so your parents shouldn't be worried. You don't look like the over aggressive type, in a good way that is. Don't want to spend the rest of the year in casts and all that. " he added with a small laugh, studying her motions despite himself. Another plus to her persona - she wasn't the girly type. Not that Karl had much of anything against that type, he enjoyed making conversation with a girl whose thinking was in some way close to his. " I've always thought that when I ask a question, i've got to have my own answer to it should I be asked it back. My story of getting into Quidditch isn't the most interesting one - I was just walking down the lawn one day in my third year I believe and simply caught sight of a try-out. I fell in love with it. " he smiled even wider, remembering how he had dreamed for months to be able to fly on a broom and to play Quidditch. " Then I simply went to a teacher, tried for the team, and got accepted. Seems like they saw some talent in me. " It had somehow come from within, for he had never even flown before. It had been quite the strange concept for him, that much was certain. " On the topic of my coming here, my parents simply decided this was the closest school, it's in my home country after all. Are you from France? " he asked, the question suddenly popping into his mind. The variety of nationalities in Beauxbatons was quite impressive.

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