Need a date for the yule ball

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Mark Stone

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Laura :D
Birch Wand 14 1/4"
So Mark has found himself without a date to the Yule ball. He would hav gone with his ex when they were dating but they broke up and his present girl friend doesnt attend Hogwarts so he needs to take someone else. You will need to know a bit about him first though so you know who your character will be going with. Mark is a nice boy who can be very sociable. He is caring and fun. Although he is a little depressed tight now because of all the bad events that have been happening to him but he isnt as bad as he used to be now that he is in a relationship that he is happy in.
Im looking really for someone any where between a 5ht year and a 7th year.

Please post if your interested

Laura :)
Rhianne's here..No dates..
Rhianne,as you can,see is not in a relationship..Not that Im saying that they should get together..Rhianne,like Mark,is friendly..Not that sociable though but mingles well with others..She is fun to be with and can be an interesting company for conversations..
Yeah,sure..Start one,I suck at blind starts..Lolz..And Pm me the link
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