Needing a Friend

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Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Okay, So this is Sara...

Sara is Irish, and clings to that fact. She likes England, but since she moved there, she's felt out of touch with her roots, and has taken frequent visits back home, with her Mother-her Father is often too busy. She likes to have a laugh, being quite sarcastic, and a bit cheeky sometimes. Her favourite hobbies, are writing, singing and especially acting. She has big plans for her future, either working at the ministry, or becoming an actress.
She used to be very close to her twin sister, but they have fallen out, since the end of their second year. A mutual muggle friend, jealous that they'd been together for so long, and she'd been left alone when they went to "boarding school" fed them both lies about the other, and they both believed them, this pushed them apart, and it is a rift that will never heal. Also, she's a 'Claw, so she's quite smart and creative, but she isn't good at studying, she really has to work hard at motivating herself to do it, though she likes to do her homework well. She doesn't take any rubbish, and once she knows someone well enough she will pull them up on it, if she thinks they're wrong, however she is ready to listen to others opinions.

Sara has a wide group of friends, and gets along fairly well with all of them. However, I think she needs to have a closer "Best Friend" who is a girl. She often gets along well with guys, but I'd prefer her to have a girl that she's close to. It might be good if it was a friend that she already has, or just someone she already knows. It would probably also be better if they were in her year.

I basically want a friendship where they're honest with each other, tease each other, talk about boys etc. Your basic "best friends" relationship, however I'd like if they had a few differences, so that they mightn't agree on everything.

If you think your character might work with Sara, please post here, and we can work something out. :D :D


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