Neglected characters...

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Jasmin Baxter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
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Well it's true xD

OK so as most of know I have a fair amount of characters on the board (23 or so last time I checked) and while I try to use most if not all of them it seems that I have neglected a few of my characters :o :(

So this thread is open for anyone who wants to RP with any of my characters, although I would like RPs with some more than others :) For all characters I'm open for almost all relationships, but if you suggest something I'm not willing to make them have I'll let you know ;)

So I'm going to list all of my characters that I'm willing to RP with, with links to their biographies if anyone is interested in RPing with them they should be able to find most of their info there, if you want to know any thing else about any characters let me know and I'll try to help ;)
Patricia Rogers
Thomas Smith
Ivan Petrov
Amelia Jones
Seraphina Klein
Detrick Klein
Evie Powell
Jasmin Baxter
Leo Baxter - No bio yet but he is Jasmin's older brother ;)
Kira Baxter
Elliot Keaton
Harry Thornton
Professor Jonathan Spenser
Stephen Duquette
Please note, I am still in Uni for another 2 weeks and as such I have a lot of work I should be doing but as usual I'm not :lol: But if I do RP with you, please be patient with me and I'll get to you as soon as I can :D

Thank you to everyone or anyone that posts here :hug:
- Pat
I can offer up Ava for an RP with Nia? ^_^

I don't have a Bio set up for Ava as of yet but I can give you a quick insight into her character?

Ava is London born and rared. She comes from a wealthy family and has one older brother. After Sam attended HNZ and got on well, her parents sent Ava to Hogwarts there. They wanted her to be able to grow and mature and not just get everything handed to her. She still depends on them a lot for money (for shopping xD ) a lot but thats about it. She tries her best to handle things herself but she is struggling. She doesn't have any best friends as of yet and she really needs one.

Ava is very fashionable and cares a lot about her appearance and her clothes, it definitely shows. She can be a bit of b1tch at times, especially to people she first meets. She judges people a lot from first impressions, sometimes by even what they are wearing. Pretty shallow, I know. But she is learning and will get there eventually, with the help of friends of course. To people she trusts and enjoys spending time with she opens up a bit, not a lot, but a bit. She is a easier to get along with and is really just like an average twelve year old girl. Although she doesn't let it show, she does miss being popular and having friends :cry: Ava loves Fashion, Flying and Quidditch (watching, not playing) and of course loves magic

I'm sure you heard about the plot of Ava trying to be apart of the Glam Squad? At the moment she has just destroyed the GG's room to impress Isabella and prove she is not on their side. Ava is already friends with Alyssa but she hasn't actually talked to any of the other girls from the Glam Squad, I think Nia (being closer to Ava's age) maybe could be good friends with Ava? Let me know what you think ^_^ I'm open to any other plot ideas.
I have Brendon who could know Ivan. Brendon is shy and has a phobia of crowds. Brendon gets picked on allot and maybe Ivan could be one of his bullies?
Louise: That sounds great :D Yes Nia would need to meet the newest possible member of the GG, seeing as she won't be the youngest anymore ( :frantics: YAY :p ) if Ava gets in that is :r: I'd think the two would get along well. And it's not a secret that Nia is the nicest of all the GG members, because I suck at bad guys :rofl: Do you want to set up the RP or shall I? ^_^

Sammy: Ohhh an enemy for Ivan, me likey :D I need to get the guy out a bit more before my plots start to take place with him :shifty: But I can see Ivan bullying Brendon due to his phobia. Do you want to set up the RP or shall I? ^_^
Thanks so far guys, keep them coming though :r:
Great! ^_^
I'll start it up and I'll leave the link here when its done :)

Here it is ^_^

I can offer up 2 people, one for Nia, and one for whoever you think is best.

Lily Fossil/Livia Delaney to be a friend or someone who looks up to Nia.
They met once before, and Lily/Livia looked up to Nia for her fashion sense. She isn't too bothered about the Glam Squad, and I personally think she wouldn't like to be a part of it. She isn't always very nice and while knows to respect those older than her, she won't always. Lily/Livia does also think of herald as better than most, but will not show this at first.
So, whatever your up for.

Then I have Imogen Day, who is a friendly and cheery Gryffindor, who loves to help others and always has a smile on her face. She's suffered a loss in her family and so she brought up her sister so at times can go into mother mode. She doesn't judge anyone but can at times be a little too open and a little too kind.
She can RP with anyone, just ask.
could you please start it? i cant seem to come up with anything worth posting at the moment >.<
I have Rosaline Jenane to offer. She and Avory could become friends because their lives seem to be tied together through the Zhefarovich's. Her family (the Mauven and Zchechaf's) are known DE and dark art practitioners so mebbeh she knew of her auror parents but didn't know that she was related to them,, maybe they get close or something and she tells her, her real name.

I don't know. Pulling stuff out of my arse..
[ul][li]Louise, sorry it took a while but I replied;</LI>
[li]Sammy, also, sorry for the wait, but here is the thread: ;
[li]Emz: Yeah we should have Nia and Lily/Livia RP again, I'll set one up in a bit. Also Imogen could be a good friend for Jasmin, she doesn't have many (any) friends really and if she was at HNZ they would be in the same year. Up to you though ;)
[li]Venessa: An enemy for Nia would be great ^_^ Could you set up an RP please?
<LI>[li]Alexis: Haha pulling stuff out of your arse, always a good way to go. Um yeah I could possibly seeing that work. Only a few people would know about Avory's past (Niccy and Fonsie probably) but one more couldn't hurt. Maybe we should leave that one for a bit, or at least until Avory has any reason to be around the Zhefarovich's?[/li][/ul]
thanks Pat, and I replied :)
Forgot Avory, silly goose. :r
I'd like to find a best guy friend in Stephen Duquette. Is that okay? If yes then he can join this topic

kasey is a shy, intelligent girl who wouldn't break rules unless it meant saving someone from death. She is very friendly but always shy. So yeah...
Cecily: Um sure. Should your Durmstang character and Ivan RP sometime?
Kaitlyn: I took Avory out when I decided I have enough going on with her to keep me occupied ;) :r:
Kasey: That's great I'll reply in a bit ^_^

Okay, I'll go reply with Lily/Livia in a sec.

And yeah that sounds fine. Though well have to wait until Brightstone opens again. So when it does I'll start a topic and PM it to you. That cool?
Patricia Rogers said:
Kaitlyn: I took Avory out when I decided I have enough going on with her to keep me occupied ;) :r:
Like being pregnant isn't enough. :r =))
Axel Zhefarovich said:
Patricia Rogers said:
Kaitlyn: I took Avory out when I decided I have enough going on with her to keep me occupied ;) :r:
Like being pregnant isn't enough. :r =))
Something along those lines xD

Are you offering a character to RP with any of mine? :r:
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