Neeeeeed RPs!

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Abigail Carter

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Hey friends! New year, new activity!

I have a few students that I want to keep active, because it'll mean that I'll be more willing to do classes for them xD

Alexander Carter
Alex is in his Seventh Year at HNZ, and his pretty much only friend is Victoire Fontaine. They've had a little bit of a shaky past because of reasons, but they're on better terms so he's feeling better about it. He can be a very shy person & he doesn't overly believe in his capabilities even though he's quite good at magic. He's had an abusive past with his parents who he'd now do anything to avoid.

He's open to friendships, but nothing romantic, unless it was going to be extremely short term.

Abigail Carter
Abigail is the younger sister of Alex and she's a very tough, very rude, very stuck up girl. Where Alex got the rough side of his parents she always got their good side. She is very stuck up, and not afraid to show it. She's enterting her third year.

I believe she's open to everything but if I'm wrong feel free to let me know, at the very least she's open to friendship and if you want to talk about more then you can send a PM to the account or Skype me. :)

Kristen Blade
Kristen is going into his first year at HNZ, he is an extremely shy person to the point where he would absolutely hate to be around people. He's the youngest of the Blade family and the last son of Gregory Blade before he went to Azkaban. He was also abandoned and put into the foster system. As a result of this he constantly feels let down... but at the same time due to being a pure blood he has a sort of ego to him.

Also open to everything. Anything romantic will be very drawn out, because it will take quite a long time for him to trust anyone, but I'm open to discussing it.

Let's see if we can find some cool matches!

Hi Zach! :D

I can offer you little Lycus Jin Howard hooz parents and extended family r mostly Scitorari. Lycus is a trouble, he can be quite kind and angry at the same time. Lycus is a little bit lost, he doesnt know himself yet and is socially awkward. Seeing his powerful mom and how the alpha of the Jin Howard siblings is his sister, Lycus believes in gender equality. He's very quiet as well just like the rest of the family, but he can definitely talk back to people.
Hey Sally! Thanks for postingggg!

I assume you're thinking LycusxKristen? Or did you have someone else in mind?

Would you like to start it or should I? :)
Hey Zach.

Both Kristen and Alex are first year Gryffindors, maybe we could put together a basic friendship between the two? Alex is a very sociable person, so he might be a way of encouraging Kristen into more social activities?

Sounds like a good idea :) might be a little bit of a rough friendship at first though.

Would you like to start or should I?
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