Need some plottage

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Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
So, a few of my minor people seem to be falling to the wayside :( and I'd like some inspiration to bring them out a bit more.
Basic Info: She's in her mid 20s and graduated from Durmstrang. She was a prefect and a very good student in school, but not very popular. She's a bit blood prejudiced though she has been rebelling slightly and attempting certain things the muggle way. She's a bit of a workaholic (she's an Apparition instructor and a dinette owner) but she knows how to have a bit of fun and is a bit loose :p

I'm looking for friends for Irene and perhaps a special someone. I think it's time she begins settling down and possibly starting her own family since her cousins and brother all have or are about to have children. Whether or not that person is a final can be decided later :)

Basic Info: Mid 20s, Brazilian, new to New Zealand, and he's a pro quidditch player. His confidence borders on arrogance and he tends to have a bad attitude especially if he feels that someone is threatening his time in the spotlight. He does have some redeeming qualities though. He's got a soft spot for ladies and enjoys playing the hero and he loves animals...

I'm looking for anything for Andrew. I haven't rped with him much so I have nothing specific in mind

Ok, Sebastian is not fallen by the wayside, but I'd like him to have a big brother figure. So, if anyone's up for that, let me know. He's 17 and about to graduate from Beauxbatons, so I'd prefer the person to be between 18- 21 or so. Not too much older. He's into music, doesn't like or play quidditch and can't wait to be done with school so he can get serious about his band.

Pm me or post here if interested :)
Irene: I can offer 2 people as friends and a possible love interest:


Elliot Keaton: 27. Owner of Brightstone General Store, Elliot is bright, bubbly, friendly, outgoing and hard working person. She doesn't have many friends but she is happy with her life, it's quite and nothing exciting ever really happens ever since she fell in love with her long term boyfriend the moment they met. Unfortunately she doesn't see him all that often as he travels with the circus and a 'Performer Of The Fiery Arts' (OOC: The person who RPs him is never on....I may change this plot but for now it remains the same) she is a little sad about this but she doesn't let it effect her.

Kira Carter: 26. Ex-Owner of Gambol and Japes. Auror. Married to Andros Carter and expecting her first child, Kira is a very caring woman, kind, hard working and very sweet. She has a great life at the moment and is loving every minute of it especially since she discovered she was pregnant.

Love interest or friend either works for me:

Harry Thornton: 28. Owner of Weasleys' Wizarding Wheezes, Harry is a fun loving, hard working guy. He is a bit of a prankster (well he would be considering the shop he owns ;) He is caring and helpful to those close to him. He is always up for a good time and doesn't always follow the rules.
Andrew Belo: Love interest/fling/flirt type thing

Evette Adams: 28. Model. Part Veela. OK so Evette is pretty new for me so I'm not sure what to do with her or what she's like as I created her just to be a family member for when needed xD But she likes to party and flirt with boys, although being a semi-famous model and part veela it isn't hard for her to get the boys if you know what I mean ;) She has a nice side to her but that's reserved for close family and friends. She has one daugter, LeAnn Adams who is 8/9 years old, but her father is married to a different woman so Evette doesn't bother with him anymore. So, yeah, she can be a fling/flirt type relationship if you want, seeing as they are both semi-well known/famous it'll be easy for them to know each other ^_^
Sebastian: Brother type figure:

Leo Baxter: 19. Owns Gambol and Japes (took it over from Kira - his sister ;) ) Leo is all – in – all a typical male. He is always up for a good laugh with his friends. Like most of his family he loves sports and when he was at school he cared about them more than his academic studies, but he did enough to get past. He is a bit of a flirt too and was known as quite the ladies man when he was at school. Like most Gryffindors he was and still is hot headed at times but that isn’t too often. He is also kind hearted and really sweet once you get to know him – which isn’t all that hard. He is also quite spontaneous which has gotten him in trouble before but he likes to live life on the edge, not knowing what’s going to happen next. With him about to become and uncle and second oldest in his family and now he owns his own shop he has become a bit more settled and is becoming more responsible.
I'm up for any of these if you aren, if not that's fine by me :) Let me know ^_^
You should have told me that like, Irene Finch was a Prefect for the Graduation list. I dunno if it was in her bio or not. :r
Anyway, for a friend, I have Svetlana, who is 20 and pregnant as well as married, who also went to Durmstrang so that's an option. ;)
I don't have any love interests, though. =))
Pat: :o Wow! Thanks.

I think for Irene that Eliot would be perfect. They sound a lot alike and I can totally see them being friends and Eliot bringing out a happier side of Irene. I'll start a thread soon and pm it to you.

And I think Evette would be great for Andrew since I don't use him much either. There'd be no pressure to constantly keep a relationship up so fling sounds good :lol:

Kaitlyn: :shy: Sorry...I could've sworn it was in there. :erm:

And Svetlana for a friend sounds good. She's different enough that it should be interesting. If you want, I'll start something soon and pm you.
If you don't mind. :)
I guess PM me on this account, because I am always on Aleyha. =))
xD Haha, no worries. I need to get some charries out more anyway :correct:

Elliot/Irene: Sounds perfect...I need her more out of any xD
Evette/Andrew: Fling sounds perfect too ^_^ Maybe a regular flinging pair if we get bored xD

Do you want to start one and I'll do the other?
Kait: :p Ok. Will do.

Pat: That would be great. I'll start the Eliot/Irene one, so can you start the one for Evette/Andrew?
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