
Alliyah Jackson

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OOC First Name
Cherry Wand 12 1/2 Essence of Wood Rose
<SIZE size="50">It was uneasy for the young Gryffindor to explore inside the castle's grounds for her day's plan. The day was quite warm for her to actually move around that much, resulting her to probably sweat a lot too. Alliyah Jackson just wrinkled her nose at the thought and threw some clothes on before fully exiting the Gryffindor dormitories. Once done, she immediately thought about the chosen house for her by the Sorting Hat. She was not supposed to be in the Gryffindor house. Her father desperately wanted her to be sorted into the Slytherin house where her sister was able to achieve the goal of her father for her. The pretty young Gryffindor walked silently in thought, wondering if ever her father was furious when he found out that his youngest daughter was sorted into the least expected house. She did not want to owl her parents and discuss this more. It might just grow into a disaster when she does. The eleven year old fought against her thoughts, trying to calm down herself which was a bit difficult as it may seem. Unlike her sister, she could not hide her emotions easily yet, she tried lamely and did not get the result that she wanted. More windows were passed but Alliyah did not notice the increasing sunlight that went through it. Instead, her thoughts went deeper and deeper into what her father and mother are doing right now. Images of her father being furious rushed through her mind, making her sweat a little further. She did not want to be stressed with such an unsure memory. She entered the Great Hall and sat along with her fellow Gryffindors, who weren't numerous by the way, because some were taking a vacation in their homes far away from the land of New Zealand. Alliyah moved her eyes towardst the direction of the Slytherin table, trying to spot her sister if ever she was there. Unfortunately, her sister was not present and was still in the Dungeons. Alliyah and Artemis Jackson are total opposites. For breakfast, Artemis is not the one who is the heavy eater. Alliyah loves eating at breakfast. That's her favorite meal for the whole day. Ally took some pancakes and chewed on them very slowly, trying to see if ever her sister would burst through the huge doors of the Great Hall.

Just to finish her meal took about twenty minutes. And for twenty minutes, she was not able to even find a single view of her sister, even it was quite far. the Gryffindor sighed sadly and decided to leave the Great Hall, before the old usual roar begins. Tiredly, she got up from the long bench and made her way towards the big doors of the Great Hall. Alliyah felt the heat of the sun on her bare left arm. Suddenly, Alliyah had the urge to go to the Great Lawn to just lounge around. She could probably spend the whole morning there, without no one disturbing her at all. The pretty girl smiled at the thought and marched towards the lawn with a satisfied look on her face. The trip going there was quite long since she still needed to exit the whole castle itself before reaching the outside grounds of Hogwarts. Reaching her destination was such a relief. Alliyah marveled all the trees and the breeze that passed by. She walked towards a big tree and sat down their for a a moment. The Gryffindor then closed her eyes for a minute but snapped them open after a minute. She remembered something. There was this place, called the, "Hogwarts Garden" that the second years were talking about yesterday in the common room. Alliyah immediately got up and walked towards the deepest section of the Great Lawn. After walking several meters, she then saw a bunch of flowers. They were beautiful flowers and Alliyah immediately fell in love with them. The pretty Gryffindor already knew that she was currently in the Hogwarts Garden, because of all the delicate flowers around her. She sat under the tree, grateful that there was a shade.​
The beginning of the year had been rough for Isabella. She was having a bit of trouble fitting into the Wizarding world. It was just so much different and free formed than her old school. Even in Ravenclaw the pressure that she had in Italy to do great or die trying just wasn't there. Granted she liked not having to worry about work all the time but she worked well under pressure. Getting up for break this morning she had to talk herself into waiting to do her homework for over the break. Finally convincing herself it was too nice a day she straitened her outfit and went down to the great hall and grabbed a piece of toast. She really didn't want to stay long, there weren't many people and she didn't really like people watching her eat. So taking her toast with her she made her way to the garden. She had found it on her second day at Hogwarts. Bella had always had something with flowers. She could grow anything, even the most difficult like orchids, and one day this summer she had even accidently produced a small meadow. She didn’t know what it was but just felt this pull to nature, and that was why she decided to go to the gardens today. It really was beautiful and she loved being surrounded by the flowers. When she finally got there she was surprised to see a girl already there. With so many people being gone on break and the fact that the garden was one of Hogwarts best kept secrets it was very unusual to find someone there, let alone this early in the morning. Not wanting to disturb the girl, or scare her for that matter, Isabella made a bit of noise to let the girl know she was there. Bella had always hated it when people snuck up behind her. It was always more polite to cough or walk a bit more loudly. As Isabella got closer she realized the girl must have been about her age. The older kids were taller, but something inside Bella just told her that this girl was the same age as her. She was a pretty brunette and looking her over Bella couldn’t help but wonder what house she was in. 'what if she’s a Slytherin!' Isabella thought to herself. She knew the sorting hat had told her Slytherin’s weren’t bad, but from the things she had seen and heard so far she just couldn’t be sure. Being a Ravenclaw she knew she had a chance even if the girl was a Slytherin, really they just didn’t get along well with Gryffindor. Or at least that was what she had heard. A few feet away from the girl Isabella smiled and figured she might as well introduce herself and get it over with. She would never know what kind of person the girl was if she didn’t talk to her. “Hi there. I just saw you over here and didn’t want to scare you or anything.” Isabella couldn’t help but ramble a bit as she was nervous, “I’m Isabella, Isabella Fedele, but you can call me Bella.” Done with her rambling Isabella waited for the girls reply.
The garden was perfect at the same time, peaceful. Alliyah enjoyed every bit of it, trying to remain steady. The wind was a bit harsh this time yet she loved its effect on her dark brown hair. Her hair flew in all directions, making it frizzy again, just the way she liked it. No matter how long she stayed out in the wind, she knew that her hair will be soft to touch in a few minutes later. Ally always liked that kind of fact. She was not vain or anything but those were one of the things that she liked the most about her body. Her hair. The Gryffindor paid no attention to the unmerciful wind and closed her eyes for a brief moment, savoring the feeling. She felt the grass moving under her touch and she absently smiled. The grass was soft to touch and she remained her position, stroking the grass in soft circles. It felt perfectly peaceful until Alliyah heard a small noise. Alliyah turned to the direction of the noise and saw a girl. Almost her age and at the same time, very pretty. She immediately ignored the girl on what she was doing, for her to probably in peace by herself. Alliyah ran a hand through her messy hair, which made her look more wild but still, it was still a pretty sight to see.

Just a few seconds later, Alliyah heard a voice speaking to her. She faced upwards only to see the girl who just made the small noise previously. Alliyah immediately knew that this girl was going to introduce herself. The Gryffindor mentally prepared herself for it and took a deep breath and set up a smile on her face. The smile was bright, despite the strong winds surrounding them. "Good thing I heard you." Alliyah said while grinning widely. Without that noise and with the girl speaking to her spontaneously, she would have jumped out of her skin or maybe her shoulders would jerk upwards. That would be just so embarrassing. Alliyah made a hand gesture and tapped the space just beside her with a beam on her face. She always loved company. Especially when the person is her age and her gender. She always knew that someday, she would find a close friend of hers and she hoped that this girl would serve her as a good company for the morning. "Hey Bella," Ally smiled while talking. She watched her whether she would sit beside her or not. "I'm Alliyah Jackson. Ally for short." She added.
Isabella felt her hair start to blow around a bit like Ally's so she quickly captured it in a sloppy bun with a ponytail that was on her wrist to get it out of her way. She smiled and sat down Indian style next to Ally. "Nice to meet you Ally." She looked over at the girl deciding they must be the same age. She was really very pretty like Bella and dressed nicely too. It was one of those moments when you met someone ad you just knew you were going to be good friends. Granted Isabella had never really had that before today but she knew what the feeling meant. Isabella touched a flower by her, it was a purple iris. Beautiful in every way, her dad had called her his little flower from time to time and it made her think of the small flower patch they had at home. They had had to dig one and fill it with real soil because they had lived on the beach but once her father had seen how much she had loved flowers he had wanted her to have some at home. Bella really didn't know what her affiliation with flowers was caused by but there were some interesting signs, when she had first moved to New Zealand she had accidentally made a bunch of wildflowers grow in a field, and when she got her wand it had made flower designs in the air. It was odd but Bella thought flowers suited her, pretty and outdoorsy, always in the sun. Feeling the need to pick up the conversation Bella looked at Ally, "It really is beautiful here, all the flowers."
Alliyah watched as the girl beside her did her hair into a messy yet simple bun. The Gryffindor's warm brown eyes squinted so she can see the other female's features. When the Bella's features came into view, Alliyah let out a small smile of awe. The girl was pretty. Absolutely pretty, to be honest. She smiled at the fact that her new friend had good looks. She also looked fun to be with. Hopefully, they would get along easily. "Likewise." Replied the young Gryffindor. In her own world, Alliyah wondered if this girl was a neat freak. It did not matter but Ally was just not the type to always fix her stuff whenever it is not arranged orderly. She was someone who fixed their stuff, yes, but not everyday. The girl sitting beside her was neat enough to be considered as one but Ally did not want to judge her based on previous action. She abandoned the idea and observed the beautiful flowers instead. With the wind, the flowers were dancing in wild directions. The flowers reminded her of her own hair which was currently flying in every direction the wind went. Alliyah tucked in a majority of her hair behind her ears to prevent it from being a turnoff. "Absolutely. You have a garden at your home?" Questioned the girl. Her thoughts quickly drifted to their own garden at home.​

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