Need some people.

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Christobelle Montgomery

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Almond Wand 14 1/8" Essence of Phoenix Tail Feather
Yes, it's one of those threads.

Well, here's the situation:

Christobelle is twenty-four but doesn't look it, is small of stature and frame, and almost mousey in looks and personality. She's a dressmaker and artist. She's incredibly shy and doesn't go out much. Her twin brother, Wallace, is very outgoing and works at the Ministry, and her cousin, Isolde, is looking for work and entering a relationship.
So, Christobelle's mostly on her own.

This is where people come in. I need some people to show her that she doesn't need to be so scared of other people, and that she's actually not as much of a loser as she seems to think she is. Confidence building. Maybe some people can insult her for being so shy and awkward and she can slowly try to become more confident (she was a Hufflepuff, she likes to make people happy). She'll always be shy and mousey...but maybe she can be less shy.

And then she can go and find Robin again. xD

So anyone want to help a poor woman out? :p
I can offer up friends but if you're looking for someone who could bully about her shy-ness etc I can offer up Avory for a RP :D She's a Death Eater so she's mean and she is a new mother so maybe she could be out with Aleric and Christa trying to be all doting over the little baby and Avory can get all over protective and crap :r

Or we can just RP and see where it goes :lol: Let me know :)
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