Nadia Mckay

Nadia Kaster

finding talent; hidden; retired journalist
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Yew Wand 14" Dragon Heartstring Core

The Basics
Character's Name: Nadia Mckay
Character's Birthdate: October 10th 2014
Hometown: Sydney, Australia
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw


Hair: Long, straight brown hair. Light brown highlights and lowlights. Sometimes curly.
Eyes: Sea-blue eyes. Her eyes fail, her and let people see her true emotions.
Height: Nadia is 4’9. (Not exactly sure how tall that is, so if it’s too short for an eleven year old, some-one please let me know.
Style: Nadia usually wears what she is comfortable in and doesn’t really care what others think. She will usually wear leg warmers and a skirt and shirt. As she used to be a Gymnast, she is used to wearing very comfortable clothes.
Other Distinguishing Features: Nadia has light freckles on her nose and cheeks.

A Little Deeper

Personality:Nadia is a True Ravenclaw through and through. She has a ready mind, she’s of wit and learning, and can always find her kind. She is extremely intelligent and sometimes sticks out from the crowd. She has a thirst for knowledge and wants to be a Healer when she graduates. She is a sort of person that reacts differently to different situations. Also depending on her mood, she could either smile at you, or chuck at you a bunch of random information that means absolutely nothing to any-one but herself. Nadia is Intelligent, witty, and very capable.

History: "Well I was born on the 10th of October at 4:30 in the morning. Unfortunately I was born at home. They didn't realise my mum was in labour at the time. I was a very healthy weight though, which was lucky. When I was eighteen months old, I started doing Gymnastics, and found that I was pretty good at it. Of course I didn't actually start competing til I was five.
For three years I was an only child. Then my mum had my brother Michael. Boy I was so happy. But when he was two, he went into hospital. We almost lost him because he had leukemia. He was in hospital for two years. And then the cancer just disappeared. I think my dad had something to do with it. At the time we were living in a muggle community.

We had to move after that because people were starting to suspect stuff. So we moved to Hobart in Tasmania. I was seven by now. While I was there I met a girl named Tamalia Kaster. And we really were not friends. We couldn't do anything without setting eachother off. And the worst thing is that we were neighbours. Tamalia really hated Tim Tams, so I started calling her Tim Tam. It was really funny to watch her slowly turn red. I took a video once and posted it on Youtube, 3000 hits. God i'm good. But the absolutely terrible thing was that If I really wanted something, she always had it the next day. I don't even know how she knew I wanted it. She always wanted attention. I was on stage once and she stole my speech. I had to improvise. It was soooo embarrassing. She didn't even want my speech, she just didn't want me to have it. Then on my eighth birthday. She started to call me NINJA. Coz there was this thing that happened the day before and it didn't really end well. She also blew out MY candles and stole MY piece of cake. She didn't even get in trouble. So as you could probaly guess I was very happy when I moved to a place called Halloway Downs, which was in a Magical community. I lived there until I was nine. That equaled NO Tamalia Kaster. I was so happy.
Then we moved back NSW, but to a magical community. My parents didn't want to take any chcnces. And I never had to hear that annoying voice again.
Then ofcourse I got my letter. So here I am."

Family: Nadia’s family now due to unforeseen circumstances only consists of her father. Her whole family were killed in an accident just after she was sorted into her house. Her mother Sally was a very loving person. To her Nadia could do no wrong. She was Kind-hearted, Strong-willed, intelligent and a muggle. She married Nadia’s father when she was young because she had accidently fallen pregnant. In addition, unlike some mothers, she did everything in her power to make Nadia the happiest little girl in the world. Unfortunately now she is deceased.
Richard- Nadia’s father is a Pureblood ministry Official. He worked away from home alot, but still found time to spend with his family. He has a very bad relationship with his parents own magical family, as they disowned him for marrying a muggle.
Michael- (D) Michael was two years younger than Nadia. For the most part, they got along pretty well. While they did sometimes get on each other’s nerves, they were very close.
Baby Rebecca- (D) Nadia never got to meet Baby Rebecca, she was born after Nadia and her father moved to New Zealand.
Cousins Alice and June- Nadia do not really know all that much about her cousins. Except the fact that they are muggles.
Uncle Frank and Aunt Judy- As they have lived in New Zealand all of Nadia’s life, she really doesn’t know all that much about them either. They are her mother’s relatives. Judy is Sally’s sister.

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