Need of Friends

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Valiant Gray

Well-Known Member

Now that Valiant has been sorted, I think its high time he has some friends. I want
~ 2 best friends,one should be Ravenclaw first year
~ 1 enemy
~ 1 mentor

These people should be as permamnent relationship,like long lasting ones. I look forward to some great rps with my friend



I can offer you my first Year Slytherin, Lily Fossil/Livia Delaney as an enemy. (maybe a friend)

She's mean at times, but can be nice if you catch her on a good day. She seems quite trusting, but finds it very hard to trust. She's a very good dancer and knows this. She loves fashion and at the moment hates magic and the fact that shes a witch but will grow to like it.
I have a first year Ravenclaw for a best mate if you like?

She finds most things interesting and can get on with most people as she is too trusting and will give people alot of second chances. At the moment she is trying to figure out who she is and will need friends to help her on that.
I can offer Ryan Silverfox for a friend, or best friend. He is in Gryffindor, he your down to earth sorta guy, who can be mischevious, but really fun (and easy to get along with). He absolutly loves Quidditch and flying as well. I think that they would get along pretty good...

There is also Rubie if you want to become friends with her.
Hey I have one character to offer

Shaylah is a first year Slytherin and would be happy to have Valiant as an enemy. She can be a snob at times but most of the time she just loves seeing people ge annoyed with her.
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