Open Nervousness at the Yule Ball

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Valencia Addington

59' grad 🎓 | astronomy intern 💫
OOC First Name
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Interested in Somebody
Straight 10 1/2 Inch Sturdy Hornbeam Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
22 (06/2041)
Valencia was a little nervous for her first time at the Yule Ball. She knew that people would either be at the Yule Ball with their friends or dates. Though she was a little excited about the event. She had heard all the buzz from older students. Hearing how 'magical' the event was. Valencia was a little nervous because she hadn't seen or heard from the blind date she had signed up to. Though Valencia wasn't really bothered by not hearing from them, she had decided that she was still going to attend the event anyway. She slowly made her way down into the Great Hall. There were a lot more people than she had anticipated. She slowly made her way to the food and drink table, grabbing herself some punch, while she had begun to people watch. She had noticed a few familiar faces scattered across the room, as well as many unfamiliar ones. However, she was contemplating whether to join in any conversations that were being scattered across the room, but she was somewhat shy and nervous to do so.
Noah arrived at the great all, he was wearing a white shirt with jeans and a loose tie, formal outfits weren't really is thing, neither was fashion but he still tried to look good for his date. He knew vaguely who the girl was from the sorting ceremony so he looked around and went towards a girl that seemed to look like the Valencia he remembered. "Heyo" he said enthusiastically "Sorry for being late" he said a weak and apologetic smile "You are Valencia right? Please tell me you are or the whole apology would just be weird" he said to the girl not sure if he should either look embarrassed or laugh about his possible mistake.
Valencia turned to see where the voice was coming from. "Oh no, Its alright" Valencia says with a small smile and laugh. She was glad that she wasn't stood up from her blind date. "Yeah that's me," Valencia says with a little giggle as the boy explained if she was Valencia or not. She had seen him around in classes and such, so he was familiar. "And you must be Noah then?" Valencia says with a small smile, hoping that she wasn't making a mistake on the name. Otherwise, this would be embarrassing for her.
"In the flesh" he stated. Noah was now taking a better look at the girl in front of him and felt himself chocking a bit, he was used to talking to girls but the whole "date" concept was making him a bit nervous and Valencia did look pretty "You look...hum...nice", he said, well that was an epic fail, he thought to himself but now it was too late to take it back so he decided to joke to shake off the nerves and maybe distract her from what he had just said, "I feel extremely underdressed" he told the girl "Next time we should probably let each other know what we are thinking to wear", he was not sure if he was coming too strong or not with all the references he had just made to her dress and that way the Ravenclaw girl was dressed, he just wanted to say she looked pretty but somehow that seemed impossible.
"Oh, uh, thanks," Valencia says with a small smile. "You don't look bad yourself. You look nice too" Valencia says with a small smile, hoping that it was a nice thing to say. Valencia hadn't really been on this blind date or hang out that was arranged like this before. But she had hoped that this would be a fun night. "It's okay. At least you're wearing clothes." Valencia says with a small smiling, hoping what she said made him a little better. "Yeah, sure," Valencia says with a small smile, a little surprised that there might be a 'next time'. "What would you like to do?
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