Closed Never Did I Dream

Felix Styx

d i s t r a c t e d
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 17 Inch Swishy Larch Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
Felix was nervous and he didn’t really know how to not be. After all, this was crazy, right? Of course it was. There was no way this was a good idea. Of all the things he’d thought he’d do in his life, this wasn’t one of them. The last time he’d ever thought about this, he’d had a whole different life. He was supposed to be living a whole other life. Sometimes he wondered if he was going to wake up and everything would be different. And then he would roll over and there he’d be. Lanithro. The one person in this world he knew would never lie to him, despite the countless times Felix had lied instead.​
He trusted Lanithro more than he’d ever trusted anyone in his life, with his secrets, with his anxieties and fears and then with his heart. It had taken a long time to get to this point too, after everything he’d been through, after everything that had happened with Lyra, with his sister, with his life and yet, somehow, Lanithro had remained by his side. His rock. Someone he could lean on when times were tough and someone he wanted to know more of. Despite how much he knew him, there was always something else to discover. Something raw and real, something new to fall in love with.​
Felix wasn’t a sappy person usually, at least he hadn’t been lately, but he didn’t feel like he needed to be in control all the time with Lan and that was more important to him than he’d ever thought it would be. He’d never realised how many issues he’d had giving up control until he’d asked Lanithro to take it. And then when he had, it was like the rose glasses with which he’d viewed the world had been lifted from his eyes and he’d seen clearly for the first time in years, maybe ever. It had affected him, changed him, made him a different person, a harder person, a more realistic version of who he should have been the whole time.​
He’d never be able to thank Lan enough for that. Maybe now would be enough, maybe this would be his thanks.​
He was going to ask Lanithro to marry him.​
God, he hoped he said yes.​
Lanithro Styx had his blanket down by his waist as he was laying back on an assortment of pillows. Life has been good for the past several years, which he thought never would have happened after that drunken night three years ago. Ever since then, the two of them have been tied together, one way or another. At least he never had to deal with that too small of an apartment. And his dad seemed to tolerate Felix to an extent. Lanithro had forgiven Felix many times. He never would have forgiven anyone else as much, but that was something that ran in the family. Lanithro loved Felix's daughter just like his own, just like Felix loved his kids. They were pretty much a family without the rings and the sheet of paper.​
That was something Lanithro never really thought about either. He was just happy with the way things were. The two were together, peacefully. Lanithro would often tend to bruises or cuts, which was making him a very good healer. Lanithro was a little miffed about what his sister did, especially with Lyra's twin brother. It was a little horrifying. Lanithro shook those thoughts from his head, while he reached over to grab his glass of wine. It was getting late in the morning, but it was hard to move from the bed when he had a hot man next to him. After some cardio, Lanithro was a little hungry, but it wasn't enough to get him out of bed.​
Felix didn’t know how he’d managed to get so lucky in his life. If the last few years had taught him anything, it was that he actually did deserve to have something good in his life. Lanithro had done a lot for him - proving that Felix didn’t deserve all the crazy sh!t he’d been through with Lyra and everything. It wasn’t that Felix didn’t still love Lyra - he did - but it was different. It had morphed into something much healthier, and though it had been some time since he’d seen her, he was glad he’d come through that dark part of his life unscathed.​
Looking over at Lanithro - sometimes it was hard for Felix to actually believe that this was his life. He worked so closely with some of Lanithro’s family - the scitorari were not exactly the best bunch of people, but they had his back and he had theirs. Working with Keye was good because she understood him and he was able to just get things done with her - all of this was very last minute he knew, but he’d been feeling especially spontaneous lately - the last couple of weeks had been a whirlwind of impulsively doing things that didn’t always end well, but as long as he kept it from Lanithro it was totally fine.​
He didn’t mean to lie to his boyfriend all the time - and he didn’t do it as much as he used to now that he knew about his secret meetings, but if he told Lanithro how often the cuts and bruises weren’t from training, he knew Lanithro would be mad. Besides, it wasn’t like the encounter was a bad thing - it was totally fine. He was sure of it.​
“Lanithro,” he said softly, pulling the blankets away from his body and sitting up to lean over him grinning down. “I love you, you know that, right?” He asked. Because if he didn’t this was probably not going to go quite the way Felix wanted.​
“You’re like… everything I could ever want in a person - i love you so much.” He said, moving to straddle him slightly.​
Lanithro looked over at Felix as he said his name. He cocked his head to the side as his golden eyes rested on his boyfriend. He mentioned that he loved Lanithro, and asked if he knew that. Well, more like reaffirming it. Lanithro nodded, "Yeah, of course I do." Lanithro figured that if Felix didn't, he would have been off and married to Lyra by now or something. Lanithro sipped his wine some more, and as Felix continued, Lanithro put his glass down and raised an eyebrow. Lanithro was everything he ever wanted in a person? Immediately, Lanithro started to get suspicious.​
Lanithro sighed, "Felix, what did you do? I swear if you are pregnant, we are going to have issues."
Felix looked down at Lanithro with an amused frown. “See, this is why a strictly magical education is so detrimental to our society,” he began, sighing inwardly for dramatic effect. He placed his hands on Lanithro chest and patted him softly. “Magical education leaves out biology - let me explain,” he cleared his throat as if he was about to give a lecture to the masses. “Males of the species, except in certain bugs and fish, do not have the necessary bits for a pregnancy to occur, now -” he was unable to finish because Lanithro leaned up to kiss him, effectively cutting him off.​
When they broke away Felix laughed hard, holding his hands to his chest to try and calm himself down. “Sorry but come on - you left yourself open for that, babe!” He told him, shaking his head and wiping a tear away. “Besides I’m not totally wrong, sex ed at Hogwarts is woefully lacking, look at you!” They both had a baby with Georgina - though in Felix’s case it had been some time after graduation, where as Lanithro had been during their seventh year. “Maybe they should bring you in to teach… you know since you’re such an expert and all.”
He shook his head as he laughed. "But no, that's not what this was about." He said, feelings the nerves in his stomach bunch. The last time he'd tried this... it hadn't gone well. And this would be his third attempt. Surely third time lucky... right? "Lan... I..." Merlin, he'd had all the confidence in the world a moment ago. Suddenly he could feel it draining away. He blew out a frustrated puff of air. "F*ck me this is hard."
GM approved
Of course, Felix had to go about explaining how pregnancy worked. He did not catch on to his sarcasm at all. It was cute really. So, naturally, Lanithro cut him off with a tender kiss. He leaned back and smirked a bit. He might have left himself open for it, but he would have been more ashamed had Felix not taken advantage. The last bit made Lanithro confused, but he bit his tongue to make sure not to say something even worse. But, the look on Felix's face made all the will for joking around take the backseat. "Felix, what is going through that head of yours? You seem frustrated."

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