Need people, younger, older, anyone!

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Sarah Xu-Marion

Well-Known Member
Willow Wand 14" Unicorn Tail Hair
Sarah is new to new Zealand, and is living with her younger niece and stuff. Seh just arrived and needs some friends, so if you want to be in that category that's great. But as a warning she's naive, and a bit dumb sometimes. She also is a bit of a damsel in distress so if death eaters attack, it wouldn't surprise me ;)

not sure if i need approval for the death eater thingy but I'm sure I'll find out.

She also needs a relationship, but since she's knew I'm only looking for potentials. She doesn't pay attention to age much, so she wont even mind a guy whose older than her! ^^
So if you wanna RP just let me know where to set it up for us
I have a bloke who is divorced with a child if you want to use him?
I'm not sure how old he is at the moment but I can find out if you're interested in it?
Oh that would be fine with me :D

And yeah sure that's fine.... thanks :D
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