National Med-Surg Nurses Week

Katalina Harker

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So okay...I may be the only person who this means anything to, but November 1-7 is Medical Surgical nurses week. I am a surgical nurse so having a week to celebrate myself and my wonderful coworkers as well as all other Medical Surgical nurses is pretty awesome in my personal opinion. So if any of you know anyone who is a Medical Surgical nurse then give them a big giant hug because trust me I can tell you from personal experience...they work their arses off.

To all my fellow Medical Surgical nurses, enjoy your week of recognition because goodness knows we deserve it.
That you guys do! ♥
WE loooove you and your hard work! :D
There should have to be a week for this, you guys do so much hard work everyday of the year so you should get recognition for it everyday of the year.

Thank you all for everything you do :wub: :hug:
This is definitely well-deserved! ♥
Thanks for all the hard work and everything you guys do! :wub:

By the way Katie, Jasper asked if this meant that he was entitled to get a hug from you too. xD
That's awesome that you guys get a whole week devoted to appreciating surgical nurses ^_^
And you definitely deserve a glomp, so... :hug:
VERY well deserved to say the least. ;) I went to the hospital to visit my uncle in the Surgical Department and boy, were those nurses sure having a good time. :lol: Surprisingly enough, I saw a few of those nurses in the doctor's lounge as well. Maybe a treat by the doctor's? I don't know, but what I do know is, I don't think they are allowed in there. xD
Katie... always the humble one. :r

(Jokez. :wub: j00. And thanks for not killing all your patients and stuff. ;) )
I think that they need more than just a week to have their hard work recognised, because they are awesomesauce! Kudos to you Katie :hug: :wub:
Lots of love and appreciation for all surgical nurses out there! :wub:
I'm not a surgical nurse but working at a hospital has given myself the chance to see first hand to see what you guys go through for your patients.
So this week totally rocked!! I got to meet Tyler Hilton from one of my all time favorite shows (those of you who really know me know exactly which show that is xD ) and overall it wasn't a horrible week at work (well at least Friday was a good day :) ). Definitely looking forward to this time next year...maybe I'll get to meet more awesome people then :D

And of course thank you to all my favorite HNZ peeps for making this week rock out!!

:wub: j00 all!! :hug:

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