Need Family!

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Cecily Kiernan

Well-Known Member
Birch Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Dragonstone
Hey there, I want Cecily to have involvement from her family, but the thing is, I'm way to busy to play them. What I need is someone to play her Father and her brother. I already have names and ages picked out for the characters, but these can be flexible. Here's some info.

A Little History Lesson
The first eight years of Cecily's life were extremely happy ones. Raised in a loving and extremely laid back enviornment by her new age hippy mother, Cecily grew up surrounded by music, giving her her love of singing and playing the guitar. Cecily and her mother were truly inseperable. However, when Cecily was eight years old, tragedy struck in the form of a terrible car accident which claimed the life of her mother and scarred the young girl both physically and emotionally for life. After the death of her mother, Cecily and her older brother were left to be raised entirely by thier father. Distraught at the loss of his wife, her father quickly reverted back to the strict pureblood ways he was born with, a huge change for Cecily. Soon, magic became an even bigger influence on her life (She had always grown up around magic but was raised in a mixed muggle/magical enviornment) It was during this time thta Cecily grew extrmely attached to her brother, who was running with a bad crowd. Cecily soon became the little princess of her brothers group and was affectionately nicknamed "dodger." At eleven, it was decided by her Grandmother Kiernan that Cecily was not behaving properly as a society girl and should be sent away to New Zealand for schooling.

The Father
Sean Marek Kiernan
Pureblood, extremely strict, occupation unknown
Grew up in Ireland, met his future wife in London shortly after graduating Hogwarts and was completely changed by her loving and peaceful nature, but reverted back to his old ways when she died

Really, you could play him however, only he has to be basically evil and a total jerk to his daughter, which could be fun for some of you that like playing meanies!!! I'm totally open to anywhere you want to go/anything you want to do with him. I would like him to be a death eater preferably

Brother of Mine
Brother: Jake Kiernan
16 yr. old trouble maker. Cunning. natural born leader
Jake is even more flexible, he just has to be older than Cecily and close to her. If you want to change the age or even the name, I'm ok with that. I don't care how he ends up or if he comes to Hogwarts. The only thing is that up to this point, he was a total trouble maker.

If anyone is interested, please let me know! I could either make the account and pm you the password or you could set it up yourself! Hope some of you are interested! Thanks!
Awesome! Totally, both of you take em! I haven't done anything for either yet, but let me know if you want to make the account or you want me to so I can get that whole applying to be a pureblood thing out of the way for you.
Can you make him for me??
Sorry, kinda busy atm :D
Can you make him for me??
Sorry, kinda busy atm :D
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